Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (2024)

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Cookies made with Jell-o? That’s right! And these Jell-o cookies are not only fun to make, but a great recipe for kids just learning to bake.

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (1)

Table Of Contents

1Jello Cookies Recipe

1.1Ingredients for Jello Cookies

1.2How to make Jello Cookies

1.4Print the recipe for Jello Cookies

2Jello Cookies Recipe




2.4Did you make this recipe?

Jello Cookies Recipe

Always a big hit around here, and they are so bright and colorful that they add a fun touch to any event.

They have a real zingy taste to them, especially depending on what flavor of Jell-o that you select.

This recipe is SO easy, and my hubby and kids LOVE them!

Ingredients for Jello Cookies

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (2)

3/4 cup of butter (softened)
1 6oz. packet of Jell-O (I used raspberry) *for less color and flavor a 3oz packet will also work
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (3)

Note: I use (and love!) these silicone baking mats whenever I make cookies, they work so wonderfully and make cleanup a breeze! I also love using a cookie scoop tool for baking cookies, another little hack that makes baking so much easier!

How to make Jello Cookies

Mix the butter, jello, sugar and eggs together in mixing bowl.

Add in remaining ingredients.

Depending on your time frame, it isn’t necessary, but it might be easier to let them chill in the fridge for about 20 minutes.

Roll into balls (I like to use a small scoop) and drop them onto a cookie sheet.

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (4)

Bake for 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees.

*I recommend keeping a close eye on them as they brown quickly and you want to take them out just before they brown.

I will note that I have also baked these by pressing the dough balls down to flatten them before baking and they don’t turn our nearly as well, in my opinion.

They have a very “cakey” quality to them and smashing them down before baking seems to make them too dense.

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (5)

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (6)

Isn’t this Jello cookies recipe so much fun?

They are however, hard to photograph!

They are the brightest cookies I’ve ever seen and while they look so pretty in person, the camera has a very hard time figuring them out!

We’ve tried over and over again but the “brightness” of them, makes it really hard to capture a good photo.

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (7)

What flavor of Jell-O to use for these cookies?

Get creative!

The fun thing about Jello cookies is that you can literally make a rainbow of colors and they will all have a different flavor, depending on what type of Jell-O you use!

Sometimes the colors are very bright and vibrant and other times – depending on what flavor you use – they are more muted.

This is such a fun recipe and you never quite know what you’ll get until the baking is done!

Make sure to check out my other favorite cookie recipes, we’ve shared quite a few over the years!

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (8)

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (9)

Print the recipe for Jello Cookies

Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (10)

Jello Cookies Recipe

This is one of our favorite cookie recipes, so easy to make and yummy to eat! These cookies are made using Jell-O which not only gives them a tangy flavor but also a unique and bright coloring. This is a great recipe for kids who are just learning to bake and also a fun cookie treat to make for parties because the colors are so fun and vibrant!


  • 3/4 cup of butter (softened)
  • 1 6oz. packet of Jell-O (I used raspberry)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. salt


    Mix the butter, jello, sugar and eggs together in mixing bowl.

    Add in remaining ingredients.

    Depending on your time frame, it isn't necessary, but it might be easier to let them chill in the fridge for about 20 minutes.

    Roll into balls (I like to use a small scoop) and drop them onto a cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees.

    *I recommend keeping a close eye on them as they brown quickly and you want to take them out just before they brown.


I have also baked these by pressing the dough balls down to flatten them before baking and they don't turn our nearly as well, in my opinion. They have a very "cakey" quality to them and smashing them down before baking seems to make them too dense.

*for less flavor and color you can use a 3oz Jell-O packet. We like them both ways, the 3oz option definitely makes a more subtle cookie flavor/color.

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Easy to Make Jello Cookies Recipe (2024)


How to make jello step by step? ›

Whisk together 1 cup of hot water with 1 packet of jello in a large bowl. Add 1 cup of cold water to the mixture and whisk it in. Pour the mixture into a jello mold and add some fruit, if desired. Let the jello set in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours, then serve.

What is the secret to gooey cookies? ›

If you enjoy your cookies soft and chewy, chances are likely the recipe contains a common ingredient that serves a very specific purpose. No, it's not granulated sugar, nor the butter. It's not the egg, all-purpose flour, or even the vanilla extract. The simple, yet oh-so-necessary component is cornstarch.

How to make jello better? ›

It's important to use the right amount of water, as using too much or too little can affect the taste and texture of the Jell-O. Additionally, you can add fruit, whipped cream, or other ingredients to enhance the flavor.

How to make chewy vs crunchy cookies? ›

Remember moisture is the key! White sugar creates crispier cookies and brown sugar creates chewier cookies. Why use melted butter? Melted butter creates cookies with a different texture compared to cookies made with softened or creamed butter.

How to make a quick set of Jello? ›

Take Advantage Of Ice Cubes

She told me that to accelerate the cooling process, I must incorporate a few ice cubes into the Jello mixture. The ice crystals will help dissipate heat faster, promoting quicker solidification. Just remember not to go overboard; a handful of ice cubes should suffice.

What ingredient makes cookies more chewy? ›

Cornstarch helps product soft and thick cookies. Using more brown sugar than white sugar results in a moister, softer cookie. An extra egg yolk increases chewiness. Rolling the cookie dough balls to be tall and lumpy instead of wide and smooth gives the cookies a bakery-style textured thickness.

How do you make cookies soft and chewy? ›

Baking cookies quickly in a hot oven – at 375 degrees F as opposed to a lower temperature – will make for soft results. They'll bake fast instead of sitting and drying out in the oven's hot air. Ever so slightly underbaking your cookies will give you softer results than cooking them the full amount the recipe says.

What makes cookies soft and fluffy? ›

Baking soda

When added to dough, baking soda releases a carbon dioxide gas which helps leaven the dough, creating a soft, fluffy cookie. Baking soda is generally used in recipes that contain an acidic ingredient such as vinegar, sour cream or citrus.

What not to put in Jell-O? ›

Fruits That Ruin Jell-O
  1. pineapple - bromelain.
  2. kiwi - actinidin.
  3. figs - ficain.
  4. papaya - papain.
  5. pawpaw - papain.
  6. mango.
  7. guava.
  8. ginger root.
May 8, 2019

Why do you put vinegar in Jell-O? ›

Entire cookbooks were devoted to lime Jell-O, according to Belluscio, often instructing cooks to add a tablespoon of vinegar to cut the sweetness when using flavored gelatins in savory vegetable salads.

What thickens Jell-O? ›

Pectin. Pectin is a mucilaginous substance (gummy substance extracted from plants), occurring naturally in pears, apples, quince, oranges, and other citrus fruits. It is used as the gelling agent in traditional jams and jellies.

What does brown sugar do in cookies? ›

Brown sugar, meanwhile, is dense and compacts easily, creating fewer air pockets during creaming—that means that there's less opportunity to entrap gas, creating cookies that rise less and spread more. With less moisture escaping via steam, they also stay moist and chewy.

Does baking soda or baking powder make cookies chewy? ›

Baking soda is typically used for chewy cookies, while baking powder is generally used for light and airy cookies. Since baking powder is comprised of a number of ingredients (baking soda, cream of tartar, cornstarch, etc.), using it instead of pure baking soda will affect the taste of your cookies.

What is the ratio of water to gelatin in Jello? ›

Use 1 envelope (1 tablespoon or 1/4 ounce) unflavored gelatin to 2 cups of water for standard firmness. Decrease or increase water or other liquid for your particular needs. One (3-ounce) package of flavored, sweetened gelatin needs 2 cups of water.

How do you make Jell O from the box? ›

Dissolve the gelatin mix in 3/4 cup boiling water. Add ice cubes to 1/2 cup cold water to make 1 1/4 cups. Stir the cold water into the gelatin until it's slightly thickened. Then just remove any unmelted ice cubes, and refrigerate the Jello mixture for 30 to 90 minutes, or until firm.

Do you use hot or cold water to make jello? ›

The reason gelatin needs cold water has to do with its gel-forming properties. When gelatin is mixed with hot water, the proteins can clump together, forming lumps that are difficult to dissolve. This is because the heat causes the proteins to denature, or change shape, which can prevent them from forming a smooth gel.

How to make gelatin at home? ›

Pour two packets of unflavored gelatin over 1 cup (225 milliliters) of juice. Boil 3 cups (675 milliliters) of juice, then pour it over the gelatin-juice. Stir until the gelatin is dissolved and everything is combined. Pour the gelatin into molds.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.