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• Employee Management

• Leave Management

•Payroll Management

• Payslip Generation

• Activities


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Provide your valid username and password to login to your Business Solution

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This is the home page, the charts give you the summary of leaves and you also find quick links to payroll, employee information, leaves/loan requests and employee head count.

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The default settings to be done before you start using the application is done here.

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•The basic information of the company can be managed in using Basic Info link in Setting Menu.•The financial year for which the application is being used is also set here.•If the Company has any branches, you can manage it by clicking on the Branch Info link available.

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•To add Pay grades click on Paygrades link in the Settings Menu, now click on Add Grade link• Provide the basic information like pay grade name, minimum basic salary, maximum basic salary , minimum and maximum loan amount and save the pay grade.

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•To edit Pay grades click on Paygrades link in the Settings Menu, now click on Edit Grade link• Select the grade you want to edit, modify the data and click on save button.

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•To delete Pay grades click on Paygrades link in the Settings Menu, now click on Delete Grade link•Click on the Delete Image to delete a grade.

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•Click on Paygrades link in the Settings Menu to add allowances or deductions to a selected grade•You can also edit or delete a allowance or deduction.

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•Click on Departments & Designations link in the Settings Menu to add departments or designations•You can also edit or delete a departments or designations•Superior designation can also be managed here.

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•Click on Employee link in the Settings Menu to add Employee Series•To set series for each employee type and also the format of employee code click on Add Series button., you can also assign status depending on Employee Series.

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•Click on Bank link in the Settings Menu to add Bank Details of the Company•If the Company is having any Branches then we can set bank details for each branch separately.

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•Click on Employee link in the Settings Menu to add Employee Series•Here we download sample excel file , then upload file for Tax settings with appropriate data.

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•Click on Approval link in the Settings Menu to add Approval heads for employee requests like leave, loans, resignations, etc.

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Click on Loan link in the Settings Menu to add loan settingsThis screen allows you to see all details of the loans given to employees .You can also add new loan by clicking on Add Loan button and depending on interest types and interest rates .You can also edit existing loans by clicking on Edit Loan Button.

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Click on SMS link in the Settings Menu, to define SMS API settings so that you can be able to send SMS through the application

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Click on Password link in the Settings Menu to reset the password for Super Admin and Admin.

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This is the home page for employees, here we can view all employees present in a company and also search a particular employee by his name or code or department wise. By clicking on Add Employee button we can add a new employee by entering his basic details.

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We can view particular employee details in detailed by clicking on employee name. This screen consists of basic information of that particular employee and can also edit the information by clicking on Edit Button

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This screen will be displayed by clicking on Qualification details.Here we add Employee Qualification details by clicking on Add Qualification button. We can also edit and delete the existing qualification details .

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This Screen will be displayed by clicking on Address link.This screen mainly consists of three tabs, 1)Present2)Permanent3)ContactFor gathering the Contact information of employee. we can also edit the contact information.

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This screen will be displayed by clicking on Bank Details .It is used for gathering bank details of the particular employee. We can also edit the Bank Details.

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This screen will be displayed by clicking on PF details .It is used for gathering PF details of the employee.we can also edit PF details by clicking on edit button.

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This screen will be displayed by clicking on Resignation Details .It is used for gathering Resignation Details of employee. We can also edit Resignation details by clicking on edit button.

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This Screen will be displayed by clicking on Category Information . It consists of category information of employee.

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This screen will be displayed by clicking on Previous Employment History . This consists of Employees previous working details.Here we enter new employee history by clicking on Add Employee History. we can also edit history details by clicking on Edit Button, and also delete history by clicking on delete button .

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This Screen appears by clicking on Payroll Link. Here we set Grade and Salary of an Employee. It displays the Allowances and deductions based on the grades.

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Leaves Management

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Leave Types:

The Leave types screen will be displayed by clicking on Leaves Tab or on Leaves Types link.

This Screen consists of Leave Types and their respective codes the company provided for its employees.

You can add new leave type or edit already existing leave type by clicking on add button and edit button respectively.

You can also delete existing leave type by clicking on delete button.You can check or uncheck whether Carry forward option Is applicable to that particular Leave type or not

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Leave Types Screen:

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It displays calendar with holidays. You can get the information about the holidays, and the number of leaves taken by

employees in that month.


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You can also add or delete holidays by clicking on check boxes present in calendar.

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After entering values click on save button it is added to holidays in calendar.

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This screen will be displayed by clicking on Leaves link.It contains number of holidays available for each grade you can also modify it by clicking on Edit button.


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Today’s Leaves:

This screen will be displayed by clicking on Today’s Leaves link.It Contains list of employees on leave on selected date.Mark Absentees by clicking on Mark Absentees link.Leave has to be approved by respective approval head of the employee and then it will be displayed in this screen.

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Leave Summary:

This Screen will be displayed by clicking on Leaves Summary linkIt contains list of employees present in your companyYou can also search employees with their name or code by entering it in textbox.By clicking on any employee name below screen will be displayed.

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It displays available leaves and used leaves for employee.Graphical representation of employee leaves for every month.

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Payroll for a selected month is processed here, all you have to do is just click on Process Payroll button. Once you click on Lock payroll button you will not be able to make further changes to the processed payroll.

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To view pay slips, select the employees and click on the download button

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This is the sample pay slip, you can also view multiple pay slips by selecting multiple employees in the View Pay Slips screen.

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In Activities menu we have option to send mails. For sending mails we have 3 options•Group Mail (Used to send mail to selected employees)•Mail to All (Used to send mail to all the employees)•Department wise mails (Used to send mail to employees in a particular department)

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In Activities menu we have option to send SMS. For sending SMS we have 3 options•Group SMS(Used to send SMS to selected employees)•SMS to All (Used to send SMS to all the employees)•Department wise mails (Used to send SMS to employees in a particular department)

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In Promotion Requests screen you will be able to raise promotion requests. Employees who are eligible for promotions will be displayed, among them the manager can raise request to promote selected employees.

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In Promotion Approvals screen you will be able to see promotion requests. Click on Approve or Reject button to update the request. If Approved you be asked for Promoted date, Promoted designation and department.

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This screen represents the salary report for an particular employee that is selected. We can even print the salary report of an particular employee.

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This screen represents the print of the salary report for an particular employee that is selected.

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This screen represents the yearly salary report of the company. we can even take print of the yearly salary report.

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This screen represents print of the yearly salary report of the company

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This screen represents the employee personal report where we can select employee and what information to be generated in the report.

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Thank You

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 5892

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.