How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (2024)


This topic contains the entire process of generating e-Invoices in TallyPrime along with the setup required for the same. You will also get to know how to use e-Invoicing reports in TallyPrime.

If your company or organisation is in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), then you must already begenerating e-Invoices using TallyPrimeand archiving them, as per the regulations byZakat, Tax and Customs Authority(ZATCA)for e-Invoice Generation Phase 1.According to the latest communication from ZATCA, it is mandatory to integrate your e-Invoicing solution provider such as TallyPrime with the Fatoora portal or the e-Invoice System,sothat you start generating e-Invoices online. The e-Invoice Integration Phasebecame effective from the 1st ofJanuary, 2023.

TallyPrime takes care of all your e-Invoicing requirements.All you need to do is register on the e-Invoice System orFatoora portal and authenticate your organisation.With an active Tally license, valid TSS, active VAT registration and VAT no.,you have all the necessary entities to create e-Invoice Login Credentials. You just have to fill up a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) form and generate an OTP on the e-Invoice System,andgenerate the e-Invoice Login Credentials.Thereafter, you can set up TallyPrime with all the e-Invoicing requirements such asCommercial Registration Number (CRN),Momrah License (MOM), MHRSD License, and others.

That’s it! You are all set to start creating e-Invoices forall the vouchers applicable for e-Invoicing.

This topic takes you through the entire procedureof e-Invoicingright from setting up TallyPrime,includingall the information necessary to have in your Company for e-Invoice integration. You will also understand the information you need to enter underF11(Company Features) along with the process of creating the e-Invoice Login Credentials. Furthermore, you will know the process of updating voucher types for seamless e-Invoicing.

Additionally, you will gain knowledge about the entire workflow of online e-Invoice generation ore-Invoice Integration Phasefor a single e-Invoice and multiple e-Invoices, as needed.

What’s more, TallyPrime provides you with an e-Invoice report to gain information about the e-Invoice status of all the vouchers,so that you can take the necessary actions to generation e-Invoices.

TallyPrime Edit Log to track modifications in data for e-Invoicing

As per the guidelines by ZATCA, the vouchers for which e-Invoices are generated cannot be deleted or modified, and you cannot cancel them either.Modifications or changesneed to be done only through the process of Credit/Debit note.

Tally KSA e-Invoiceadd-onhas been designed to avoid accidental modifications or deletions of e-invoice generated transactions from the application. However, there may be several scenarios or ways in which your data can go through undesired modifications. If you are using TallyPrime Edit Log, then it will highlight the fact that there was a possible attempt of data tampering, if any such attempt has been done under any scenario. Detection of data tampering is guaranteed if you are using TallyPrime Edit Log.

Using TallyPrime Edit Log with Tally KSA e-Invoiceadd-onenables you to enforce a process for detection in case of any deviation. TallyPrime Edit Log is recommended as you can follow the process.

Set Up for e-Invoice IntegrationPhase

Setting upTallyPrime Edit Logfor e-Invoice Integration Phase involvesthreemajor steps – specifying the necessary details in the Company, generating e-Invoice Login Credentials, and then specifying the e-Invoicing details underF11(Company Features), as you enable e-Invoice Integration.

In this section:

  • Specify necessary information in Company
  • Create e-Invoice Login Credentials
  • Specify e-Invoicing Details

Specify necessary information in Company

To start e-Invoicing for a Company, you will need to ensure that the information such as telephone number, mobile number, and e-mail ID is specified in the Company.

You can specify the information at the time of either Company creation or alteration.

  1. PressAlt+K(Company) >Alterand pressEnter.
  2. SpecifyTelephone,Mobile, andE-mail.
    These details are necessary to generate or renew e-Invoice Login Credentials for your Company.
    A samplecompany with all the necessary information appears as shown below:
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (2)

Generate e-Invoice LoginCredentials

Once you enable e-Invoice Integration Phase underF11(Company Features), you can generate e-Invoice Login Credentials for e-Invoice integration.

Before you go on to generate e-Invoice Login Credentials for your Company, you need to have your e-Invoice System or Fatoora portal credentials ready. This is because you will need to generate an OTP on theFatoora portalto generate e-Invoice Login Credentials in TallyPrime.

  1. PressF11(Company Features) >setEnable Value Added Tax (VAT)toYesand pressEnter.
    TheVAT Detailsscreen appears.
  2. Specify the details related to VAT registration.
    1. VRN Type: Company Registration or Headquarter Registration, based on the registration of your Company.
    2. VAT No.: VAT registration number of your Company.
    3. Registration Date: Date on which your Company had registered for VAT.
    4. Periodicity: Periodicity of your VAT returns.
  3. Specify the applicability of e-Invoice Integration Phase.
    1. e-Invoice Integration Phase:Yes.
      Once you enablee-Invoice Integration Phase, you cannot disable it.
    2. Applicable from: The date from which e-Invoice Integration Phase is applicable to your Company.
    3. PressEnter.
      Thee-Invoice Login Credentialsscreen appears.
  4. PressG(Generate).
    TheCertificate Signing Request Formappears.
  5. Specify the details in theCertificate Signing Request Form, as needed.
    1. Company Name: As per the name in this Company data.
    2. CompanyVAT Number: As per the VAT No.specified in the Company.
    3. Organisation Unit: Prefilled based on your Tally license details and VAT No.
    4. TIN:Taxpayer Identification Number, as per your VAT registration.
      You can change it, if needed.
    5. SelectInvoice Type, as applicable.
      1. Simplified Invoice: If your Company has only B2C transactions.
      2. Standard Invoice: If your Company has only B2B transactions.
      3. Simplified and Standard Invoice: If your Company has B2C and B2B transactions.
    6. Industry Name: The name of your industry, such as Automobile, Oil & Gas, or other, as applicable.
  6. Generate an OTP on the e-Invoice Systemand enter itinthe OTP field.
    1. Log into thee-Invoice System or Fatoora portaland generate an OTP.

      If you are not logged in to the e-Invoice System and want to generate e-Invoice Login credentials later, then you can press Ctrl+Ato save the details.

    2. Enter the OTP and pressEnter.
      The CSR Form with all the necessary details appears as shown below:
  7. Send the CSR Form after saving:Yes.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (3)
  8. PressYto submit the details.

Once e-Invoice Login Credentials are generated,you receive an e-mail on your registered e-mail ID along with an e-Invoice Certificate, which also gets stored in your Company folder.

It is importantto note that for a particular set of VAT No. and Mailing Name of the Company, you can generate a unique set of e-Invoice Login Credentials. If you try to generate e-Invoice Login Credentials against a VAT No. in a different Company, then you will get an error that e-Invoice Login Credentials already exist for the VAT No.

If the Company’s VAT No. and Mailing Name are same as the one in which you had generated e-Invoice Login Credentials, then you can restore e-Invoice Login Credentials in the Company.

To know how to do it, refer to theRestore e-Invoicing Detailssection in theGenerate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase)topic.

Renew e-invoice Login Credentials

There may be a situation when your e-Invoice Login Credentials are expired. In such a case, you need to renew the credentials.

In TallyPrime, you can do so in a matter of seconds. You will need to specify the information necessary for generating the e-Invoice Login Credentials, as needed.

  1. In theThee-Invoice Login Credentialsscreen, pressR(Renew).
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (4)
    TheCertificate Signing Request Formappears.
  2. Send the CSR Form after saving:Yes.
  3. PressYto submit the details for renewal.
    The details get renewed.

View e-Invoice Integration (History)

With e-Invoice Integration Phase (History), you can quickly gain information about the onboarding and e-Invoice Login Credentials renewal details. You can gain information such asdate on which you had issued or renewed the e-Invoice Login Credentials and the Revocation Date, ifapplicable.

You can always view the CSR details such as Country name, Company name, TIN, and others.

  1. PressF11(Company Features) > setEnable Value Added Tax (VAT)toYesand pressEnter.
    TheVAT Detailsscreen appears.
  2. PressCtrl+I(More Details) >e-Invoice Integration Phase (History).
    A samplee-Invoice Integration Phase (History)appears as shown below:

    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (5)

View CSR Details

e-Invoice Integration Phase (History) enables you to view the CSR Details filled at any point in the history of your e-Invoicing journey – be it while generating e-Invoice Login Credentials, renewal, or revocation.

  • In the e-Invoice Integration Phase (History), setView CSR DetailstoYes.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (6)

Revoke e-Invoice Login Credentials

You may need to revoke your e-Invoice Login Credentials in the following scenarios:

  • You want to generate new e-Invoice Login Credentialsfor another e-Invoicing solution or software.
  • You want to renew the details such as TIN, Invoice Type, or any other filled in the CSR form.
  • You might have accidentallyrevoked your e-Invoice Login Credentials from the e-Invoice System.
    In such cases, you need to revoke the e-Invoice Login Credentials in TallyPrime. Moreover, if you revoke your e-Invoice Login Credentials in TallyPrime, then you will also need to revoke it on the e-Invoice System.

It is important to know that if yourevoke the e-Invoice Login Credentials in TallyPrime or on the e-Invoice System or both, then you will not be able to generate e-Invoices.

Furthermore, if you need new e-Invoice Login Credentials, then it is mandatory to revoke it in TallyPrime and on the e-Invoice System.

  1. PressF11(Company Features) > setEnable Value Added Tax (VAT)toYesand pressEnter.
    TheVAT Detailsscreen appears.
  2. PressCtrl+I(More Details) >e-Invoice Integration Phase (History)and pressEnter.
  3. PressCtrl+R(Revoke Credentials).
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (7)
    A confirmation message appears.
  4. PressYto continue.
    A confirmation message appears.
  5. PressY.
    The e-Invoice Login Credentials getrevoked, and a message appears on the screen.

Restore e-Invoicing Details in AnotherCompany

If you have maintained a different Company with the same MailingNameand VAT No., then you can easily restore the e-Invoicing details in the Company.

You will also need to restore the e-Invoicing Details after you renew e-Invoice Login Credentials or revoke them and create a new set of credentials.

All you need to do is copy the e-Invoice Certificate file from one Company to another Company with thesamename and VAT no.,andthen restore the e-Invoicing details in the recipient Company.

Moreover, in the Company,e-Invoice Integration Phase applicablemust be set asYes in the Company, but you do not have to generate the credentials because you are going to restore the e-Invoicing details.

  1. Copythe e-Invoice Certificate file from the source Company folder.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (8)
  2. Pastethe e-Invoice Certificate file in the folder of theCompany in whichyou want to restore e-Invoicing Details.
  3. PressF1(Help) >Troubleshooting>Restore e-Invoicing Detailsand pressEnter.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (9)
    The e-Invoicing Details get restored.

Specify e-Invoicing Details

You need to provide the necessary e-Invoicing details to generate e-Invoices online using TallyPrime. If you do not provide the necessary details, including the address in local language, then the vouchers get rejected by the e-Invoice System.

  1. PressF11(Company Features) >setEnable Value Added Tax (VAT)toYesand pressEnter.
    TheVAT Detailsscreen appears.
  2. PressCtrl+I(More Details) >e-Invoicing Detailsand pressEnter.
    Thee-Invoicing Detailsscreen appears.
  3. Specify the official details of your Company.
    1. Commercial Registration No. (CRN): The CRN is a 10-digit number that can be found in the top left corner of the commercial registration certificate.
    2. Momrah License No.: The identification number of the license provided byThe Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing.
    3. MLSD License No.: The identification number of the license provided byThe Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
    4. MISA License No.: The identification number of the license provided byThe Ministry of Investment.
    5. 700 No.: This is applicable if your Company is adefenceinstitution or organization.
    6. Specify detailsofOther ID.
      1. Other ID (Specify Name): The nameofOther IDsuch as Driving License, Passport, or other, as applicable.
      2. ID No.: The identification number of theOther ID.
        How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (10)
    7. UnderCompany Address, enterBuilding No.,City, andDistrict.
    8. PressCtrl+Ato save the e-Invoicing Details.
  4. In theVAT Detailsscreen,specifythe address in local language.
    1. Address in Local Language:Yes.
    2. Enter your address in Arabic and pressCtrl+Ato save.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (11)
  5. PressCtrl+Ato save the e-Invoicing details.

Alter Voucher Types for e-Invoicing

You need to alter voucher types, so that you can generate e-Invoices for the vouchers. e-Invoicing is applicable to Sales, PoS Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note, and Receipt voucher types.

As you enable e-Invoicing for the Voucher Type, the defaultMethod of Voucher Numberingwill get set toAutomatic (Manual Override). Furthermore, you will not be able to create multiple e-Invoices for a specific voucher number. This is because ZATCA does not allow you to create e-Invoices for repeated voucher numbers. Only one e-Invoice can be generated against avoucher number.

If you are creating a Voucher Class under a specific voucher type, then you have the flexibility to enable e-Invoicing in the same.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go) >Alter Master>Voucher Type> type or select the name of the Voucher Type and pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Alter>Master>Voucher Type> type or select the name of the Voucher Type and pressEnter.
    You can select any other Voucher Type for which e-Invoicing is applicable.
  2. Allow e-Invoicing:Yes.
    TheMethod of Voucher Numberinggets set toAutomatic (Manual Override).
  3. Prevent creating duplicate Voucher Nos.:Yes.
  4. Enter the Prefix or Suffix Details.
    1. Set/Alter additional numbering details:Yes.
      1. UnderPrefix Details, enter theApplicable Fromdate and enter the preferredPrefix.
        If you prefer to specify a suffix, then underSuffix Details, enter theApplicable Fromdate and enter the preferredSuffix.
        This ensures that all the voucher numbers are unique.
        How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (12)
    2. PressCtrl+Ato save the details.
      A sample sales voucher type with all the necessary details appears as shown below:
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (13)

In a similar way, you need to allow e-Invoicing for Debit Note, Credit Note, and Receipt voucher types.

Alter Ledger for e-Invoicing

For the successful generation of an e-Invoice, it is mandatory to provide some specific details of the party for whom you are recording transactions.

The following details of the party are mandatory:

  • Mailing details, asper theparty’s official address.
    ZATCA also requires the mailing details of the buyer in Arabic.
  • National ID is required if taxability iszero-rated and category code reason is

    • Private Healthcare for Citizens
    • Qualifying Metals
  • VAT Registration Details including registration type and VAT no.
    You can alsomentionthe date of registration, if needed.

Apart from the aforementioned details, you can provide Buyer ID details such as National ID, Tax Identification Number (TIN), Momra License (MOM), or others, as needed.

Once you have all the details of the buyer, you can enter the details in the respective ledger.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Alter Master>Ledger> type or select the name of the party ledger and pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Alter>Master>Ledger> type or select the name of the Ledger and pressEnter.
  2. Specify theBuilding No.,City,District,Region,Country,PO Box, andPin Code.
  3. Specifythe Buyer ID Details.
    1. Buyer ID Details:Yes.
      TheBuyer Additional Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Specify only one of the buyer ID details.
    3. PressCtrl+Ato save.
  4. Specify the address in local language.
    1. Mailing details in local language:Yes.
    2. Enter the address inArabic.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (14)
    3. PressCtrl+Ato save.
  5. Under VAT Registration Details, specify the required details.
    1. Registration type:RegisteredorUnregistered, as applicable.
    2. Date of VAT registration: The date on which the Company had registered for VAT.
    3. VAT No.: The Company VAT registration number.
    4. VRN Type:Company RegistrationorHeadquarter Registration, based on the nature of registration.
      A sample party ledger with all the necessary details appears as shown below:How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (15)

View Mailing Details (History)

The mailing details of a party can keep changing, and you will need to update the party ledger with the latest mailing details. You can always view thehistory ofmailing details along with the dates from which they became applicable.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Alter Master>Ledger> type or select ledger and pressEnter.
  2. PressCtrl+I(More Details) >Mailing Details (History)and pressEnter.

A sampleMailing Details (History)appears as shown below:

How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (16)

Alter Stock Items for e-Invoicing

As per the regulations by ZATCA, for the successful generation of e-Invoices, you need to provide Stock Item alias in Arabic.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Alter Master>Stock Item> type or select the name of the Stock Item and pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Alter>Master>Stock Item> type or select the name of the Stock Item and pressEnter.
  2. Enable language aliases or name.
    1. PressF12(Configure) > setProvide language aliases or NametoYes.
    2. PressCtrl+Ato save the setting.
  3. UnderStock Item Name, enter the name of the stock item in Arabic.
  4. PressCtrl+Ato save the stock item.

A sample stock item with thenamespecified in Arabic appears as shown below:

How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (17)

Generate e-Invoice Online

Once you specify all the necessary details in the masters, you are all set to generate e-Invoices online usingTallyPrime. The productgives you the flexibility to generate e-Invoices at the time of voucher creation or later, as per your business requirement. You may want to generate e-Invoices for multiple vouchers at the end of the day. You can do so too.

It is important to note that you need togenerate e-Invoices for B2B transactionsas a part of voucher creation, as the e-Invoice System requires B2B e-Invoices to be generated in real time.

On the other hand, you can generate e-Invoices for B2C transactions within 24 hours of creating the voucher.

Generate e-Invoicefora single Sales invoice

For sales of goods or services, TallyPrime enables e-Invoice generation as an integral part of the voucher creation process. All you need to do is specify the party details andadd the stock items or service ledgers, as applicable to the transaction.

Once you generate an e-Invoice for a specific voucher, you can view it only in the display mode.

  1. Open theSales Voucherin theItem Invoicemode.
    1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Create Voucher> pressF8(Sales).
      Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Vouchers> pressF8(Sales).
    2. PressCtrl+H(Change Mode) > selectItem Invoice.
      Note: If you are recording the invoice for the sales of service with a service ledger, then you can create the invoice in the Accounting Invoice mode.
  2. Specify the buyer details.
    1. Party A/c name: SelectCashorBankfor cash sales and the party name for creditsales,and pressEnter.
      You can create the Party A/c on the fly by pressingAlt+C.
      TheDispatch Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Dispatch Details: Enter theDispatch Details, as needed,andpressEnter.
      ThePartyDetailsscreen appears.
    3. Party Details: Details such asBuilding No.andAdditional No.are prefilled, based on the information specified in the party ledger.
      You can update the buyer details while recording the transaction, as needed, and print the same in the invoice.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (18)
    4. Mailing details in local language:Yes.
      The address is prefilled in Arabic, based on the information provided in the party ledger.
    5. As always, you can pressCtrl+Ato save.
  3. Enter thestockitem details.
    1. Name of Item: Select the stock item.
      In case you do not see the required item in the list, you can create the stock item on the fly by pressingAlt+C.
    2. SpecifyQuantityandRateand pressEnter.
      The Amount gets calculated and theAccounting Detailsscreen appears.
  4. Specify the accounting details, if applicable.
    1. Select the Sales ledger in which VAT details are specified.
    2. PressCtrl+Ato save.
  5. Select the VAT ledger.
    VAT is calculated based on the VAT rates defined in the salesledgeror stock items.
  6. Specify thee-Invoice details.
    1. Show e-Invoice details:Yes.
      Thee-Invoice Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Specify theAdvance Amount, if you had received an advance from your customer.
      TheAmount Duegets calculated.
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  7. Provide other necessary detailssuchas Narration and Bill-wise Details, asneeded.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (20)
  8. PressCtrl+Ato save the sales invoice.
  9. PressYto generate e-Invoice.
    The e-Invoice gets generated.
    If it is a B2C invoice, then you can generate the e-Invoice later.
  10. Print the invoice.
    1. In the sales voucher, pressCtrl+P.
      Alternatively, pressAlt+P(Print) >Current.
    2. Configure the print forbilingualinvoice.
      1. PressC(Configure).
      2. UnderPrint Type, selectBilingual.
      3. PressCtrl+Ato save the configuration.
    3. PressI(Preview) to check the invoice before printing, if needed.
    4. PressP(Print) to print the invoice.

A preview of a sample invoice with all the e-Invoice details including the QR code appears as shown below:

How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (21)

In a similar way, you can generate an e-Invoice for PoS invoice.

View e-Invoice Details

Once the e-Invoice is generated, the information related to e-Invoice gets stored in the voucher. You can view the e-Invoice details, whenever required.

Open the voucher in the VoucherDisplay Mode.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go) > type or selectDay Bookand pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of TallyPrime>Day Bookand pressEnter.
  2. Select the voucher and pressAlt+Enter.

A sample voucher with all the e-Invoice Details appears as shown below:

How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (22)

Generate e-Invoice for Advance Receipt

When you receive an advance amount from your customer against a specific sales order, you will need to generate an e-Invoice for the same.When you allow e-Invoicing for a Receipt Voucher Type, the default voucher when you open a receipt will be an advance receipt. You can maintain a separate voucher type to create normal receipts.

It is important to note the following:

  • You can generate an e-Invoice only for an advance receipt and not a normal receipt.
  • You must record an advance receipt for only one party at a time and one line item.
  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Create Voucher> pressF6(Receipt).
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Voucher>pressF6(Receipt).
    Since e-Invoice is enabled for the Receipt Voucher Type, the default voucher is an Advance Receipt.
  2. UnderAccount, select the cash or bank accountfrom theList of Ledger Accounts.
  3. UnderParticulars, select the party.
    TheAdvance Receipt Detailsscreen appears.
  4. Specify the advance receipt details.
    1. Nature of Transaction: Select from theNatures of Transaction, as applicable.
    2. VAT Rate: Enter the tax rate.
    3. Advance Amount: Enter the advance amount received from the customer.
    4. Taxable Value: The system will take the taxable value, based on the ledger.
    5. Tax Amount: It gets calculated based on the Taxable Value and VAT Rate.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (23)
    6. PressCtrl+Ato accept the screen.
  5. Specify the e-Invoice details.
    1. Show e-Invoice details:Yes.
      Thee-Invoice Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Advance Amount:Skip this field, as it is not applicable forthe voucher.
      TheAmount Duegets calculated.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (24)
  6. Provide the Bill-wise Details.
    1. PressEnteron the final Amount.
    2. UnderType of Ref, selectAdvance.
    3. PressCtrl+Ato save theBill-wise Details.
  7. Provide other necessary details,as needed, andpressCtrl+Ato save.
  8. PressYto generate e-Invoice.
    The e-Invoice gets generated.
  9. Print the invoice.
    1. In the advance receipt voucher, pressCtrl+P.
      Alternatively, pressAlt+P(Print) >Current.
    2. Configure the print for bilingual invoice.
      1. PressC(Configure).
      2. UnderPrint Type, selectBilingual.
      3. PressCtrl+Ato save the configuration.
    3. PressI(Preview) to check the voucher before printing, if needed.
    4. PressP(Print) to print the voucher.

A preview of a sample advance receipt voucher with all the e-Invoice details including the QR code appears as shown below:

How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (25)

Adjust advance received in Sales invoice

When you receive an advance amount from your customer, you can adjust it in the sales invoice. You can do so by mentioning the Amount Due as the differential amount pending to be received from your customer against a specific sales order.

To do so, follow the steps togeneratean e-Invoice for a single invoicewith the following changes:

  1. Specify e-Invoice details.
    1. Show e-Invoice details:Yes.
      Thee-Invoice Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Specify theAdvance Amountreceived from your customer.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (26)
      TheAmount Duegets calculated.
  2. Provide the Bill-wise Details.
    1. PressEnteron the final Amount.
    2. UnderType of Ref, selectAgst Ref.
    3. Select the Advance Amount from thePending Bills.
    4. Specify theAmountof advance received.
    5. Specify the differential amount as a New Ref.
      1. UnderType of Ref, selectNew Ref.
      2. Specify the difference between the Invoice Amount and the Advance Amount.
        How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (27)
    6. PressCtrl+Ato save the Bill-wise Details.
  3. PressCtrl+Ato save the voucher.
  4. PressYto generate the e-Invoice.

A preview of a sample sales invoice in which the amount of advance received is adjusted appears as shown below:

How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (28)

Generate e-Invoice for Credit Note

In case of sales returns, you will record a credit note for your customer. You need to generate an e-Invoice for a credit note with the correct reason for return.

  1. Open theCredit NoteinItem Invoicemode.
    1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Create Voucher> pressF10(Other Vouchers) > type or selectCredit Note> and pressEnter.
      Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Vouchers> pressF10(Other Vouchers) > type or selectCredit Note> and pressEnter.
    2. PressCtrl+H(Change Mode) > selectItem Invoice.
      Note: If you are recording the credit note against the sales of a service with a service ledger, then you can create the credit note in theAccounting Invoice mode.
  2. Specify the buyer details.
    1. Party A/c name: Select therecipient of the goods and pressEnter.
      TheReceipt Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Receipt Details:Enter theReceipt Details, as needed.
      UnderOriginal Invoice Details,specifytheOriginal Invoice No.andDateof the original sales transaction against which you are recording a sales returnand pressEnter.
      TheParty Detailsscreen appears.
    3. Party Details: Specify the buyer details, as needed.
  3. Enter the stock item details.
    1. Name of Item: Select the stock item that you have received as a sales return.
    2. Specify theQuantityandRate.
      TheAccounting Detailsscreen appears.
  4. Specify the accounting details, as applicable.
    1. Select the Sales ledger in which VAT details are specified.
    2. PressCtrl+Ato save.
  5. Select the VAT ledger.
  6. Specify the e-Invoice details.
    1. Show e-Invoice details:Yes.
      Thee-Invoice Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Advance Amount: Skip this field, as it is not applicable forthe voucher.
      TheAmount Duegets calculated.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (29)
  7. Specify theVAT details.
    1. Provide VAT details:Yes.
      TheVAT Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Original Invoice No.: The voucher no. of the sales invoice against which you are creating the credit note.
    3. Date: The voucher date of the original invoice.
    4. Reason for Return: Select the appropriate reason for the sales return and pressEnter.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (30)
    5. PressCtrl+Ato save the screen.
  8. Provide other necessary details, as needed,andpressCtrl+Ato save.
  9. PressYto generate e-Invoice.
    The e-Invoice gets generated.
  10. Print the Credit Note.
    1. In the Credit Note voucher, pressCtrl+P.
      Alternatively, pressAlt+P(Print) >Current.
    2. Configure the print for bilingual invoice.
      1. PressC(Configure).
      2. UnderPrint Type, selectBilingual.
      3. PressCtrl+Ato save the configuration.
    3. PressI(Preview) to check the voucher before printing, if needed.
    4. PressP(Print) to print the voucher.

A preview of a sample credit note with all the e-Invoice details including the QR code appears as shown below:

How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (31)

Generate e-Invoice for Debit Note

In case of purchase returns, you will record a credit note for your seller. You need to generate an e-Invoice for a credit note with the correct reason for return.

  1. Gateway of Tally>Vouchers> pressF10(Other Vouchers) > type or selectDebit Note> and pressEnter.
    Alternatively, pressAlt+G(Go To) >Create Voucher> pressF10(Other Vouchers) > type or selectDebit Note> and pressEnter.
  2. PressCtrl+H(Change Mode) to select the required voucher mode (Item Invoice, in this case).
    1. Party A/c Name: Select the party name.
    2. Party Details: Provide the Supplier details. You can also provide theReceipt or Order detailsas per your invoice requirements. You can also enter theOriginal Invoice No.andDate, against which this purchase return is being recorded.
      If you do not see theParty Detailsscreen with options forOriginal Invoice No.andDate, pressF12(Configure), and setProvide Dispatch, Order, and Export/Import detailstoYes.
    3. As always, pressCtrl+Ato save and proceed.
  3. Provide the stock item details.
    1. Select the stock item.
    2. Enter theQuantity. TheRatewill be auto-filled, based on the rate entered in the previous transaction. However, you may choose to update theRate. The Amount appears automatically.
      TheAccounting Detailsscreen appears.
  4. Specify the accounting details, as applicable.
    1. Select the Purchaseledger in which VAT details are specified.
    2. PressCtrl+Ato save.
  5. Select the VAT ledger.
  6. Specify the e-Invoice details.
    1. Show e-Invoice details:Yes.
      Thee-Invoice Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Advance Amount: Skip this field, as it is not applicable forthe voucher.
      TheAmount Duegets calculated.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (32)
  7. Specify VAT details.
    1. Provide VAT details:Yes.
      TheVAT Detailsscreen appears.
    2. Original Invoice No.: The voucher no. of the purchasevoucher against which you are creating the debit note.
    3. Date: The voucher date of the original invoice.
    4. Reason for Return: Select the appropriate reason for the purchase return and pressEnter.
      How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (33)
    5. PressCtrl+Ato save the screen.
  8. Provide other necessary details, as needed,andpressCtrl+Ato save.
  9. PressYto generate e-Invoice.
    The e-Invoice gets generated.
  10. Print the Debit Note.
    1. In the Debit Note voucher, pressCtrl+P.
      Alternatively, pressAlt+P(Print) >Current.
    2. Configure the print for bilingual invoice.
      1. PressC(Configure).
      2. UnderPrint Type, selectBilingual.
      3. PressCtrl+Ato save the configuration.
    3. PressI(Preview) to check the voucher before printing, if needed.
    4. PressP(Print) to print the voucher.

A preview of a sample debit note with all the e-Invoice details including the QR code appears as shown below:

How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (34)

Generate e-Invoices for multiple vouchers through Exchange

Generating e-Invoices for multiple vouchers has its benefits. You may be creating numerous vouchers in a day and might want to generate e-Invoice for them in just one shot. In a different scenario, a data entry operator may be creating vouchers and then you may want to verify the vouchers to check if they have the right information for e-Invoice generation under e-Invoice Integration Phase. You can generate e-Invoices for multiple vouchers. In case you face difficulties such as Internet issues power cut, and so on, while generating e-Invoice during voucher creation, you can easily generate e-Invoices for such vouchers along with those ready for e-Invoice generation.

In TallyPrime, you can generate multiple e-Invoices in one shot,afterwhich you get a clear summary of the vouchers for which e-Invoices are generated and those rejected by the e-Invoice System.

  1. PressAlt+Z(Exchange) >Send for e-Invoicingand pressEnter.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (35)
    TheSend for e-Invoicingscreenappears with the vouchers in the Ready for Generation section.
    If there are vouchers in the Uncertain Transactions (Corrections Needed) section and those required to be reuploaded, then those will appear in theSend for e-Invoicingscreen, too.
  2. Press Spacebar to select the vouchers that you want to send for e-Invoicing.
  3. PressS(Send).
    The Exchange Summary appears with vouchers for which e-Invoice is generated. Moreover, if there are some vouchers rejected by the e-Invoice System due to some incorrect information or other such reasons, then you will know the count of those voucherstoo:
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (36)

To view the e-Invoice details of any of the vouchers for which e-Invoice is generated, you can either drill down from the e-Invoice Generated section of the e-Invoice Overview report,oryou can open the voucher in the display mode from any ledger vouchers report.

To know how to view e-Invoice details, refer to theView e-Invoice Detailssection.

Know Status of Vouchers with e-Invoice Overview Report

e-Invoice report in TallyPrime helps you keep abreast of the status of vouchers. You might have generated e-Invoices for a lot of vouchers during voucher creation or through Exchange. However, e-Invoices might have got generated for some of the vouchers, while the rest of the vouchers may be in the process of e-Invoice generation. It may also happen that some of the vouchers lack the information necessary for e-Invoice generation under e-Invoice Integration Phase, and some vouchers were rejected by the e-Invoice System.

TallyPrime has an e-Invoice Overview report, which is easy to navigate and delightful to use, as you can just open the report and know the status of the vouchers. Additionally, you will know thenumberof vouchers ready for e-Invoice generation and that for which you need to take actions or make correctionsto get them ready for e-Invoice generation.

The report helps you plan your e-Invoicing activities.

Toview thee-Invoice Overview report:

  • PressAlt+G(Go To) > type or selecte-Invoice Overviewand pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Display More Reports>VAT Reports>e-Invoice>e-Invoice Overviewand pressEnter.
    By default, the report opens for a period of the last 24 hours, based on the last voucher date.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (37)

In this section:

  • Uncertain Transactions (Corrections needed)
  • Ready for e-Invoice Generation
  • Upload for e-Invoice Generation Unsuccessful (Reupload)
  • Rejected by e-Invoice System
  • e-Invoice Generated

Uncertain Transactions (Corrections Needed)

The vouchers in which the information mandatory for e-Invoice generation is either missing or incorrect can be found in the Uncertain Transactions (Corrections needed) section. This section helps you identify such vouchers,sothat you can correct them and go on to generate e-Invoices. For instance, you might have missed to specify the National ID of your party or the address in Arabic.

In such cases, you can just drill down from the section, view the nature of correction required, and take actions to resolve.

For example, you might have given a 4-digit PO Box in a party ledger,whilePO Box must be a 5-digit number. In such a case, the voucher becomes a part of the Uncertain Transactions (Corrections Needed) section.

  1. Drill down fromUncertain Transactions (Corrections Needed).
  2. To view the Error, select any voucher and pressShift+Enter.
    Alternatively, pressAlt+F5to view the detailed report.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (38)
  3. Select the voucher in which you want to make corrections and pressEnter.
    The voucher or the master that requires the corrections appears.
    In this case, the error is in the voucher.
    Therefore, the Voucher Alteration screen appears.
  4. Make the necessary changes and pressCtrl+A to save.

Once you make the corrections, you can send the vouchersfor e-Invoice generation.

Ready for e-Invoice Generation

This section contains the vouchers in which the information mandatory for e-Invoice generation is available. However, you are yet to generate e-Invoices for the same.

To know how to generate e-Invoices for such vouchers, refer to theGenerate e-Invoices for multiple vouchers through Exchangesection.

Upload for e-Invoice Generation Unsuccessful (Reupload)

This section contains the vouchers that have the necessary information for e-Invoice generation under e-Invoice Integration Phase. However, e-Invoice is yet to be generated on the e-Invoice System. It may take a few minutes to get the final e-Invoicing status of the vouchers.

You cannot edit the vouchers, until you get their final e-Invoicing status. However, youcan open the vouchers in the display mode, if needed.

You will need to reupload these vouchers from Exchange.

To know how to reupload the vouchers, refer to theGenerate e-Invoices for multiple vouchers through Exchangesection.

Rejected by e-Invoice System

Sometimes, a voucher gets rejected from the e-Invoice System, because of some error or incorrect information. In such cases, you can generate an e-Invoice again. ZATCA requires a log of the rejected e-Invoices to trace the changes you made in the voucher. Therefore, we recommend you to use TallyPrime Edit Log.

However, if Edit Log is not enabled, then you will need to create a Credit Note against the rejected Sales Invoice to nullify the effect in the books of accounts.

Thereafter, you can create a new Sales Invoice to send it to the e-Invoice System for e-Invoicing.

To know how to send a Sales Invoice for e-Invoicing, refer to theGenerate e-Invoice for single Sales invoicesection.

e-Invoice Generated

Thissection contains thevouchersfor whiche-Invoices arealready generated. You can drill down from the section and view the vouchers with the e-Invoice details.

To know how to view e-Invoice details, refer to theView e-Invoice Detailssection.

e-Invoice Archives

As per the regulations by ZATCA, you need to have an archive of all your e-Invoicesgenerated in the last five, seven,orten years, as applicable to your organisation. You need to maintain archives of the e-Invoices in a specific folder for quick reference during audit and other purposes. TallyPrime provides you with a report named e-Invoice Archives. You can configure the folder path inwhich you want to store all the e-Invoicesfor them to be accessible to the authority. When you generate an e-Invoice under e-Invoice Integration Phase, aPDF/A3 file(with embedded XML) gets saved in the folder.

However, if you want another copy of an e-Invoice, you can easily get it through the e-Invoice Archives report. The report contains all the information about the e-Invoices generated by you. Moreover, you have the facility to archive e-Invoices in a single click, which makes it easier for you to store all the e-Invoices in the folder path selected by you.

First of all, you need to specify the folder in which you want to archive all the e-Invoices.

  1. PressF11(Company Features) > setEnable Value Added Tax (VAT)toYesand pressEnter.
  2. Location of e-Invoice Archives:Specify PathorSelect from Drive.

Once you specify the folder path, you can start archiving your e-Invoices.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) > type or selecte-Invoice Archivesand pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Display More Reports>VAT Reports>e-Invoice>e-Invoice Archivesand pressEnter.
  2. PressAlt+R(Pending for Archiving).
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (39)
  3. Press Spacebarto select one or more e-Invoices and pressAlt+A(Archive).

e-Invoice Event Log

e-Invoice Event Log provides you with abird’s-eye viewof the e-Invoicing activities performed on all the vouchers. It helps you in monitoring the activities andidentifyingtampered e-Invoices in your Company data.

To viewe-Invoice Event Log:

  • PressAlt+G(Go To) > type or selecte-Invoice Event Logand pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Display More Reports>VAT Reports>e-Invoice>e-Invoice Event Logand pressEnter.
    How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (40)

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How to Generate e-Invoice Online Using TallyPrime (KSA e-Invoice Integration Phase) (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.