Three year olds are gaining in stamina as they grow, but they still have a fairly small window when they're energised and contented and not hungry or tired. For most children this age, "happy hour" falls in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
What's the ideal time of day for my three year old's birthday party?
All children are different. Even if yours is a livewire 24 hours a day, bear in mind that some of their playmates may not share their energy levels. It's best to play it safe and pick a time to suit the sleepyheads.
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Between 10am and 11am would be ideal. The bonus is that by picking a mid-morning slot you won't need to serve a full meal, just snacks and drinks.
My son is at nursery five mornings a week. Would an afternoon party be OK?
If your child is at nursery most mornings, a pre-lunch party probably won't be an option.
Those three year olds who are still napping at lunchtimes usually get a second wind in the afternoon. Around 3pm to 4.30pm is a good slot.
This can be problematic for parents who have to pick up older siblings from school, though. They may need to duck out and leave you in charge of their child for a while. If that's the case, make sure you have plenty of relatives or family friends on hand to help you supervise all your little guests.
My child's birthday falls during the week, but I'd like to have the party at the weekend. Should we do it twice?
If your child and their friends are at different nursery sessions during the week, a weekend party can be a sensible option.
A Saturday or Sunday party means you can invite older siblings or cousins who are at school from Monday to Friday. You can also rope in friends and relatives to help, without anyone needing to take a day off work.
You needn't plan a midweek celebration as well, unless you particularly want to. Your child won't actually know when their actual birthday falls, and will be happy to celebrate on whichever day you suggest.
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That said, if you feel uncomfortable pulling the wool over their eyes, you could always let them open a few family presents on their actual birthday. Then explain that their friends will be coming to say happy birthday at the weekend. They won't expect more than that.
How long should my three year old's birthday party last?
An hour to an hour and a half will probably be all that children of this age can cope with. Many will find the noise and excitement gets a bit much after this length of time, especially if they're shy or sensitive.
If you're planning on a longer party, make the last half-hour a winding-down session. Put out beanbags or cushions for guests to lounge on, and tell them some stories. Or put on some music and have a sing-a-long.
Be prepared for your own child to have a meltdown at some point. Three year olds can be territorial about their possessions, and having lots of children on their home turf can be stressful for them. You may want to put some of your child's favourite toys in cupboards so no one else can get at them.
However long the party lasts, don't forget to schedule toilet breaks for your guests. If they're having fun, many children this age will simply forget they need to go until it's too late!
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