Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (2024)

If you've historically been someone who relies on the frozen box to pull together quick treats, let me introduce you to my 15-minute method. There are so many things you can do with a homemade puff pastry recipe. First, we'll learn to make it, and then I'll share 9 ways to use it!

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (1)

This Puff Pastry Dough Recipe is glorious!

It's the holidays, and people are expecting homemade things from you! You can impress them with a homemade puff pastry recipe, and I'm going to show you exactly how to make one sheet of puff pastry from scratch! I'm even including 9 puff pastry recipes so that you can use your glorious puff as soon as possible.

I see you slowly backing away from your screen when I said 'homemade puff pastry,' but, please, come back! Yes, I found a method for 15-minute puff pastry from scratch, and you're going to love it so much that you might commit it to memory. I can't be the only one who wanted to tattoo the recipe on my forearm after just one bite.

This recipe comes from Clotilde, and I immediately trusted her because she's French. In fact, I trust the French with all pastry-related things. She calls it rough puff pastry, and I love the way that sounds. This rough puff pastry is perfect for all of your puff pastry recipes.

Puff Pastry ingredients

The first time I made this puff pastry, it took me 15 minutes while I was half-asleep in my yoga clothes. It's that easy, and after tasting it, I realized I needed to make it again so that I could photograph itstep-by-step to convince you just how easy it is.

I'm dreaming up all sorts of sweet and savory applications for this quick, buttery and puffy dough, and I'm confident that you're going to love them all! The ingredients are so simple!

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (2)
  • All-Purpose Flour. We just 1 cup (or 125 grams) of regular, plain bleached all-purpose flour. It's truly best to measure flour by weight in a pastry recipe, but if you don't have a scale, fluff the flour, scoop it into the cup and then use a knife to level off the surface of the flour.
  • Salt. Use fine sea salt for this recipe, since we're using unsalted butter.
  • Butter. This is the time to break out the fancy, high-fat European style butter that contains less water than regular American style butter. We need 10 tablespoons, or 5 ounces. This recipe still works with regular butter, however.
  • Water. We're using a small amount of ice cold water to bring the pastry together. In a glass measuring cup, add ¾-1 cup of water plus a handful of ice cubes. Remove ice cubes after 10 minutes, and measure out ⅓ cup of ice cold water for the recipe.

The best butter for making pastry from scratch:

This is the time to splurge on fancy butter. The reason the price is higher is because the butter has a higher fat content. The regular sticks at the grocery store have water in them. Weird, right? I'm a devoted Kerrygold girl, because I can buy a 3-pack from Costco for around $8. Très raisonnable.

Another way to tell if butter is high-quality is the color--it should be a vivid golden yellow. Of course, if you have access to French butter or cultured butter, that is great here, too.

How to make Puff Pastry

There are only three ingredients to this puff pastry recipe. It's just flour, salt, butter; well, technically cold water is an ingredient, but I don't count this one. Blend everything together with a pastry cutter or two knives, and then take a moment to assess the appearance of the dough.

Now, we're going to get our arm work out in for the day. The process is simple--just shape everything into a rough square. Don't worry, but you will still see pieces of butter in the dough.

Resist the urge to add more water; the dough will come together with each roll out.

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (3)

After patting the dough into a square, flour your rolling pin very well. Roll the dough out into a long rectangle. Then, fold it up like a letter: fold the bottom third up to the middle and then the top third over the middle.

Then, give the dough a quarter turn and repeat. Roll out the dough, fold it like a letter, and turn and repeat at least 5 times. You'll notice the dough becomes easier and easier to work with. Clotilde recommends not using too much flour to prevent incorporating too much flour into the dough.

I was a little haphazard about this, because I dislike a sticky dough.

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (4)

After you've rolled out the dough 6 or 7 times, you're done. Wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least one hour. This helps the gluten in the dough relax. I usually let mine rest overnight.

I like to make this on Friday night, and then whip up something puffy and flaky for breakfast Saturday morning.

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (5)

I've been watching my fair share of Great British Bake Off, or as it's called here in the States, Great British Baking Show. Anytime Paul Hollywood calls for something made with puff pastry, the contestants have to choose between making it the easy or hard way. Almost always, the person who chooses to make it the hard way wins the challenge.

The 'hard way' to make puff pastry is to roll all of the butter into a flat sheet, and fold it into the dough one fold at a time. After each fold, it requires refrigeration to set the butter. Repeat this at least six or seven times! I don't think it's necessarily hard to do, but it does chain you to the kitchen all afternoon.

The contestants to make easy puff pastry my way still produce something delicious! Maybe the fluff and flake is slightly better when it's made the hard way, but the flavor is still excellent.

I would even challenge you to make your favorite recipe that calls for puff pastry with this recipe for puff pastry and compare it to a sheet of the store-bought stuff. Now, don't get me wrong--there is one type of puff pastry in the frozen section that is made with all butter. But for the most part, it isn't, so check your labels.

How to store this Rough Puff Pastry Recipe

Homemade pastry is so easy to store. It must be kept in the fridge to keep the butter cold, but it’s even easier to keep in the freezer. Place it between two sheets of parchment paper and freeze it flat. After it’s frozen, move it a freezer-safe bag and store for up to 6 months. To defrost, move to fridge overnight and then rest on the counter until soft enough to roll out. If you don’t have room to freeze it flat, fold it in thirds with a piece of parchment paper between each fold and freeze.

What to make with Puff Pastry - 9 Recipes

Now that you've mastered homemade puff pastry in just 15 minutes, what can you make with it?

I see a lot of comments below asking how to cook this puff pastry. The thing is: you need to take the finished raw dough and use it in a recipe that calls for puff pastry.

Here are 9 puff pastry recipes to give you an idea of how to use it!

You can use this 15-minute puff pastry recipe to make something sweet...like Apple Tarte Tatin:

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (6)

Or asmall batch of Apple Turnovers:

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (7)

How about something savory: Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry:

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (8)

Or, you can fry it and make Puff Pastry Donuts:

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (9)

A surplus of fresh berries would love to become a Raspberry Galette with a puff pastry crust.

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (10)

Similarly, a bounty of fresh strawberries would love to become a Strawberry Crostata with a puff pastry crust.

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (11)

For a really decadent topping on Chicken Pot Pie for Two, use this puff pastry recipe!

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (12)

If you can't find phyllo dough at your store (which I often can not), try puff pastry on top of my Skillet Spanakopita.

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (13)

Cinnamon rolls require so much less work if you start with pre-made puff pastry. This recipe is technically Sticky Buns because we're putting brown sugar and pecans in the pan before baking.

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (14)

If you use the recipe to make something else, I'd love to hear about it in the comment section below! Again, please use this raw dough that this recipe produces in any recipe that calls for one sheet of puff pastry. It is not meant to be baked and eaten by itself. That would be weird, ok?

Homemade Puff Pastry Dough Recipe FAQs

Can you fry puff pastry?

Yes, you can fry puff pastry! It makes the most delicious donuts. Check out my recipe forpuff pastry donuts here.

Is phyllo dough and puff pastry the same?

Absolutely not. Phyllo dough does not contain any butter! Phyllo dough is made out of flour and a small amount of oil. Puff pastry contains copious amounts of butter, which allows it to puff up in the oven (as the water in the butter becomes steam in the hot oven), and creates a flaky pastry. In comparison, phyllo dough is simply crispy.

Are crescent rolls puff pastry?

Close, but not exactly. Crescent rolls use yeast, while puff pastry does not contain yeast.

What is the secret to baking puff pastry?

There are a few secrets to baking puff pastry. One is to use very high-quality butter with a high fat percentage (like a European-style butter), and baking at a high temperature. In the places where you want the pastry to puff up, leave it alone; in the places where you want it to lay flat (like with a filling), poke holes in it with a fork to allow the steam to escape and prevent puffing.

Yield: 1 sheet of puff pastry

Homemade Puff Pastry Dough

Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (15)

How to make puff pastry from scratch in just 15 minutes!

Prep Time15 minutes

Total Time15 minutes


  • 1 cup (125 grams) all-purpose flour
  • ¼ teaspoon fine salt
  • 10 tablespoons high-quality unsalted butter (5 ounces), cold
  • ⅓ cup ice cold water


  1. In a medium bowl, add the flour and salt. Stir to mix.
  2. Next, cube the butter and then add it to the flour bowl. Using a pastry blender or two knives, cut the butter into the dough. It will be very crumbly, and you're done when the butter is in uniform pieces all about the size of peas.
  3. Next, make a hole in the center of the dough and pour in all of the water. Using a fork, stir to combine the dough.
  4. Flour a cutting board, and add the dough. Pat it into a rough square. You will still see chunks of butter and it will seem too dry, but do not add extra water. The dough will come together with each roll.
  5. Flour the rolling pin, and roll the dough out in front of you into a rectangle about 10" long. No need to be too precise here.
  6. Fold the bottom third of the dough over the middle of the dough. Fold the upper third of the dough on top of the middle too. Rotate the dough one-quarter turn, and repeat. Use additional flour as needed to prevent the dough from sticking.
  7. Roll out, fold, and turn the dough at least 6 or 7 times.
  8. When done, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for at least one hour, or overnight. Dough may be frozen, too.
  9. Roll out with flour for desired puff pastry use.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 recipe

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 1473Total Fat: 116gSaturated Fat: 72gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 38gCholesterol: 305mgSodium: 557mgCarbohydrates: 95gFiber: 3gSugar: 0gProtein: 14g

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Puff Pastry (Puff Pastry Dough Recipe) - Dessert for Two (2024)


Can you join 2 puff pastry sheets? ›

Use an egg wash to help seal filled pastries and connect Puff Pastry pieces: mix 1 egg plus 1 tsp. water, brush between layers, then pinch or press together. When using an egg wash, be sure it doesn't run down the cut sides of the pastry, as that will make edges stick together and stop the pastry from rising.

What are the 2 types of puff pastry? ›

There are four commonly known types of puff pastry—'half,' 'three-quarter,' 'full' and 'inverted puff. The terms describe the amount of fat to the weight of flour. 'Full' denotes equal weights of fat and flour, 'three-quarter' means three-quarter of the weight of the fat to the flour, etc.

Can you layer 2 sheets of puff pastry? ›

Yes, but you might want to use an eggwash or water to make sure the two layers stick together. Yep, there are recipes that call for exactly that.

Should puff pastry be baked on parchment paper? ›

You can bake Puff Pastry on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. For a more even rise, place a sheet of parchment paper on top of your pastry as well. How to tell if Puff Pastry is done baking? Take a sharp knife and nick off a teensy piece to test for crispness and flakiness.

How to stick puff pastry together without egg? ›

you can use milk instead to brush the top of the pastry with, which will make it a glossy golden brown colour, a similar effect to what the egg will have, whilst also having adhesive properties to ensure the pastry is sealed well.

What can be made from puff pastry dough? ›

If you find puff pastry in the freezer section, just be sure to let it thaw in the refrigerator overnight and you'll be able to whip up flaky pastry recipes, like pop tarts, spinach puffs, or melty baked brie in no time. You can even use the handy ingredient for easy dinners like pot pie topped with puff pastry.

What is puff pastry dough called? ›

Puff pastry, also known as pâte feuilletée, is a flaky light pastry made from a laminated dough composed of dough (détrempe) and butter or other solid fat (beurrage). The butter is put inside the dough (or vice versa), making a paton that is repeatedly folded and rolled out before baking.

What's the difference between puff pastry and pastry dough? ›

Puff pastry is a laminated dough that gets its signature airy puff from layers of butter, while phyllo dough is comparatively low-fat. Phyllo dough is mostly flour and water and can dry out easily. The fine sheets of pastry dough create a crispy, crackly effect when layered and baked.

What is the difference between puff pastry and flaky puff pastry? ›

What is Flaky Pastry? laky pastry is a layered pastry dough similar to puff pastry but it contains less fat and fewer layers. Typical flaky pastry has a fat-to-flour ratio of 3:4 and is rolled and folded only four times.

Is phyllo dough the same as puff pastry? ›

Puff pastry is laminated, which means butter is folded into the dough multiple times to create alternating layers of butter and dough. This results in lots of thin layers and an airy texture. Phyllo, meanwhile, is a paper-thin dough that's made with oil instead of butter.

Does puff pastry need to be refrigerated? ›

Puff Pastry should be eaten within a few hours of baking. Keep filled and prepared pastry in the fridge, covered in plastic wrap, until you're ready to bake and serve.

Do you bake puff pastry before filling? ›

If you're making a tart or filled Puff Pastry, place it on the baking sheet before adding toppings or fillings. That way, you won't have to transfer the dough with the extra weight and risk tearing it. For extra-thin, crisp Puff Pastry, set a second baking sheet on top of the filled pastry before baking.

Why is my puff pastry falling apart? ›

My puff pastry has collapsed during baking.

Usually, the reason for this is fairly simple – haste. If you look in the oven you can watch the pastry puffing up. That is because the water in the butter is turning to steam and forcing each layer apart.

Why are my puff pastry sheets not puffing? ›

Your puff pastry may fail to puff for several reasons.
  • Warm pastry: Your pastry should be cold, cold, cold going into the oven. ...
  • Cool Oven: To get the right lift, puff pastry needs a hot oven—about 400ºF. ...
  • Thick pastry: Even perfectly prepared puff pastry won't rise properly if it's cut too thick.
Mar 1, 2022

How do you join pastry together? ›

If the dough while you're creating your pastry case, don't be tempted to patch it with another piece. Instead, wet your fingers and push together the torn parts to get a proper join that won't break apart in the oven. Once you've lined your tin, leave the overhanging edges intact to allow for shrinking or leakage.

What is the difference between puff pastry and pastry sheets? ›

Puff pastry is a laminated dough that gets its signature airy puff from layers of butter, while phyllo dough is comparatively low-fat. Phyllo dough is mostly flour and water and can dry out easily. The fine sheets of pastry dough create a crispy, crackly effect when layered and baked.

Can you stack puff pastry? ›

Bake and nibble happily. You can also stack up your scraps (for good puff, make sure the butter streaks are all running in the same direction), reroll them and make snacks from them.


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