Soul Stone - The Remnant 2 Wiki (2024)

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Soul Stone - The Remnant 2 Wiki (2)

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This amulet has been purified of all vestiges of the Root, and its central gem now shines with near sterile cleanliness. The whispers it once carried are at last silenced.

“That the corruption is capable of manipulation indicates a high level of intelligence. I query from where or whom this intellect was gained. It is possible that the corruption learned to deceive by observing the ways of its creators...the[sic] children of the Core.”

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • This item is a direct upgrade to its contaminated counterpart.

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

  • Give the Profane Soul Stone to be cleansed by the Keeper.

Update History[edit | edit source]

  • This item was added to the game.
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  • Equipment
  • Trinkets
  • Amulets
  • The Forgotten Kingdom
Soul Stone - The Remnant 2 Wiki (2024)


Should I give the guy the Amulet in Remnant 2? ›

The Man in the Sewers will call you out, approach him and he will ask for your newly-acquired Amulet, because he believes it needs to be destroyed. You can decide to either give him the amulet, or don't. If you give him the Spirit Wisp Amulet, in turn, you will receive Outcast Ring.

What is the best elemental Amulet in Remnant 2? ›

The Zero Divide is undeniably one of the best amulets you can find in the game. It grants you infinite ammo reserves and increases ranged damage by 15 percent. Essentially, infinite ammo reserves means you'll never run out of ammo, eliminating any worries about ammunition.

How to get profane soul stone Remnant 2? ›

Remnant 2 Profane Soul Stone Location

Profane Soul Stone can be found at the following locations: Yaesha - Infested Abyss; Given by the Root (NPC) if you accept his inevitability and to serve under him.

What happens if you trade the spirit wisp amulet Remnant 2? ›

The Spirit Wisp Amulet decreases the cooldown time of your skills by three percent every time you activate a Mod for every 300 Mod Power spent. If you decide to give the amulet to the sewer man, he'll hand you the Outcast Ring in return.

Should I trade an amulet in Remnant 2? ›

Trading Amulets is an excellent feature that allows players to increase their firepower or inventory. Players can exchange Amulets with NPCs or players to gather valuable items to enhance their abilities and skills.

How is the Soul Stone the most powerful? ›

The Soul Stone allows the user to steal, control, manipulate, & alter living & dead souls. It also the gateway to an idyllic pocket universe. At full potential, it grants the user control over all life in the Omniverse (in all dimensions, realms & realities) & beyond. It's housed on Vormir.

What happens to Red Skull after the Soul Stone is taken? ›

As Thanos had obtained the stone, Red Skull's curse was broken, and he was free to leave Vormir and pursue his own goals once more.

Can the Soul Stone resurrect? ›

The Soul Stone has the ability to manipulate the soul, the essence that makes up an individual, and has the ability to resurrect and conjure the spiritual representation of the people who are dead.

What is the best armor in Remnant 2? ›

1 Leto Mark 2 Armor Set

It is the best armor in the game in terms of defense and even has impressive levels of resistance against fire, bleed, electricity, blight, and toxin damage.

What is the infested abyss remnant 2? ›

Infested Abyss is a Location in Remnant 2. Infested Abyss is a part of The Forgotten Kingdom DLC and one of the many worlds that can be explored in Remnant 2. Each Location in Remnant 2 will feature unique landscapes, events, dungeons, Bosses, Enemies, and Items.

Where is the infested abyss? ›

Remnant 2: Infected Abyss Location

To access the Infected Abyss, you will first start in the Ancient Canopy area. You will notice there's a waterfall nearby that you can access near the vendor. Beyond the falling water will be a hidden area that leads to the golden door to the Infected Abyss.

Who do I give Roggvir's amulet? ›

Return to Grace is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in which the Dragonborn must return an Amulet of Talos to Greta, worn by her executed brother Roggvir.

Should I keep the strange amulet? ›

If the Dragonborn keeps the amulet and doesn't sell it to Calixto, it remains a quest item forever, unable to be sold, and never attains any capability. If the Dragonborn sells the amulet, the next time it is seen, it will be identified as the Necromancer Amulet. The amulet is described as "Eight-sided.

Should I sell the amulet? ›

The amulet contains a spirit with a side story and useful abilities, making it more valuable to keep than sell in the game. The player can choose to either accept the spirit's madness or refuse, leading to different outcomes and upgrades for the amulet, but both options have risks.

Do I have to sell the strange amulet? ›

Just head to Windhelm Jail and talk to Wuunferth, and the second part will start. As for the Strange Amulet, if you didn't sell it to Calixto, you'll be stuck with it for the rest of the game.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 5931

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.