Thames Advertiser from Thames, Thames-Coromandel District, New Zealand (2024)

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Mail nokland this day at 7.50 a Supplementary mail for United Kingdom olo. this day at 7.50 a.m. For Paoroa, eta. this this day at 6.48 6 45 a.m. For "auranca day ut a.m.

For Taranoki, Nelson, Picton Welling ton and Southorn ports this day at 7.50 For Gisborne and Napier this day at 7.50 For Sydney (direct) ou Tuesday at 8,35 a.m. A. Post: Office at River. Mali at Landiug, "Thames are tent by every steamer. CONBY, O.P M.

1- SHIPPING. STEAM TO ADCK. LAND, CARRYING: AND CARGO, AND P. M. ENTERPRISE, FROM THANES, ROTOMAHANA ENTERPRISE Monday 24 830 morning Laid up Taseday 25 9,15 morning Wednesday 26 10,30 morning I for Thureday.

527 1 11 mbrning Friday 28 1,15 afternoon Overhaul Saturday :1 2 afteruoon FR AUCKLAND. KOTOMAHANA ENTERPRISE Monday 24 4,80 afternoon Laid up 1 Tuesday 25 6 afternoon Wednesday 26 6 afternoon for Friday 25 7.30 morning Satarday. 1 morning: Overbaul Live stook shipped carried and landed at shipper's risk. Weather and other permiting, the steamers will leave aacording to; lore Table, All necessary laformation regarding steamers' movement, forwarding, nine, may be obtained at the office Barke abreet wbarl. 0.

GILLESPIE, Agent. RIVER STEAMBOAT COMPANY STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH OHINEMURI AND TE AROHA, TE AROHA; From, THAMES to PA BROA (Goods Wharf only), Monday, 24th, at 7.30 morning. Friday, 28th. at 10.30 morning. From PAEROA to THAMES, Tuesday, 25th, at 5 Saturday, let at 7 morning, From PAEROA to TE AROMA Once a week, I Single, ReturD, faria 0d 38 Hikutsis 23 61.

Paoroa Ba 00. a Aroha 78 6d 158. 60 To Auokland 8b Saloon Weather and other permitting, "Not responsible for accidents in shipping, carrying, or disobarging live, stock, or any goods, parcels, put on unless igned for, and all goods stored are 'at the risk of the coneignees, No claim for damage to or snort delivery of cargo will be recognired unless made within 8 hours after date of shipment, Any information concerning the steamers, eight, don, may be obtained at the Office 1 the Thamed River Steam Navigation company, Shortiand Whart; A. C. GILLESPIE.

Manager THE S.S LILY SPARGO, FROM TO THANES Ent freight orpassage Agent Thames R. JOHNSON, Agent Tapa. BRADLEY ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES RUNS TE BETWEEN AROHA THAMES DAILY: AND Leaves Symington's Royal Hotel for Te Ar ha at 7.30 a Arriving at To Aroba at 2,30 Leaves To Aroha for Thames at 8.30 Arriving at Thames at 3.30 p.m Leaves Paeroa at 7 morning retara from Thames at 3 afternoon. Passengers for Tauranga by Thames on Mondays and Tharedaya 'at 8 d'olook. FARES, d.

hames to' 3 0 dikutala 70 (Retura) 12 0 To Aroha 12 0 01 Saddle on 0 (Return) Horses and Buggies Hire BRADLEY AND 14 11:0 Proprietors. mIn -Call and fit yourselves with a pair of NEAT SHOES from. 8s. 6d pair at WHITEHEAD'S. WANTED Ladies and Gentlemen to in the Stook of J.

R. beforo purohasing, elsewhere In order to reduce stock, A. J. and Irvino have decided to allow two shillings in tho pound discount off all cash purobaso of ten shillings worth and upwards, during the noxt four weoks. -ADVT To all tea drinkore requiring a wood tea combining, flavour and pangenoybo euro and your grocors for Brown, Brrett, Co' celebrated paoket teas Sold in retail paokets by your storekeepers and not by hawkers, Wholesale at BROWN, BAABREIT Co.

Elliot street. A man named James Baratow was arrested on Saturday night on a charge of nest, THE THAMES ADVERTISER, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1890. SALE BY AUCTION, BAY, 4. MONDAY, 24th Inst, at 11 o'clock, the MART, Queen Street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE R.

MO GRE GO Has received instructions from MR WAITE who la leaving the Thames to sell by auotion at the MART; where it has been removed for convenience of sale, A TURE Quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNIand EFFECTS, and Lot MINING THAMES SOUTH ELECTION OF LICENSING COMMITTEE, THIS DAY. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH, 1890. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE THAMES SOUTH, ADIES and GENTLEMEN, INTEREST is The favour of your VOTE and respectfully solioited for the under-mentioned gentlemen, who represent the MODERATE aud INDEPENDENT ALBERT GILLESPIE, HENRY CAMERON TOWNSEND, JOHN WEST, JOHN THAMES SOUTH LICENSING DISTRICT. TO THE' ELLOTORS. ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Secing that we have been left out of tho tickets issued by both parties, we hereby announce that we intend to CONTEST the ELECTION, and respeotfully solicit your VOTE and INTEREST.

Yours faithfully, H. L. KOEFOED, FRANK TREMBATH. THAMES SOUTH LICENSING DISTRICT. PNEKPERANCE CANDIDATES co*ckS, JAMES DEEBLE, WILLIAM RADFORD, THOMAS The above Candidates (it eleoted) will endeayour to strictly enforce Law in relation to sorving Prohibited Persona, Sunday Trading, 10 00 o'clock Closing, and No Increase of Licenses, POLLING DAY, THIS DAY (Mouday) 24T11 February, NOTICE.

PARTIES are allowed to TAKE FIRE. in KAUAERANGA BOOMS Free of Coat under supervision of man in charge of tho Booms, HI, Managor Kauri Timber Thames, HAURAKI ROWING OLUB. MEETING of the COMMITTEE of the A abovo Club will be held at KEVEN'S Room: TO MORROW (Tuesday) EVENING next, the 25th at 7.30 o'olook. Thames Stock Exchange. Saturday 7 THe following wore the, olosing prices this ovening Manukau- -Sales 18.

5d; sellers la 6d; Buyere la 4d, May Queen -Sellers 1s 5d, Moanataiari-Sellers 58 6d, buyers 58, New Alburnia Sellers 2s 10d. Saxon -Sellers 69: Bank of New Zealand-(old) 45 53. THE A doertiser. MONDAY FEBRUARY 24th 1890, THE fact that the socialist vote at the last elections in Germany slowed an increase of 20,000 in Berlin alone over those recorded at the last poll is It shows that the the people are gradually awakening to fact that the population of a country does not rightly exist. for the maintenance of enormous armies a glittering court and a section of the population in idleness and luxury.

If we understood the term socialist it applies to those who see the hollowness and injustice of the system. They are agitating for reform in the internal monagement of their countries, and one of the first necessities in their eyes is that the legions of soldiers should be disbanded who are kopt in training, and in consequence nonproducers, in order that crowned heads and governors of countries shall be in a position to gratify their ambition by hurling one mass at the othor, Of course until thero is a sufficiently strong body, in cach" country to insist that this reform shall take place all maintain nations are compolled to armies and navies for self protection. England for instance that has 'no thirst for territory. except which is forced upou her by nocessities. Tho occupation of is mainly due to necessity, she is under of protecting highway to India, the Suez.

Canal: The work before the reformers is an arduous one, and will take many years get to accomplish, but in days of the printing press and those consequent enlightenment of the mass of "the people, events follow on one. another much than of yore. Reformers, more rapidly however, can "do much useful work in their spectivo countries short of attaining the that at which thoy aro aiming. as goal at which we a have pointed out They will without doubt as a first step do away with hereditary legialators, in this decade of the nines onth century it last is too' outragoous a system to continue. It the is fact uttorly illogical to suppose that from of a man being the son of his father he is fitted to make laws for the intelligence government of of his country, The growing the people will lead them to insist upon the abolition of our House of Peers and similar institutions in other countries, That a second House is use 8 8 8 8 8 1.

1. Auckland Stock and -Share A Market. Education Auckland At the meeting of the Board of Education the question as to whether, it would be better to establish oue halt time sobool for under and, Omahulor two sohools are It appeara that there 23 children on' the roll'at Hikutaia and 32 at Omaha, tho putter wug deferred for farther information In reference to the establishment of a school the matter was referred to tho at Waibi juspector to report, We notice by advertisem*nt that' the public will be allowed to take fireword free of cost from tho booms at. under the supervision of the on behalf of tho man in charge The Kuuri Timber Company. arrive care which Mr Northeroft takes to at a correct decision in all that come before bin to be matters is well known to ali adjudicated upon wyo have business with the courts over which he on Saturday when he was presides, This exemplified started at half past six to see the horses whish evidenco in the case before the court were last week, He was accompanied legal by both the Miller and Mr.

l'urchas, viz: Mr in the case My M. W. of Waiorongomai. bas filed a petition to be adjudged a bankrupt. Tracts of laud amounting to over 138,000,000 acres are to.

be, offered in Europe at the upset prico of two dollars, in gold per or about acre by the Governmont of the Argentine Republic, This is, probably, by for the greatest land sale ever arranged for at one time. land is offered for settlement only, and Tho not to speculators and certain nationalities are selected by the Argentine Government. To the peoplo of Great Britain over 46,000.000 aorce are to b6 offered, an area larger than that England and Wales, Largo as tho total acreage to be offered is, it is less than half public land of the publio, Hitherto the land of that Argentine Recountry has been too much the prey great of and the new projeot is a move in the right direction, The regular convocation of Arch Chapter of Haurahi. No, 404, I.0. Royal the hold at the Masonic Hall, Queen Street, was on Wednesday, the 19th when tho annual of Installation of Principals and the investiture officers was the busincas of the which after the reading and confirmation of the evening.

candidate minutes and the successful balloting for W. Clizo, P.K, was as prooceded with. Compu, installod Installing Principal then W. W. Finlay, (3rd timo); Burton.

II, Lush, P.R., H.P and W. and impressively the coremony being ably C.S.; Climo's performed with Compn. usual ability, the M.E,K, then invested the officers for the ensuing year as follows of H. F. R.

G. Woodward, 0. Moore, S. and of Registrar (17th time) Curtis T. H.

Simmonde, John Patterson, Prat, and T. Wood, C.P.V, J. Treasurer, The Jauitor's investiture was held over till next in convocatien, fow Before olosiug, the and a eulogistic remarks tendered his Climo the for his Chapter's attendance hearty thanks to Compn. which he and able assistance, briefly and suitably acknowledged, In the year 1664, on the 5th comber, the English ship Menai day was of Deing the straits and capsized in a gale U. the eighty one passengers on board but one was saved his name was Hugh Williams.

On the same day, in the year 1785 schooner was wrecked on the Tale of Man a pleasure There were sixty. persons on the them one Hugh Williams and his among boat, Ot the three score none but old family, Williams survived the shock, On the Hugh 5th day Thames of Augast 1820. a pionicing party on the run down by. a coal There Were twenty. five of the barge.

mostly children under twelve years bf picnicers, Little Hugh Williams, a visitor from Liver- age. pool, only five years old was the oniy one that returned to tell the tale. Now comes the most singular part of this On the 19th day of August in the year of singular story our Lord, 1889, a Leada' coal nine men foundered: two of them, bargue, with Hugh Williams, an uncle and nephew, were re scued by some fishmen, and wore men of the arew who lived to tell of the the only calamity, are facts which 00n be substantiated, says the Leods, (Englaud) Moroury. revives The death of Lady Susan Opedebeek memories of a great social scandel of some sixty years since, As Countess of the Lincoln (wife of Lord Linolon, afterwards Susan held distingashed Duke of Newcastle) Lady mnch akin a position in London society to that now rojoioed in by. the present beautiful duch*ess of Leinster.

The world was at her feet, and she considered it well lost" for the sake Lord of Lord Walpole (now Oxford), with whom one fino Mr. day the Gladstone a willtul beauty away, great friend of the injuried husband, followed the pair to the Continent with a view to obtain evidence for divorce purposes Arrived at Lord Walpolo's ville at Como 'he found to his disgust the love birds flown, but discovered an English dootor that had attended the pair, Thinking to sooure him for a witness, the grand young man sought this medico out: Alas! the doc. tor declined point blank to be mixed up with the affair, Attributing his reluctance to pcouuiary consideration, Mr Gladstone said "Oh, but you'll be well paid," Upon which the doctor in a fury said "What, go and has betray my good friend Lord: Walpole, who b302 snch a friend to me: Gut out of my house you sooundrel;" and Mr. G. The connection.

between Lord Walpola Many and Lady Susan dil not: last long, years afterwards sho marriol; abroad, Ducthinun Mr namoil Gladstone Opdebeck aud and Lord' lived quiotly. (now Lord Oxford) are sfill alive, and must Walpolo have read of Lady Susan's death with mixed feelings, Lord Oxford married in 1811, but has only one child, a daughter. Twelve years ago, when wo tried to introulco Van Honten's COcoa in the Aucklend murket, people found the prico too high, but now hardly any other cocoa is the public found it the purest and withal selling, for the cheapest. We prophesy that our Colom: bo Garden Ceylon Tea will bo the Van Houter's amongst all other teas, as it is a and economical beverage, BROWN BARRETT. Co, ADVT, LATEST TELEGRAMS, (BY PRESS RAILWAY RETURNS, INCREASE OF OVER 01,200.

WELLINGTON. last night. The railway returns for tho four weeks the receipts of $1,200. an This increase is onding February lat show over contined to any one line, but appoars to be distributed over all. Labor Unionism.

(BY ASSOCIATION) WELLINGTON, last night. THE Lumpers' Union have appointed Mr F. Fisher as a delega'o to ropreseut them at a conferouc3 in Sydney on tho subject of amalgamation, They have also passed Il vole of sympathy with tho Woollen Compuny's operatives, and regret that Lead they cannot vole any mongy, ag the of tho Sociely are in Dunedin. This cpera'ives sill working at tho Woollen Mill have formed themselves into a union with the intention of that workers at -other wills should proposing them in forming ouo goucral union, join THE THANES COUNTY COUNCIL. ENDERS addressed, to the Ubairman will be' received at the County office, Mary street, until p.m, of LUESDAY, the 25th instr, tor1, DRAINAGE and FORMATION, wards 2, ROAD FORMATION.

Sandes street, 3, ROAD FORMATION and CULVERT, Sealoy street, COMPLETION of DRAINAGE CON. TRACT, Thames 5. ROAD: FORMATION and Thames Road, DRAINS, The lowest or any tonder not necessarily accepted, may be acen at the Connty ALEX, ALIKEN, County Surveyor. Thames, 20th January, 1890, WATSON AND DENNY'S GOLD AND SILVER EXTRACTION COMPANY, THE Undersigned is prepared to deal with partios (private or pablio companies) re the PURCHASE of TAILINGS, in New Zealand. terms will be offered to al INTENDING SELLERS of TAILINGS.

or arrangements could be made with Companies or others who wish to treat their own tailings aud for letters supplying the machinery, Samples addressed to GEO, PEEL, at Climo and Bawdon's, Thames. A Splendid Choice Assortment: of BOOTS SHOES just received at WhITEHEAD'S Arnold, ARTIST and PHOTOGRAPHER, 270, QUEEN AUOKLAND, (Opposite the Firebell), First Work. Million Prices, LADY BOWEN HOTEL, BROWN STREET THAMES. FIRST OLASS ACCOMMODATION, CHARGES MODERATE. WINES AND SPIRITS OF THE CHOIDEST BRANDS, Worthington's Celebrated Burl ton Ale on Draught.

J. FOGARTY, Proprietor. M. you with WHITEHEAD a pair of can fit BOOTS or SHOES. his OWN MAKE, CHEAP, FRATER BROS.

STOOK AND SHAREBROKERS HOUSE AND LAND AGENTS, THAMES y. and at INSURANCE BUILDINGS, AUUKLAND LEND.ON GOODSECURI TY OURRENT RATES. HARE Investor's Monthly, forwarded on Application, FOR SALE, CHEAP FREEHOLDS or LONG LEASES. at now offers for excellent opportunity Workingmon and others to secure Building Sections in some of the very beat positions on the Thames, Dr Kilgour has decided to SELL or LEASE large amber of allotments in the and othor Blocks. A number of lots have good buildings erected thereon.

Full particulars on application to Dr KABAKA Kilgour, or to Frater Land Agonts, ROAD, -That beautifully situated Family Residence, the property of the MRS GALLAGHER: lately 'occupied by Rev. F. ETANS, A SIX ROOMED COTTAGE at Parawai. and about three-quarters of an acre of Freehold fronting, Kauaeranga River, Price £200: HIKUTAIA -An improved farm. of 332 sores, First class alluvial soil, nearly all in grass, to fonced and Large frontage Thames and Hikutaia rivers.

This Dwelling is and necessary, outbuildinge: one of the vory beat farms in the Thames Valley, and will be sold oheap, UNIMPROVED LANDS, --386 acres near 120 Paeroa, very Parish rich, and easily rcolaimed, acres, of Waiwera, $35. 100 Acres of Really Good Land, fronting Waihou River, near Te Azoha, 703 por acro, 23 acres fronting Waitemata River, £70. 99 aor0s, Parish Komoko, koriki, £50, TO LET--AT PARAWAI THE RESIDENCE, Workman's Cottage, Outbuildings, Large Orchard, Pleasure Grounds, Paddocks, the property of JAMES MARSHALL EsQ, Full particulars and cards to' inapeut on application to TWO STORIED DWELLING in Maokay Street. WANTED IO PURCHASE- MAORI CURIOS. FRATER BRO 08.

DISEASE OF THE EYE, FAR THROAT, AND OH EST! DR, WILKINS, nOW pormanently established in his NEW ROOMS, a doors from the Auckland Club, on tho ground floor, shortland street. He has engaged a Lady Attendant (who was some years with Dr Fischer, of Sydney), for the Lali: 'Electrio Room, THAMES HOTEL W. DREW; AVING taken over the abovo Hotel and trusts will be pleased to see his old frienda SPIRITS by keeping the BEST WINES Pablio only, to merit a share of patronage, 1 SPEIGHT'S DUNEDIN ALE ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. GOODS BEDS AND STABLING.

CIVILITY, CLEANLINESS AND ATTENTION, I we are' ready to admit, but this House should consist of men who have been tried in: the political furnace and not found wanting, That there have alwaye been, Incl of high ability and intogrity in this House of Lords is no argument for its continuance, aside irom the appointments made to it of brilliant men from time to time it: is that its members might all be men of within the range of probability low mental and moral calibre. The fight which labor is making at the present time to rise above the thraldom of capital, is evidence of growing intelligence, and is one feature in the socialist's programme, we use the term as synonymous with roformer. There aro always extreme men, and they are mostly of small mental capacity, who are given to talking nonsense and thus bringing their fellow workers and their cause into disrepute. The ranks of the latest order of reformers have not been free from those men and have given their opponents many oppor tunities of ridiculing them as a body, the most powerful weapon of attack, Those who are watching current events caunot doubt: for one instant, but that the materials are fast being accumulated for the compelling of reform, Some bloodshed must result in the meantime, crowned heads in order to divert the attention of their subjects from social reform will enter upon war with one or other of their neighbours, bnt it is very, questionable whether tho. people will be so casily as formerly diverted from their object.

It is quite as' probable that they will take the opportunity to rise and hurl those from power who refuse to grant them the rights and privileges which their growing intolligence teaches them they are entitled to. This to our mind is the solution of the question of the long continued maintenance of peace in Europe, Reforms in a free country like England can be brought about. at the ballot box, but in those which are despoticully governed the process will be a longer one, and lead to horrible bloodshed. The Ghost" still walks, runs, and jumps, he, sho, or it; has a particular liking for tiona of Parawai, Dervous and unless tho livoly imaginaor mischevious people are rightly, responsible He the visited apparation is to be scen a last week and the Celoatial thus describes the interwattee Me askee him who he are and wanto Ile gay poob, pool, posh, three timec. He had long womance costco: Ho no say more, Me takce my bootce off and throwee at him, He run away.

Me no hittco him." There is a strong picion that the ghost is personated by a woll known running man; he will be caught some of these days and we hope by a good pluoky strapping miner who will give him such a thrashing as will incapacitate him from either ronning or jumping for some time to come. The following tenders wore received on Friday by the manager of the May Queen for driving 100Ft No 4 Kummert, 9s 8s 9d; F. J. G. Wilson 88 11; 6d; Cater 10s 6d Climo and party, 118 J.

D. Dood 118 6d A. Hender. BCD 118 6d A. Russell 123 9d; Duncan, 148 5d; T.

Dunn 148 9d. These have been forworded to Auckland for the cousideration of the Directors but it probable the lowest will be accepted. A telegram from states that it is understood that the railway returns for the present. finaucial year show a large deficit. The Argus estimates the amount at £100,000, and the Age at a quarter of a million, The Commissioners state that owing to the many new lines being opened, the expenditure exceeds the income; but as soon as they are all fairly going the balance will be restored.

In reference to the election of a Committee for the Thames South Licensing District Mosara Koefoed and Frank Trembath announce that they will go to the poll note withstanding that their names are not in-. oluded in either of the tickets issued by the contending parties, A Norwegian named Charles Davies WaS brought over from the Miranda on Saturday morning and will be charged with ludacy at the Police Court this morning, Mr R. R. McGregor will sell at his mart, Queen Street, this day at 11 o'clock, the household furniture and effects of Mr C. Waite, who is leaving the Thames, At the last meeting of the education Board the following lotter 'was read from Professor Thomas stating that he had drawn up a syllabus for competition in He asked the Board to of same and fix date for examination, The approve Chairman explained that Professor Thomas had promised six prizes in order to enThe courage Board the study of agricultural chemistry.

approved the syllabus, and remitted the same to the inspectors to fix date of examination. -Other business lating to teachers was transacted to committee, Tenders for various works, as advertised by the Thames County Council, must be sent in by. to morrow (Tuesday) at 1 o'olook p.m. A meeting of the Committed ot the Hauraki Rowing Club is couveued for tomorrow (Taosdsy) evening at 7,30 at Keven's room. We are pleased to learn (ways the Te the Aroha News) that at last the employces at Walhi and S.

Mining Company deolined to go on working, seven days havo a That they have done 80 at week, all is not creditable to themselves; but having induced thom to do eo for a time, them apparently at the Company would like to keep it, like 90 many automatic machines, The oivil case of Hori Tamaki, Parimena Watono, Roto Huto, Tahimana Nahe, and Toi Aperhama V. James Howard was tinued in the Resident Magistrates Court on Saturday, Mr Miller appeared for the plaintiffs, and Mr Purchas for the defendant The contention of plaintiff: is that the detendant about the 6th of January last converted to his own use or wrongfully depaived them of the use anil possession of a therefore ohcetnut colt bolongiug to them. They olaimed to recover from the defenant Howard the return of the coit, or its value £5 and £1 for its detention. The tak ing of ovidenco occupied the whole of forenoon, and counsel having addressed the Court, His Worship said that he was of opinion the casa for the plaintiffs had' rot been made out, unless there was such a decided difference in the appearance of defendants two rates that the mother of the colt could be pointed out with a certainty, and as the evidence was so conflicting ho would prefer seeing the horses h'mselt. He therefore reserved his decieion until Thurs! day next.

The stock of drapery, clothay, furnish ing, etc; purchased by W. S. WYLIE from the has Trustees how in been the estate cf We al stand the opened up, Ci ur-! goods were die, osert of at, 0 great sacrifice, and W. 'S secured a large parcel for, prompt cash, which are marked in plain figure-, and a glance at the prices a will convince buyers that he intends to olear the lot at onco, ADv Four recond ballota havo taken placo be- BY TELEGRAPH -OWN a AUCKLAND, last night. prices following were the closing this Colonial of Now -Sellers, So 5a Now Zealand Insurance -Sellers 658.

Bank 433, South Colonial British Ina 353 6d. Insurance- -Buyers 65. Now Zealand Shipping Morigago-Sellers Buycis 118, National Northern Steamship Company -Buyers 4a 8d A Insurance- 95, 'Taupiri Coal (Extendod)-Sellera 23s, MINING-: Cambria-Sellers 38, Sixon -Sellers 6s, Trenton -Sales 39 Sellers 2s ld, Now 5. Gd, New Alburnia-Sellors 28 9d. May Queen -Sellers 18 4u.

Dives -Sellers Is 9d. Try Fluke -Sellers 48 2d. SPORTING. Dunedin Race Meeting. (BY TELEGRAAIL.

-I'RESS ASSOCIATION. The weathor is again and DUNRDIN, Saturday very fino, the tendence good. A wind is blowing. elrong southerly Trimolito HURDLES. Torrent 1, Cathedral 3, 'Torrent was favorito, Outhedral and Trimolite being also funcied, HOPEFUL STAKES.

-Investigator 1, Bel. rider 2, Miss Ann 3, Townmaor. went out red hot favorite Aftor half n-dozen false starts, Emmason at level monoy. got a good leud, and; it: to tho back of the course, when Investigator went drove to the front, and though Buddioombe his mount, along he: could cover gat 00 torma with the loucor, who: won a favorito punishing race by a bare The never showed prominently. in tho Time, 1miu Dividonds, £15 76 and $15 2s 61.

FORBURY HANDICAP, Occident Moo Loup 2 Mies George, Occidont won oasily a BY NE i Tue following 'are the horses in Saturdays the after, Newmarket the Handicap of and Australian" Cup declaration the final. forfeite THE NEWMARKET Six Run March 1. st lb. Boz Fishwife 10 1 Jon 10 0.0 'Corunna 8.1 My Sedition Lord 913 7 The Yabba Wild 'Oat. 8.

8. 1 0 13 Dou Glovani 9 2 Savanak 13 Aristoorat 8 13 Bonnie Spec. 7'12 Richelieu 8 12 Skiff' 7 12 Bothwell. 8 12 Gladstone Apropos Rudolph 8.10 810 Casuist 711 Merriment 8 10. Ginger 711 8.9 Granklike Tongariro 710.

Dunkeld 8 8 Jerusalem 7.8 Scots Grey 8 8 Braemar Carrington 8 Swing. Ernest 8. 8 Alphington Anarchy. 8 Phryne 7.4 William 8 8 First Boolka. Chaldean 8 7 Olive 72 The Gift, 886 6.

11 Tornado 8 5. Propoundor. Churchill 6. Deception 6 Scottish Chief 84 Highborn 6 Tourbillon 2 Mote 6 7 THE AUSTRALIAN CUP, Two miles and" a quarter. Run barch 4, st.

1b st 1b Bravo 9 5.: Chintz 9. Melos 9 2' Jobusite 7 9 Lonsdale 8 13,, Dunkeld Boz 8 12 Fernando 7 8 Oakleigh 8 12 Tantallon 7..0 Enfilade 8 8 Swing 7 Dreadnought 8 6' Slave. 0 Singapore 8. 3'. Bonnie 6 13 Rudolph '8 0 16 12 Sir William 7 11 Handover 6:10 Scots Grey 710 6 VICTORIAN AUTUMN MEETING! Wagering is.

MELBOURNE, yestorday. limilod for, the Newmarket 11 Handicap. taken Rudolph and Fishwife, 100 is and offored Gladstone, 100 to 6. For the Cup, Dreadnought -the favourite, about and £300 to £100 has beep copted bim. Fatal Fire in Dunedin.

(BY -PRESS A DUNEDIN. last FIRE Attended with fatal results broke out in a five stalled stable at 3,30 on day morning, Tho' fire had a good hold when tinguished it was discayored, afte: it was showed the charred remains of 11 human If Johnston, appoure that the about named Alexandor was soon the place ubout midnight, whother under the influence of or not is not known, Hot has' not been soon sinco. It seems almost certain that ho" porished tlie fire. caused probably by'his own carelessness. MrJohnston koooked about the wharf and did odd jobs, Tho stable is valued at about £12.

The Medical Association. THE LEPROSY CASES. Ar tho' Modical Association meeting at Dr. Truby' King replied to the of Dr Hacon with. regard to nsylums He.

maid that at Wellington post mortem examinations were held in all Bury cases, and also at Senoliffo, As to assistant the InspeotorGeneral' had recommanded that one be appointed at Sencliffe, und this had been authorizod. Dr King showed that it had not been the practice to appoint without previous. exporience. The Medical Bill was considered and a resolutien was passed reaffi: miog its would principles. see and trusting the goveroment their way to pass it.

pointed Papers to were, read and a committee. apconsider and report on the Dr. lion of Brown During the disoussion, made some remarks about leprosy, stating that there was no neod for to special the discase precautions in or legislation in regard New Zealand, as the conditious were not fuvourable for and spread in this country. its growth German Electtons. INOREASE OF SOCIALISTS.

(By CADLE-PRESS ASSOCIATION.) BERLIN, Fobruary, 21 THE Gorman elections are proceeding, 'I'lie Minisloralist party do not oxpeot a majority. Tho Socialiate and Democrats have tho singor, bus beou olvoted for Borlin, nominatod 140 candidates. Liebk (ween the Suouns a and Radicule, The Socialist volo in Borlin is 115,000, showing an increase of 20,000 votes sinco last oleotions. Sociulist candidatos have been roturnod at Munich, Mogdoburg, Konigaburg, Elberfold, Chow ni'z, Lubeok, Bremen, and Burnawick, The voting power of the Sociulist partisans has bcon doubled throughout Gormany, TWO LEADERS DEFLATED. Vi! 11 BERLIN, February 20.

Lorr Eugou Richter, loador of the Gore man Liberal- party; and -Count Von -Moltke, chiof of the lato Conservative party, have boon in the goneral elections DOW proceed ng. MINING INTELLIGENCE, NEW, managor re-Tho Reuben Parr reef in tho western drive from the bottom of tho winzo below. the Point Russell level still shows gold freely when broken down, To-day a few pounds of really good stone the woro secured, Thure is a break crossing lode which has thrown in fully three foot into the foot wall, It is on the western side of this broak that the gold has got, while that obtained in the sinking boon tho winzo was on tho castorn sido, A start on was hand made from yosterday to roduco the quariz horo, but I regret to nay that the wator was cut off tho, battery this afternoon. WAIORONGOMAL. Ferguson Syndicate.

The prospools in connection as with this." proporly improve daily' work: progrossos; and are vory satisfactory, Good gold is being ob. tained in in the now workings on tho main reef the 'Premier ground, where sinkjog riging, is in progress on the main roof, apmo, 200 foot north, from tho eastern drivo the ore coming to grass is of good It is intonded in tho, course of fow take out a bhuber of trial lofa, from largo body of ore in tbo oustern drive. in order to dotermine the general contract will average shortly value bu' of lot the reef: and a "to drive 200 feet north and connect with the winze now in de progress (alreudy referred to). Tho quartz is free milling, with coarse gold disseminated through the roof, The mill ready for tho of milling and the Lamberion found to work very satisfaotorily: Great soarcity of wator for motive power, is oxpatienced just now, owing to the iong continued Spell of dry weather. There can be no doubt whalover that the find of such good gold in those entirely new workinga, id valuable' discovery.To not 1: ALINING, 'n The up of the United yioldod "Roxbutgh, for the fortnight, 1390z 13d wt 12gr of, gold, valuod at: 6d oil 10: 30.

1 WAIOMO: it (Own 4 Fires 1 Evory all'atound our, too poaceful" valley, "the' for, wopke past, has boop nothing but thick howevor those last, days tho fires seem to have dearly burnt" out, How and these the is potting olear again. fires is always a rato' no one' hoknowledges to doing: HO nobod yo even: lights one, nt any80. that it must be spontancous combustion that yearly destroys mach of out forosl timber. It is tito active were taken, by, those in mithotity to put a stop to such wholesale. of got only timber that is at present for various purposes, but also the young saplingo that in a few.

yoare would be, worth toney: of' Paroquet the battery is, I may say, a The thing past, the contraotor Mr Joo, MoDerdjott hap mudo excellent with: the work, which has been carried on under tho immodiate of Mr. Uno. MoDe gertaibly deserves greata a for, the guannor in which the difforons parta of the unabhiaory bgop, taken to. and loaded on the drays, tho, having boon dono withpnt? the bitch or accident. J.

Rickette and O. Short are doing the carting in their usual officiont manner, Thel day, will but it probability: be 88 weighs only about 34 tons thoro will not be muoh diffioulty in tho mattor, Our roads aro 'loft to take care of thomsolvos, and next winter's rains will make the Waiomo Ureek road impassable. oven DOW it 18 Bo" arto be elmost dangerous; The now ownors of the "Gom have started work with two lien. We are, froubled. with.

ogoasional visits from people who evidently do not think that atealing is any barm, our local storekeapur and' postmastor; MA R. UR haying lost several guese within the fast his fow days; some time ago. a gond muny of munner, mirkeys supposed in a most myaturious that' it was bipedal Maori doge. that but took I thiok tho goes, and also- that thoy came in a boat: is to hoped that they I caught and punislied fab they dosorve. hoar that bae 8 a very: Tapu, rich lode in the, dT A Die Hard CORRESPONDENCE.

BANKRUPT ESTATE (To. the Sir will you permit me to say a fow words in your, paper on enbjeot that lie ought as to well 'intorest to' tho gonoral pubbe of as mysolf. Via: The law, and dolay to the in points Some time in business in this locality ago 4 himself person unable, found to, cullet trade had upon to him file at his the schedule and consequently lie did about the 7th'of last month as a bankrupt, which his liabilities amounted to about' £1200 at a partial sale of his estate about a fortnight afterwards £1000 was realized. hoth: ing. ret has been received: by.

the credible, the naturally comes whom of any is bonefitted by this delay. of, settlement. Oertainly not tho, unfortunate bankrupt, who has the entire sympathy of his oreditors, and in whose bankraptoy not the slightest shade of anything diegroditable to be found! I write this as one having 80D10 not very. pt cases af this kind. I.

fad the longor a settlement is delayed tho' heavier are tho logal charges against tho, estato, and bo it observed the assets never to be plagod where thoy can fruptify for, its benefits I hope this care is not to be similar to otliora In whioh I have. boba'a" sufferer, and that or Deputy Assigheos wlil mbt shelve tho case one day longer than they can glvo a good rouson for. This is tor of justice to wards tho bankrupt a well as his creditors. It. delayed and no good reuson shown for such dolay I oball une willingly be compelled believe such 'doam 2 lay to be caused by intoreated -I A Thumes 240h January.

18904 1..

Thames Advertiser from Thames, Thames-Coromandel District, New Zealand (2024)


Which district is the Thames in? ›

Place Summaries | Thames-Coromandel District | Stats NZ.

How big is Thames, NZ? ›

Thames covers 16.99 km2 (6.56 sq mi) and had an estimated population of 7,630 as of June 2023, with a population density of 449 people per km2.

Who is the CEO of the Thames-Coromandel District Council? ›

Aileen Lawrie has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer for the Thames-Coromandel District Council effective from 1 August 2022. “We're very excited and extremely fortunate that Aileen has accepted the position,” says our Mayor Sandra Goudie.

Who is the mayor of Thames-Coromandel District Council? ›

Len Salt

What is the meaning of the word Thames? ›

1. ( tɛmz ) a river in S England, rising in the Cotswolds in several headstreams and flowing generally east through London to the North Sea by a large estuary. Length: 346 km (215 miles) Ancient name: Tamesis (ˈtæməsɪs )

What is the capital of Thames? ›

Today we feature the city of London, capital of the United Kingdom. It is situated in south-eastern England at the head of the River Thames estuary.

Is Thames, NZ worth visiting? ›

Rich in gold and kauri history, the museums, stamper batteries and heritage experiences tell the stories of the glory days of Thames to its present day reputation as a bustling rural hub and charming old-world treasure.

What is it like to live in Thames, NZ? ›

Thames is a peaceful, arty town that is only a 90- minute drive from Auckland. The main shopping location on the Coromandel Peninsula, Thames has a wealth of boutiques, a historic main street – famous for being one of the longest streets in the country – and a modern shopping mall.

Who is the managing director of Coromandel? ›

Mr. Alagappan is acknowledged as a thought leader in the Bicycle Industry and the NBFC Industry. Mr. Sankarasubramanian S is the Managing Director & CEO of the Company.

What council is Thames in? ›

Thames-Coromandel District Council.

Who owns Thames Valley? ›

The company is privately owned by a mix of people and businesses. The consortium of pension funds and sovereign wealth funds owns the entire business. The largest shareholder as of July 2023 is the Canadian pension fund Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (Omers) – about 32 per cent.

Who is the chairman of Thames Water? ›

Montague replaced Ian Marchant, who ended his five year stint last year, following the abrupt exit of Sarah Bentley as chief executive officer. He is the former chairman of FTSE 100 insurance giant Aviva, and was seen as a safe pair of hands.

Where is Sadiq Khan Mayor of? ›

Sadiq Aman Khan Hon FRIBA (/ˈsɑːdɪk ˈkɑːn/,; born 8 October 1970) is a British politician serving as Mayor of London since 2016.

Who is the Mayor of Thame? ›

The Mayor of Thame

Cllr Andy Gilbert was elected by the Town Council at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2024 as Mayor of Thame for 2024-2025.

Where is the Thames located? ›

The River Thames is the longest river that flows entirely within England, and the second longest in the UK (after the River Severn). The source is in Gloucestershire, which is in south-west England. It flows in an easterly direction through Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey and into London.

What state is Richmond upon Thames in? ›

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Sovereign stateUnited Kingdom
Constituent countryEngland
Ceremonial countyGreater London
26 more rows

What region is Thames Water? ›

We work within a 13,000 square km (5,000 square miles) area, from parts of Gloucestershire in the west, to areas of Kent and Essex in the east. We share borders with many other companies that provide water and/or sewerage services.

Is the in London called the Thames? ›

The River Thames, known alternatively in parts as the River Isis, is a river that flows through southern England including London. At 215 miles, it is the longest river entirely in England and the second-longest in the United Kingdom, after the River Severn.


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.