The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1960 Three Rivers Chamber Installs Officers were installed at the annual business and dinner meeting of Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce Saturday night. From left to right: William Dennis, secretary; Albert Rairden, works manager for Colorado Fuel and Iron main speaker; Raymond Niles, president, and Hubbard Sweet, treasurer. WINDSOR LOCKS, CONN. Science, Industrial Fairs Saturday at High School Faculty members of Windsor Locks High School, assisted by a committee of the local Chamber of Commerce are cooperating in plans for the annual science and industrial fairs at the high school Saturday from 10 to 2 and Sunday from 1.30 to 4. Jaycees Are Sponsors The science fair.

under tion of the school's science department, is sponsored by the Jaycees. Prizes will be' awarded to the top three winners in the junior and senior biological and physical science divisions. Members of the judging commitee will be Joseph M. McCar-trict thy of George Norman R. Dahlstrom of Circle Charles W.

Ellis of Anthony Robert V. Guilford of Litchfield Raymond A. Roncari of Elm Richard L. Tambussi of North Dr. William N.

King of Center and Dr. David L. Young of West St. The industrial arts fair will under direction industrial arts faculty of the school and will be sponsored by following local companies: the F. S.

Bidwell Lumber Carlisle Hardware Windsor Locks Lumber and Turnpike Hardware Co. Prizes to Re Given Prizes will be awarded the two top winners in the junior and senior wood and metal divining sions. Members of the judging committee will be Ernest F. Osterling, assistant director of Hartford Regional Technical School; John Ringrose, industrial arts instructor, Roosevelt Junior High School in New Britain; Raleigh Folsom. industrial arts instructor, East Windsor High School; and William Gile, industrial arts instructor, Suffield High School.

Students in Grades 7 through 12 will participate in the science far and participants in industrial arts fair will he limited 10 students in Grades 9 through 12. The public is in- vited. JAMES ANTONAKAS WINDSOR Conn. James Antonakas, 17, of 49 Whiton proprictor of the Mayflower Restaurant on Main died Saturday in Hartford liospital. following weeks' illness.

He born in Greece and lived this town the last 13 years. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and of Euclid Lodge, A. F. A. M.

He leaves his widow. Mrs. Mary (Mathous) Antonakas; his mother, Mrs. William Jakem, his stepWilliam Jakem, both of Norwich; two sisters, Mrs. SamMrs.

Henry Vass old New Haven. Goutyelis Norwich and Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 at the Johnson funeral home on Oak St. and burial will be in Grove Cemetery in this town. MRS. TIMOTHY MOONEY WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn.

Mrs. Jane (Vessie) Mooney, widow of Timothy J. formerly of this town, died Friday in a private hospital in Evanston, Ill. She was born in Northampton, and resided in this town and West Hartford before moving to SyraShe leaves two sons, A John R. cuse, N.

several years ago. Mooney of Winnetka, and Atty. Robert J. Mooney of Syracuse: one sister. Mrs.

Joseph Losty of Wethersfield; and 10 grandchildren. The funeral be held Thursday morning at 8:30 at the Johnson funeral home on Oak followed by requiem high mAss in St. Mary's Church at 9. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery.

I Friends may call at the funeral home Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. WINDSOR LOCKS BRIEFS WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. Mrs. Howard Micha of Webb St.

has announced the engagement of her daughter. Beverly Louise, to Daniel L. Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ross of in Simsbury.

A May a wedding is planned. Miss Micha has a retarial position in the office of Bradley Field Restaurants. Her fiance will be graduated in March from the New England in Technical Institute. He is ploved by Connecticut Gencral Life Insurance Co. in Bloomfield.

The CYO of St. Mary's parish will conduct a religious quiz at its meeting in St. Mary's School en Grove St. Wednesday eve- at ning. Cecelia Agey has been nained secretary of the CYO to fill a vacancy.

Ladies the local Jeffersonian Club will hold a valentine tea at the Airport Hotel WILBRAHAM Big Revaluation Outlay Is Fought By Felsentreger WILBRAHAM Edward O. Felsentreger of 109 Stony Hill Democratic-indorsed candidate for assessor, said Sunday he was against any large appropriation for revaluation of town properties. He feels that surrounding towns he contacted for aid in this matter, if needed, without adding financial burdens to local homeowners. Felsentreger is confident this could be handled with economy and expedience. If elected, he said, he will apply all means possible to see that properties are adjusted in a fair and equitable manner.

a representative of the Democratic Party, Felsentreger said healthy town politics needs representation from both parties in running town government effectively. 1957 Escapee Of Bridgewater Is Apprehended -Luck ran out here Saturday for a Bridgewater State Farm escapee who fled in 1957 and who since. according 10 police, has been many parts of the country just one step ahead of the law. Joseph Podhelski, 38, whosel home address is given as 20 Lake Webster, was picked up on Dipping Hole Rd. Chief of Police William Pollitt and Auxiliary Patrolman Fred Maicaulay after he had gone to a home and complained 10 the people there that "three fellows tried to beat me up." According ot Chief Pollitt, questioning of Podbelski disclosed that he had been picked up on Boston Rd.

by three men in a cAr who then drove over Dipping Hole stole a bottle of w'ine from him and then ejected him from the car after making threats they would beat him up. Not satisfied with the answers Podbelski gave to general questioning. Chief Pollitt made a check on him, resulting in his identity as an escapee. Podbelski, according to Chief Pollitt. preyed on the ity of Catholic priests for outs in his travels and when picked up by the police had $2 which had been given him by a Springfield priest.

Chief Pollitt said Podbelski has ed long record. having served time in Concord for attempted murder, in a California prison and in prisons in New York and New Jersey on burglary and breaking and entering charges and in Florida. where he was a member of a prison chain gang. Prison guards arrived at 3 a. m.

Sunday to take Podbelski back "home." Chief Pollitt said. Scouts Attend Church Together WILBRAHAM A court of honor for Boy Scouts of Troop 177 will take place tonight at 7:30 in the parish house of Wilbraham United Church. Scoutmaster R. Swallow invites all parents and friends of scouting to attend the ceremonies. Awards of merit badges And service stars will be presented to scouts as well as four star awards to be given to the following: Sam Lovejoy.

Dan McGinty, Don Barnett and LarSwetland. Scouts of Troops 177 and 175 started Boy Scout week by attending service at in a the body United the A. m. Church. In commemorations Boy of Boy Scout Troop 359 attended Communion in a body at the 8:30 mass at St.

Cecilia's Church with several of the scouts serving as altar boys during the mass. At 12:30 p. m. Sunday the troop attended the benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at Holy Cross Church, Springfield. A dinner and other ceremonies will mark the presentation of a charter to the newly formed St.

Cecilia's Boy Scout troop on Thursday with a banquet scheduled at the social center of the church at 6:30 p. m. Scoutmaster Bob Clark announced that the presentation of troop charter will be under the direction of Order of the Arrow. Tax Airing Tomorrow -Much interest has been aroused by the announcement of a public discussion which the Board of sors has slated for Tuesday evening in Memorial School auditorium on a proposed revaluation of all taxable properties in the community. The public meeting will at 8 and speakers be Dr.

John Gillespie, Leslie Willard. Henry Brenan and Archie Horne, authorities on the subject assessing methods. It is reported that for several years there have been charges of inequitics by some property owners regarding their valuations and pro and con discussions on the matter are being heard. Townspeople who have any questions on this matter are urged to attend Tuesday evening. WILBRAHAM BRIEFS WILBRAHAM Members of Wilbraham Grange are reminded to note the change of meeting place at the regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday when the local group will gather at Grange Hall at 7 p.

m. to leave for Holyoke Grange Hall. Grange Master Dudley E. Bliss, will conduct a joint meeting along with the master of Holyoke Grange at 8 p. m.

there. The local youth committee is in charge of arrangements for a patriotie and St. Valentine's program which will be presented following the joint meeting of the two Granges. Another "Sew Easy" Wed 51 Years Today TRIBUTE PAID TO FITZGERALD FOR A.A. WORK Lifetime Membership Is Presented at Association Smoker THOMPSONVILLE John F.

Fitzgerald. St. was presented an honorary life membership at the annual smoker and smorgasbord of the Greys A. A. Sunday afternoon at the Greys clubrooms on Main St.

100 Are Present Fitzgerald was introduced by David Sloane, Greys president. The life membership was presented by John Riley. Entertainment included vocal selections by, the Hawkins quarter. Walter Krause, a past Greys president, prepared the smorgasbord. About 100 attended.

Harold (Paddy) Green was master of ceremonies. The life membership was in recognition of Fitzgerald's lengthy service in Greys junior athletics and his work for veterans of the community. An Army veteran of World War I. Fitzgerald was a employed 40 years in the jacquard department of the Co. prior to his recent retirement.

The arrangements committee included Robert Gray, chairman, John Riley, Franklin Dziura, James Maniscalchi. I Robert Campbell and A. Marvin Walsh. I NOAH WEBSTER PTA TO BE ORGANIZED THOMPSONVILLE A PTA for the new Noah Webster School will be organized at a meeting Tuesday night at the school. A permanent board of officers will be elected.

Assisting in the organization project are state PTA officials. Edward Webster is temporary chairman and Miss Ann M. Hines. temporary secretary. The Noah Webster School opened last month with a registration of about 525.

Opening of this school signaled the end of double sessions, in the Enfield grade schools. Located on the north side of Brainard adjoining the large Whit-Acres housing development, the new school is duplicate of the Mark Twain School on South Rd. The Noah Webster School will be formally dedicated at a date to de announced. JAYCEE WIVES MEETING THOMPSONVILLE Color slides depicting the pagan, Moslem and Christian ways of life will be shown by Mrs. Joan Vossler at a meeting of the Enfield Jaycee Wives tonight at Enfield Inn.

The speaker spent four years in Nigeria under the nondenominational Sudan Intorior Mission. During that time, her husband served as a missionary pilot. Mrs. Jerry Skarznski is hospitality chairman. MISS EHRESMAN BRIDE THOMPSONVILLE Miss Joan Ehresman, daughter of Oliver Ehresman and the late Mrs.

Ehresman, and Richard A. Clark. son of Mr. Mrs. Herbert A.

Clark of Suffield, were married Saturday afternoon in the parsonage of United Presbyterian Church. Rev. Tyler Johnson officiated. The attendants were Mrs. George Ehresman.

sister-in-law of the bride. and Robert Clark, brother the bridegroom. A reception followed in the Terrace Room at Bradley Field Terminal. Following an unannounced wedding trip. the ple will reside at 147 Spring St.

NURSING CLASS TONIGHT THOMPSONVILLE-A home nursing course sponsored by the Infield Red Cross Branch opens tonight at 7.30 at Enfield Fire Station. Classes will he continued on Monday nights for six weeks. Instructors will be Mrs. Joseph Colletti and Mrs. Irene Leathe.

second home nursing course is now being formed. Women interested may phone Mrs. Dina Radosti, 24 Thompson Ct. THOMPSONVILLE BRIEFS ing of the Enfield Recreation meetCommission is listed Tuesday night at 8 at the Enfield Youth Center. The Enfield Board of Education meets Tuesday night at 7.30 at A.

D. Higgins School. Following is the hot lunch menu this week at Enfield St. School: Monday. ravioli with meat.

string beans, salad, fruit: Tuesday, meat pie with biscuit topping. pickles, and butter, jello; Wednesday. mock pizza. corn. chocolate pudding: Thursday.

roast turkey. dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potato, peas, cookies; Friday. tomato soup, crackers, tuna fish sandwich. fruit. The Brainard School pray meets tonight at 8 in the school with Mrs.

John Meyer presiding. The program will include a Founders' Day skit and a talk by Supt. of Schools Maurice Smith. Mrs. Nicola Curcio heads the hospitality commitice.

Arthur Coate. of the local plant of ilallmark Cards, will show a film, "Sentiment Is Our Business." at a mecting of the Higgins School PTA Wednesday night at 7.30 in the school auditorium. Eighth grade students will serve refreshments under direction of Mrs. Richard Dunne of the faculty. Headed hy President Ernest Busch and Director C.

Bristol, a delegation from Enfield Chamber of Commerce will attend a conference on probJems of the aged Thursday, the 11th, at Hotel Statler-Hilton, Hartford, under auspices of the Chambers of Commerce of Hartford County. The conference is from 2.30 to 4.30 in the Capitol A Ballroom. Moderator will be Arthur L. Johnson, perain sonnel Machine director Co. of the New Brit- STAFFORD SPRINGS Foreclosures Ordered STAFFORD SPRINGS.

Conn. -Judge William P. Barber at a short session of Tolland County Court of Common Pieas Fruay ordered foreclosure in an action brought by the Town of Stafford and the Borough Stafford Springs, against over a the theater Markoff on Main in Stafford Springs. It was stated that the town's claim is the result of unpaid taxes of $3119.57 and the borough's $1299.24. Each is to share proportionately in the amount realized.

May 2 was set as the Also, foreclosure by sale was ordered in the action brought by the Stafford Building and Loan Charles T. and Eleanor B. Baldassario of Crystal Lake. The debt was stated at $5166.19 plus $150 attorney's fees. Etalo G.

Gnutti of Stafford Springs was named as committee to have charge of the sale on May 7. MISS GILBERT ENGAGED STAFFORD SPRINGS, -Ir. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert of Chestnut Hill, West Stafford. announce the engagement their daughter.

Miss Phyllis A. Gilbert, to Albert J. Concato. son of Mrs. Ines Concato West Stafford Stafford Springs, and the late Guido Concato.

A May wedding planned. Miss Gilbert is a graduate Stafford High School and is employed at the local branch of the Connecticut Bank Trust Co. Concalo, a graduate of Stafford High School and American International College. Springfield. served in the Marines.

He is now employed at the Connecticut Bank Trust here. STAFFORD SPRINGS BRIEFS STAFFORD SPRINGS. Conn. Among representatives of wool manufacturers of England who attended a luncheon meeting with New England senators last Thursday in Washington. D.

to urge that import quotas on wool be fixed to protect domestic were: Roland A. Mitchell of the Cyril Johnson Woolen Co. and Richard L. Rugen of the Warren Woolen Stafford Springs, and Robert L. Keeney.

of the Somersville Manufacturing Somersville. The Board of Selectmen at meeting this week end agreed to send specifications for the revaluation program of property! in the town of Stafford to all those firms who submitted liminary bids. During the past Year representatives from different firms were interviewed in regard to cost estimates. They all agreed that the revaluation project will include a complete set of aerial maps of the town. SUFFIELD, CONN.

Suffield Briefs SUFFIELD. Conn. At the dinner meeting of Suffield Rotary Club at 6 p. m. Tuesday at the high school.

Robert D. Waldron of Connecticut Light and Power Co. will speak on the 118th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Edison. Anthony Kuras is in charge. Thomas F.

Gallivan. will speak on then colonial history of Suffield meeting of Holy Society of Sacred Heart Church Tuesday at 8 in the parish hall. Suffield Players will meet Tuesday at 7.30 in the Trophy Room. Suffield Academy. Mr.

and Mrs. Moore of Glastonbury will talk on the Association of Little Theaters. A coffee hour will precede the program. The pastoral West Suffield Church will meet with Dr. James English.

state superintendent. in the church parlors at 7.30 Tuesday. The committee will meet Feb. 18 at 7.30 p. In.

in the church parlors. A board meeting of Friendly Guild, First Church, will be held Wednesday at 1.30 p. m. in the Gay Room. The rosebud on the pulpit in Second Baptist Church Sunday was in recognition of the birth of Bradford Thompson Bissell, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Sumner F. Bissell of North Grand West Suffield, on Jan. 29. C.

VIGGERS SUFFIELD, Conn. -Samuel C. Viggers, 67. of 1281 Spruce St. died at Hartford Hospital Sunday morning.

He was born in Springfield, March 10, 1892. le had made his home in Suffield for the past 19 years where he carried on a recaning chairs and furniture repair business in his own shop. He leaves his wife, Florence (Loomis) Viggers; one brother. Dwight of Florida; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Markham of East Longmeadow, several nieces nephews, and greatnieces and nephew's.

The neral will be held at Byron funeral home, 684 State Springfield, Wednesday at 1:30. Rev. Paul J. Bailey of West Suffield Congregational Church will officiate. Burial will be in Prospect Hill Cemetery, Hampden, Mass.

Calling hours at the funeral home will be and Tuesday from 7 to 9 p. m. RABBI TO GIVE BOOK TALK SUFFIELD, Conn. Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman of Temple Beth Isracl, West Hartford, known as an ardent Zionist.

author, biographer lecturer, will give a book talk at the meeting of Suffield Woman's Club Tuesday at Second Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Dessert will be served before the meeting at 1 p. m. Mrs. Thomas F.

Gallivan, and Mrs. Carter Allen are cochairmen of the hostesses. 1 PALMER LARGE CROWD EXPECTED AT TOWN MEETING. Disposition of Old Town House Is Among Important Articles Three Rivers, will be the site PALMER--St. st.

Stanislaus Hall, for the annual town appropriations meeting tonight at 7. Crowd Expected From discussions heard in many quarters over the week end, the meeting will be largely with many important matters on the agenda. Certain to get the main play for discussion will be the matter centering around Article 23 which seeks authority for the selectmen to sell, raze or dispose of Town Meeting House at Four Corners. Condemned against public use, the old structure has been the object of a fact-finding committee to determine its future. When it was disclosed that it would cost some $30,000 to put the building in repair, the committee decided by unanimous vote that the best thing to do with it would be tear it down.

Money Asked Under Article 14, the voters will be asked to voice their opinions on an appropriation of a sum of money from "free cash" to reduce the 1960 tax levy. Article 16 calls for action on the purchase of two police cruisers and radio equipment each. Another article seeks funds for installing flashing signals at a railroad crossing at Quaboag Three Rivers, and to improve the railroad crossing grade at that point. An appropriation is being sought for preliminary engineerling problems. services to Numerous study sewerage other articles dealing with improvements to town-accepted ways and other matters are listed in the warrant for the meeting.

Police Chief's at Bradley Field from 3 to 5. Guests will include Secretary of State Ella T. Grasso, and Mrs. Ruth WV. Flanagan, local representative to the General Assembly.

Mark Sinch, a regional sales manager of a greeting card company. will be present and show a display of valentines from over the years. Members invite guests. A meeting of the Lions Club will be held 'Thursday evening at the Italian Progressive Clu on Suffield St. Past Presidents' Night will be observed and presidents the past 15 years will be honored.

Speaker will be DisMarshall Golden. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Italian American Club will meet Tuesday evening at 8 at the clubhouse on South Center St. A regular meeting of Riverside Council. K. of will be held Tuesday evening at 8 in the home on Spring St.

At conclusion of the business meeting there will be awarding of the attendance prize and refreshments will be served. The council is sponsoring a public social in the home this evening at 8, and several prize awards will he given. George W. Scott is committee chairman. A public meeting of the Zonling Board of Appeals will be held in the town office building on Church Tuesday eveat 7 to act on two applications for variation of the zoning ordinance.

One has been filed by J. F. Babiasz of Turnpike Rd. for permission to erect a dwelling 26 by 30 feet in a Zone on the east side of pike Rd. a about 200 feet north of the intersection of North St.

and Turnpike Rd. The second application is that of Joseph C. Leroux of Hatheway St. requesting permission to operate a body and fender repair shop to be known as the Conni Auto Body on the west side of Turnpike Rd. 200 feet distant from the inHiersection of Halfway House Rd.

Libraries to Get Lincoln Tributes WASHINGTON Copies of the proceedings of the Congress the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's Birthday will be provided to eight libraries in Hartford County this week by U. S. Rep. Emilio Q. Daddario of Conn.

The proceedings contain the memorable historical talk delivered by Carl Sandburg to A joint session. which described as "an historical masHe said he hoped the contribution to the Lincolniana collections of the libraries, would afford more people chance 10 know the tremendous demonstration of respect that the ceremonies represented. MONSON Hope-Murray MONSON Miss Donna Lee lope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hope of Wilbraham became the bride of Herbert A.

Murray. son of Mrs. Louise Aliengena of Hospital Rd. and the late Robert Murray, Friday in a ceremony performed in St. Patrick's Church.

Rev. Thomas J. O'Connor performed the coremony, using the double ring service. A reception for members of the immediate families followed at the home of the bride. Following a wedding trip, the couple will be at home to friends at 230 Main after Feb.

12. Monson Briefs Victor E. Rosenlund, chairman of the Finance Committee, has announced that the committee will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.45 p. m. in Memorial Town Hall for the remaining days in the month of February.

Additional meetings may be held in March. Monson Lodge of Odd Fellows will meet tonight at 8 in First Universalist Stenciling churchinting class for advancod students will meet Monday from 6.30 to 8.30 p. m. in the home of the instructor, Mrs. Norman Eklund of Wood Hill Rd.

Christian. Doctrine classes for high school students will be held tonight at 7 Columbia Hall. Monson Barracks, Veterans of World War will meet tonight at 8 in GAR hall. Recreation basketball practice will be held tonight at 6.30 for the intermediate in the 15 to 21 age group. Senior boys will meet at 8.

Practice is held in the high school gymnasium. Mr. and Mrs. Boleslaw Rivers, are celebrating their They have for members of the County East Wilbraham group will be continued tonight at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Rene Paradise of Three Rivers Rd.

All attending are asked to bring blouse pattern and material as the group will start making blouse. Those who have not finished their skirts may complete there Stephen also. Chmura, former president of the Polish-American Veterans Club of Wilbraham and chairman of the building committee for the club headquarters. is a patient at Mercy Hospital, Springfield. JUNIOR RED CROSS -Marilyn Hitchco*ck has been elected president of Minnechaug Interhigh Jr.

Red Cross Council. Other officers elected are: vice-president, Arthur Goodwin; secretary, Carol Fey: treasurer, Sally Eldredge. Four pupils from Cathedral, Technical and High Schools recently spoke on the Junior Red Cross work being carried out through activities in schools and communities. Ten pupils from Minnechaug will attend the Inter-high meeting scheduled for Wednesday the Springfield Chapter House American Red Cross. HAMPDEN School District Budget $492,2725 HAMPDEN According to the report of the braham School District Committee, the 1960 maintenance andi operating budget of the Regional School amounts to $492,272.

Credits for the year, the report states, will amount to $91,156.24. which reduces the total assessment to $401.115.76. Cost 10 each town on the breakdown is as follows: Hampden, $103,142.70, Wilbraham. $297,973.06. The breakdown for the budget is general control, expense of instruction, operation of plant, $48.063: maintenance of plant, $3640; auxiliary agencies, service.

transportation, special temporary borrowing, $4500. Women's Club will hold its monthly business meeting in the St. Mary's Church Hall at 8. Hostesses will be Mrs. William Levakis, Mrs.

J. Guertin, Mrs. George Jais and Mrs. Royal Johnston. The Woodland Park Garden Club will meet Tuesday night at 8 in the home of Mrs.

Howard Cutting of Baldwin Dr. Cohostesses be Mrs. Roger Smith and Sirs. Monug Piligian. A white elephant sale is planned.

The Ladies Aid Society of Hampden Federated Community Church will have a pot luck supper and guest night Thursday at 6.30 for both groups of the society. Dr. David E. Weinland will show slides of his recent trip around the world. Family night supper sponsored by the Fellowship and Missionary Committees of the Hampden Federated Community Church will be held at the Elementary School Sunday.

Robert Toulson has enlisted in the Marines and is receiving his basic training at Parris Island. A member of Hampden Grange, Robert is the son of Mrs. Dorothy Chapin Toulson and the grandson of the late George A. Chapin of Somers Rd. HAMPDEN Catholic HAMPDEN BRIEFS, HOLLAND ton, former selectman, who has HOLLAND Charles L.

Attlebeen recuperating at the home of his son, Clifford, in Springfield, following surgery Springfield Hospital, has returned home. Mrs. Andrew visiting with her son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bagley, Canton Center, Conn.

Mrs. Agatha Wargo is home from Johnson Memorial Hospital, Stafford Springs, where she was surgical patient. Eugene Jolin, Patrick and Donald Looney, local Tantasqua Regional High School students. were among the 47 who received athletic awards at an all-school projectlassembly last week, of 29 North Three wedding anniversary today. 13 children.

Lemanskis Noting 51st Anniversary a eslaw a PALMER-Mr. Lemanski of and 29 Mrs. North Bol- Three Rivers, are observing their 51st wedding anniversary today. Poland, 8, 1909. Three They were, married in Leman, years later, they came to this community and have been residents since.

Mr. and Mrs. Lemanski have 13 children, Edward, Stanley. Ida, Jennie, Sophie, Chester and John, all of Three Rivers; Mrs. Theresa of Suffield, William of Bondsville, Maty of New York City, Julia of Westfield, Bronislaus of Southwick Ludlow, and six grandchildren.

TWO CARS COLLIDE PALMER Cars operated Harry C. Shaffer of 132 Brewster steind Hazardville, Edward Roy of 32 Birch Gardner, collided Sunday afternoon at the stop sign on Pleasant St. Neither operator was' injured and there was slight property damage, according to Patrolman Harry Murphy said the Roy machine failed stop at the sign and hit the Shaffer vehicle. I WARE Parish in Favor Of Consolidation WARE -At a special parish meeting Sunday noon, members of the Unitarian Church voted to accept the plan of consolidation of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America. The plan was outlined by delegates at a national meeting in Syracuse, N.

last October. The Ware church is a member of the Worcester Conference. Churches in Uxbridge, Upton and Mendon have approved the plan. Palmer Universalist Church recently voted against consolidation. -Property transfers recorded office of the assessors during the past week include Charles E.

Barnes to Nellie McGrillis, interest in all property: Francis V. Gibbs et al to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. St.

George, Dale and Nellie J. McGrillis to Mr. and Mrs. John J. McGrillis, interest in all property.

Selectmen have announced the hours during a which alcoholic beverages may be sold on Washington's Birthday. Hotels, restaurants and clubs may sell during their usual business hours. Package stores may sell only between the hours of 1 to 11 p. m. BRIMFIELD BRIMFIELD- At a recent Tantasqua Regional High assembly, boys received awards for outstanding achievement in fall sports, cross country and freshman and varsity football.

Brimfield award recipients were Robert Hanna, Robert Lazure, Bruce Robert Birchenough, Arthur' Cantara, Hamer Clarke, Burton Mooney, Brian Smith, Richard Sullivan and Allan Reed. Mrs. Mabel Dustin of Prospect Hill Rd. celebrated her 93d birthday Friday in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

James C. Hatch. Brimfield Elementary School cafeteria menus for the week: today, cheese with roll, vegetable soup, fruit; Tuesday, hamburg with tomato soup and carrots, potatoes, bread and butter, deep dish apple pie; Wednesday, pork and hamburg with spaghetti, carrot sticks, bread and peanut butter, fruit; Thursday, meat loaf, potatoes, bread and butter, gingerbread; Friday, fish sticks, potatoes, carrots, bread and peanut butter, cookies. Pfc. Robert Martin, son of Mr.

and Mrs. H. Wesley of Brookfield is visiting his parents while on a 30-day leave. He also visited his brother's family, Pfc. and Mrs.

Richard Martin of Portsmouth, Va. Other Suburban On Pages 3,5 Sister Dead ahue of Crawford BondsPALMER Miss Mary, Donville, sister of Chief of Police James F. Donahue, died Sunday. A lifelong resident, she was. a daughter of the late Michael J.

and Anna (Lynch) Donahue. She leaves four sisters, Catherine Helen Ann S. and Mrs. Daniel A. Shea, all of Bondsville; four brothers, Michael J.

and William A. of Bondsville, Charles E. of Holyoke and Chief Donahue of Palmer, and several nieces nephews. The funeral will be held at the Palmer funeral home Wednesday at 8.15, with a high mass of requiem at 9 in St. Bartholomew's Church, Bondsville.

Burial will be in St. ThomAS Cemetery. Calling hours are today and Tuesday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9. Wing Hospital Limits Visitors PALMER Wing Memorial Hospital is restricting the number of visitors in an effort to protect its patients from the respiratory diseases in this area, it was announced Sunday. The decision, which becomes effective today.

was made on the recommendation of the medical staff and with the approval of the board of managers. The announcement states hospital authorities will appre ciate the co-operation of the relatives and friends of patients "who want their loved ones to recover as quickly as The restrictions will be lifted as soon as conditions improve. Maternity patients' husbands only will have visiting privileges. All other patients will name two visitors. Passes bearing the name of those having visiting privileges will be at the information desk.

Anyone wishing to write a note to relatives or friends who a are patients will find note paper and envelopes at the desk. CAR CLIPS OFF POLE PALMER--Joseph T. Stokosa of 221 Main Three Rivers, escaped with minor bruises and a shaking up Sunday night when he lost control of his car while traveling east on High Bondsville. The car smashed into a utility pole and sheared it off, according to Patrolman Harold Olson. PALMER BRIEFS PALMER--American Legion Auxiliary will conduct a' public card party Tuesday night at 8 in the Legion home.

There will be a door prize as well as prizes for winners. Mrs. Gertrude Gunn is in charge of arrangements. Tickets are available for a valentine dance and party Saturday night in St. Mary's Hall, Bondsville.

sponsored St. Mary's Polish Lyceum, Inc. Tickets may be obtained from Stanley Bigda, Peter Piechota, Joseph Kusza, Edward Pisarski, Stanley Kaczmarczyk, Stanley, Mosio or Charles Kos. Mrs. Mildred Costa of the telephone company will speak to Thorndike St.

School PTA Tuesday at 7.30 p. m. in the school. The PTA will sponsor valentine record hop in the high school auditorium Friday night. Bondsville PTA will meet Tuesday night in the elementary building.

The meeting is A day later than usual because of town meeting tonight. G. Edmund Wallace, psychologist, teacher, writer and humorist, will provide the entertainment at a program Saturday night in Second Congregational Church parish house conducted by the Couples Club of the church. A covered dish supper will precede the program..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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