Transcript of Love Is Blind Sandwich: ... | Happy Scribe (2024)




Good morning, millennials, and welcome back to the toast.


It's Thursday.








Yeah. Everyone's all about fry. Yay. Which. That was, like, a dark time for millennial culture. But what about Thursday?


Yeah, every yay. Every day is a yay when you're with your sister.


No, that. Yes. But every day is yay when you're alive. Wow.


You're going to go so far as to say that?


I am. I'm feeling hopeful today.


Hopeful for what?


That I might get this trip that I'm trying to plan in one day. Off the ground. It was really. Know. Ben is being, like, a diva. He's like, I have a job. I'm like, okay, and, like, yes and no. Your wife is trying to plan, like, a last minute getaway to the gods, to St. Bart's. And you're being whiny about it.


Yeah, no, he's too busy for St. Bart's. But I'm here on the other side, pushing you to go.


Jackie's been very influential in my decision.


I won't let her give up.


I was just watching the Taylor's. I feel like I didn't even talk about this on the main show. I talked about it on Patreon, where.


It all goes down.


Taylor Strecker and Taylor Donahue have been in St. Bart's for, like, a month. And it's just like, I'm so jealous. And then I realized, like, I have free will. I am a dink. Dual income, no children, no kids. Excuse me. And I need to be taking advantage of that. I have disposable income, and I have a flexible job, and I have nothing really tying me down. I mean, I've been here for two weeks, and it's not enough. I need to go even further south.




So, yeah, I might go to St. Bart's on Wednesday. Even though nobody told you you need $2 million to go to St. Bart's in a decent way. I'm not even looking like.


So, Lux, that could have been surmised.


Yeah, it's just, like, a little bit annoying. But you know what? I'm investing in my happiness. I'm investing in my future, and it's fine.


And these are the days where you can do things such as these.


Right, right. So that's just, like, kind of what I'm feeling. Like. I'll know by the end of day today if this trip is happening.


And if I have anything to say about it, it will be happening.


I just need Ben to shut the f*ck up. If he came to me and was like, I'm planning everything. Just like, cancel work for a few days. I'd be like, done.


It's a dream.


Just shatter.


Pack your bag.


I'm planning everything. I'm making it happen. And by the way, I'm planning it in such a fabulous way where it's like, we'll have some sexy alone time, but we also have friends there. And what I'm surmising is St. Bart's is the type of place you want to go with friends. It's like, very fun. So I'm like, I couldn't have done this more perfectly.




The tailors are open to extending their trip to spend a few days with. It's like everybody's working around the clock. And Benz is like, oh, you have to work. Shut up.


And it's like, we all have to work, but we're going to move things around. We're going to figure it out. We're going to do audio only episodes, perhaps, or maybe cancel a few shows.


Yeah, I might cancel a few shows.


Here's the thing, and I'm sure people are like, jax, you're so supportive that you always are pushing turdy to.


She has an ulterior motive.


I have my own two motives. First, motive is that if she goes next week to St. Bart's, it means she's staying in Florida until next week.


Well, actually, Ben doesn't like that idea either. Ben's like, let's go home and get our stuff.


So Ben has to know.


Ben is honestly, because if it weren't, by the way, if it were not for Ben, I would be in St. Bart's today. I was planning on leaving today, first of all.


And he can't even relate to you because you don't need to go home and get your stuff. I have stuff for you. What if you wore all new stuff? Like, you can go shopping in my closet.


Fabulous. And I said, ben, I'm like, we go to the mall. We're not in the middle of nowhere. Like, what do you need, three bathing suits?


His sister can go and send things from your apartment.


I said, I'm like, we can have someone go get our passports. And he's like, I don't want people rifling through my underwear. I'm like, okay, that I actually do understand.


Why is your passport with your underwear?


It's not actually. It's with my makeup. Beautiful. So it's just like, he is not down to live on the edge, and he's just acting like he's not acting like he's a 30 year old with no children and disposable. He's just not acting like he's acting like a grandpa and he's giving ball and chain energy, and he's kind of dragging me down because, by the way, it's just so important. If there was no Ben, I would be in St. Bart's right now. I was planning on leaving today, and he was like, that's crazy. Let's go next week. And I'm like, okay. So I had to push my trip back a. Like, I would be on my.


Ben and I were aligned on going next weekend because the second part of why this is in my best interest is because next weekend, I am going away for a few days. And so the toast was going to be like, a little rinky dink. Rinky dink. Either audio only or maybe even one day with a guest and, like, one day canceled. But if Claudia and I are both off, we can just properly take off those days. Like, both vacate and then come back and do it together as opposed to being dink.


So, like, just get into your heads that there might not be a toast Thursday, Friday, and Monday next week. Like, just prepare yourselves.


But you know what? There will be new merch and patreon. Yeah, of course.


I'm not worried about the girls on Patreon, but if everybody could just message Ben and be like, embrace your inner dink, that would be great.


You think that would help?


What would help?


Maybe we should have a really crazy day with the kids of, like, maybe give them red 40 and have them with the boys and have them be wild in so much so that Ben will be like, wow, if we don't go to St. Bart's now, we never will.


That's not going to do anything for Ben.


You really don't think so?


I don't know what?


He won't understand the ink of dink.


He is pissing me off. He's pissing me off. I wish somebody would be like, listen, I planned everything.


It's a dream. It's literally like one of your books.


He doesn't even know how lucky he is.


Like, pack your bags. We're going to St. Bart's.


Yeah. It's like I'm being, like, annoying and crazy. He's like, well, why don't we go somewhere closer? I'm like, first of all, I've already planned everything, so shut up. Two, I want to go to St. Bart's, like, period.


It's not far.


I mean, it's not close. We could just take a direct flight from here to Turks and Geicos. Puerto Rico. Yeah, we do have to take, like, a little rinky dink submarine to get there, but whatever. I coordinated it.


I feel like if anyone would have a hang up about that, it'd be you, not him. He's fine with all that.


And don't worry, I found the best company. It's like a private charter. Like, I have handled things, and he's like, just such.


Maybe it's just like, me and you should go.


Jackie, let's leave today. The thing is, and it's like, I keep seeing these pictures, and I don't know if it's. Is it like the time of year where everybody's on vacation? Everyone I know is somewhere. No, but right now, in this, everyone is somewhere. And I'm not.


Well, you are in Florida, but still, you're working. We're sitting here working. We're working harder than I've ever worked before, literally.


So it's just like, it's sick. I hate Ben because I would be in St. Bart's right now if it weren't for Ben. And I should have never gotten married.


Damn, turdy.


Yeah, I said it. Every time I bring it up, he's like, I'm being so annoying. First of all, literally. Why don't. I'll just go stay with the tailors. They would love to have me. I'll sleep on the couch. Honestly, bringing Ben makes a trip more expensive. Like, totally. f*ck it. You have to work, okay? Go work. Oh, I'll be in St. Bart's. Don't at me. Don't look for me. You can't find me.


You should go regardless.


I'll go tomorrow. Like, if it were up to.


No, that doesn't work.


See? That doesn't work for your.




Next week works for, like. I don't know. Ben needs a, like. It's disappointing. That's all I'll say.


We'll work on him Today.


He needs to do better. He's, like, not even excited about it. I feel like I'm dragging him to same part. It's like an ungrateful toddler. No, he's real problems. That's just kind of what's going on in my life.




So that's why I feel hopeful. I do feel like this trip will happen. I really do.


I feel like if you want something to happen, it will happen. I think where we've been, though, is like, you haven't made up your mind yet.


No, I want to go, but it definitely is a lot of money. I didn't realize it's like a different type of island. It's not like. And I love to travel, and there are places that are more expensive. This is, like, notorious. Like, my friend texted me. He was like, you will have the best time. You spend $5,000 a day. Every lunch is $375 a person. It's just this place that's known to be expensive. So I need to wrap my head around the money of it all. Maybe take a Brendan deal I wouldn't normally take.


Just, like, pay for the trip, get on cameo.


Yeah, but I feel good about it. I feel good about it. Should I start to go fund me? Do you guys feel bad for me? The thing is, you guys, like this life that I live. I make it look easy, and I make it look fun, and it's not as easy as it looks.


I think you should get on cameo and fund your trip.


Done. The thing is, it's like, whatever. What is money? It's a social construct.


It's not.


No, it is. We have this conversation, like, once a.


Year about social contracts, about money, if. Is money a social contract? Well, yes, money is a social contract value. But the value, because even if we didn't have money, we would barter. There is inherent value in goods and services.




Yeah, goods and services.


Everything in St. Bart's is, like, in a euro. So I'm like, okay, so if it's, like, €5, it's like $2. No, it's more.


Yeah. I always think euros to dollars, I'm like, okay, so five to five.


No, not these days. It's more.




So between the currency exchange and just, like, living the vita loca and my annoying ass husband, I've been going through it Today, you guys, and I'm not saying this for sympathy, even though you should feel bad for me. I'm just saying. What, you know, like, my life. It's hard.


It's harder than it looks. Exactly. Thank you for opening up turdy.


You know, that's what we do here on the show. We talk about difficult do. Yeah. I feel like maybe I should just take charge. Like, get Ben stuff sent here and just, like, he can f*ck all the way off.


I know. Make it happen. Yeah, we're going to make it happen.


We're also going to make happen an amazing show.


An amazing show. Because especially if you're going, like, we need to leave them wanting more. Feeling good.


Yes. Satiated.


We got to satiate that palate.


So it's kind of like our Thursday episode yeah. And what is it giving?


It's giving random ass.


Oh, the stories. Swear jar. Put a coin in the swear jar.


It's giving random ass random ass. But I love that for us.


I love that, too. How about your morning? Like, I'm just feeling like I'm wearing a pink sweater.


You're wearing my pink sweater.


Yeah. And I'm wearing my jeans again. I feel like everyone's. This has kind of been, like, the undercurrent of this week's episodes. Like, claudia wearing jeans every day.


You know what? I have a thought. I want to try on your now. No, no.


But, like, in general, take them.


I'm going to try them on after. Yeah.


So I bought three pairs. If you watch the vlog on our Patreon, I bought three pairs of Abercrombie jeans. They're all different. Two lightwash, one, like a charcoal. One has a rip in one knee, the other has a rip in two knees. The other, no rips. And these, I think, are my favorite ones. I've been wearing them. I've worn them three times now. I don't know the name, and I know that's not helpful to anyone.


It's in the blog. On the


And it's on my LTK, too. But it's just kind of crazy, this renaissance I'm having with jeans. And they're also, like, not that uncomfortable.


No, you look cozy.


I feel fine.


I'm wearing a boy's lie set. Super cozy.


I almost wore that set in white today. Like, thank God. How embarrassing. Without a boot. Why?


We're so cubo. We're twins. Yeah. No, it's been a busy morning. We did doctor's appointments this morning. Two years and six months.


And it was a busy night.


And it was a busy night. I really didn't get a lot of sleep, so forgive me for anything that.


Happens, but I'm talking about, like, what were you doing before you went to sleep?


Love is blind.


What did you get up to?


I got up to where you were when the new episodes dropped.


Okay, so Jackie has the new episodes ahead of her. That's actually, like, very good progress.


Okay. I watched as much as I could. Then I stopped watching at, like, 1145. I tried to go to sleep, and then Charlie woke up at 1230. We were up to, like, one something. So, like I said, I didn't get.


A lot of sleep, but you did the best that you could. I am fully caught up. So Jax will be leaving at the end of the show, and I'm going to do, like, a solo recap, because I actually have some thoughts, and I learned this morning that Laura. You know who that is?


Yeah. Is she a toaster?




I got major toaster energy from her.


She's kind of the star of the next three. It's Laura says this. She says, like, it becomes that Laura.


Up until this point, everything that she said I've thoroughly enjoyed. And I was getting just, like, toaster queen energy from her.


Yeah. So confirmed. I spoke to her this morning.




So I'll recap those three episodes where they return from the honeymoons. Aren't the honeymoons the best episodes?


They are, but things just went downhill so fast, and you can really tell how much everyone's drinking, and I just feel like that's a recipe for disaster.


You know what's so funny? This was the first time I've watched a show where I really realized and thought that a lot of the people in the pods and on the honeymoons were drunk for a great portion of the experiment.


You also said that Matthew had put out a statement.


Not a statement. He, like, left an Instagram comment. He was getting, like, a lot of hate, and Matthew's, like, irrelevant now.


He's not on the show.


No. But in the first one or two episodes, he was the main character, and he was acting really weird and just kind of off. And he did write a comment because I guess he was receiving a lot of backlash. Just being, like, a little bit of context that wasn't spoken about and maybe could help color why you guys thought I was, like, acting so strange is because I live a sober life. I don't drink, and there's a lot of drinking. That's why they have those gold cups. That's what they're known for.




A lot of people didn't know, and I spoke about it in the pods, he said, but it was never aired, that he lived a sober life, and so that just can give a little context as to why you maybe thought he was, like, acting strange or just like, it's a piece of the puzzle that we didn't know, and they should have shared that. But this was the first season I've watched where I'm like, damn, there's, like, a lot of alcohol on the show.


Yeah. And when everyone's drinking, like, charged up, meeting for the first time, this party is just, like, getting really weird fast. And the thing is, because I'm not caught up, I can't read what other people are saying. So I don't know if things that I'm thinking are.


What are you thinking?


So ad's flirting with everyone? Yeah.


Oh, that's funny. I didn't take it that way. I thought, like, everybody was just kind of taken by ad.


They were, but, like, when she was talking to Jimmy, that was a flirty conversation. She was being flirty.


Your thoughts on all the other couples. And then, of course, the big thing that everyone's talking about was, like, the reveal with. It was really painful. The Jimmy Chelsea reveal.


So my thoughts on the couples, I feel like the ones that we didn't see that much of in the pods are the strongest. Like Laura and Jeremy when they were on their honeymoon, I was like, these two people are perfect together. But now, all of a sudden, like, sarah and till 05:00 a.m. In the preview.


No, but also, like, bean dip. That's weird. Drunk. Yeah, drunk.


That's true. Fighting people, like, not, one, understanding social cues, and two, taking things in a way that's just, like, drunk, stupid behavior that wouldn't happen if people weren't drinking. But, yeah, that was really dumb.


Yeah, it was just, like, weird.


Weird because weird things happen when you're drinking a lot with people that you all used to date each other.


What do you think about Clay and ad as a couple? So I thought that they were so.


Solid and so well matched, but then this is why I thought when ad was talking to Jimmy, she was like, clay's a lot. I knew he was going to be a lot, but when I would go into the pod, and it was a lot for a moment, and then I left the pod, but now a lot. All the was kind of. I felt like she was saying, know, opening the door for, like, it's not the greatest because she was, like, making eyes at Jimmy.


Can I say one thing that is a little bit of a spoiler, but really not of anything important?


The vibes have been spoiled with Megan.


Fox and everything, so it's just something small. There's a lot of conversations between Clay and ad in these first three episodes, and he acts so bizarre in half the scenes, and his eyes are bulging, and it feels like he just took an adderall. And he goes on these crazy tangents, and it's just like, I look up and I'm like, we're still watching this conversation. He's just, like, all over the place. And then she has a conversation with one of the guys and is like, yeah. When I was with Clay in the pods, he either talks a lot or not at all, and people are just commenting on his behavior and I really feel like he's on Adderall. Very possible, because he's just, like, so chatty, so high speed and then random tangents. And I was wondering if anybody else was noticing this incredibly bizarre behavior. And I think that's what she meant when she was like, he's a lot. It's like a lot of monologs. Oh.


And I also feel like he has a lot of confidence, say, his ego, and it's like the Clay show all the time, so, yeah, that is a lot.


He's like one of alpha males.


The way she was saying it to Jimmy was know, in a way, like, hey, things aren't perfect. Over. Also, um, what Clay said to her about the weight, the gym. Has that been a huge conversation?


Death. Like, oh, my God. That was really, like. That's what me and Ben said when we recapped a few days ago. We were, like, with Clay. And Ben actually said this, and it's so true. Clay is, like, actively going through therapy and growing up in this process, and it's kind of confusing, but it's endearing sometimes, but then he'll say something that takes you back, like the weight thing. Goodbye. It just undoes all the goodwill he earned.


Yeah. And it's like, if you're actively going through therapy and bettering yourself, that's not the perfect time to go on a reality show, to enter a relationship, enter into a. But overall, I think he seems sweet. And aside from that conversation. But he also seems like he learns he understands pretty quickly when he's wrong for. Oh.


What are your thoughts on Johnny and Amy? Blonde man, long hair, and Amy? Brunette, Puerto Rican.


Yeah. So they're like a couple that we didn't see too much of in the pods, but seem really solid in the honeymoon stage. I think that he's really into her. She's into him. Not as much, but growing.


She's trepidacious.


Yeah. And it seems like he's not her usual type, but he's an attractive person, so she's just, like, learning to become attractive to something.


Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so I have a lot of thoughts. I will put them at the end.


Of this episode when Jackie leaves, and then, of course.


Oh, the. No, no.


Just, like the couple of the season. The name on everybody's list, Jimmy and Chelsea.


The reveal was really.


Finding the reveal, I actually felt like was okay. I'm finding the honeymoon really hard to watch because she's so insecure. And on the one hand, he's saying everything that a person that's in love with you should be saying, like, I love you. I'm the happiest person here, and I feel like there's a part of me that doesn't believe him. Of course, but that's also because I know Jess.


So when I watched the Honeymoon episodes, the discourse online was like, chelsea's insecurity is ruining this relationship. And, yes, while that could be true, how I perceived it was like, he's saying all the right things. She doesn't believe him. We don't believe him. I feel like he's lying and therefore gaslighting her, being like, no, what are you talking about? Everything's fine.


The thing is, her insecurities were ruining the relationship. She does have reason to be insecure because there's something missing from him. And would she have been this insecure with Trevor, constantly being like, you love me. Are you happy?


No. Because that's the thing. What do you think of me about that whole love Square? Trevor and Chelsea were a perfect match. Chelsea and Jimmy are not a perfect match. But Jimmy, then choosing Jess, they're not right for each other either.


No, I don't think Jimmy is man enough for Jess.


I don't think there was really anyone on that cast that I currently know, because there was a lot of guys I never introduced us to who would have been right for Jess. Yeah, but she is, like, obsessed with Jimmy, and I think that continues to be a thread throughout the show.


She's still obsessed with Jimmy even though he didn't choose her.




Oh, that's. That's surprising because I feel clean behavior, and he's so small compared to her. He was giving her nothing in the pods, but still, she made excuses for him and rolled with it. Patient with him, and then he didn't choose her. And I feel like she would be the type to be like, well, then you're a dumb piece of. And the thing as Jimmy is like, whatever. I just don't think he's who just deserves her needs in her life.


Yeah, I think Jimmy got screwed in a sense, and I don't see Jimmy as the villain in all this. I think he was really aware that this whole thing was being televised. I think he probably would have chosen Jess if she didn't have a kid, but that was something he was not into. And I think there's nothing wrong with, like, doesn't make you a bad person because you don't want to date someone with kids. I just want to say that. So in order to not look like a prick, he went with Chelsea to be like, well, I did not choose Jess because of her kid. I didn't choose her because I was in love with Chelsea. Then he got himself into this other situation where he chose Chelsea. He doesn't appear to be really into her at all. But then things change in the next three episodes that I will talk about at the end of this episode, because now I feel more confused than ever.


Okay. And also, he got screwed again because he chose Chelsea, thinking, okay, I'm going to choose the childless fox.


Right? Right. So that's the first six episodes recap. If you're looking for the first nine episodes recap, it'll be at the end.


Of today's episode, and I will work overtime to finish watching.


They were really good. They were really good last night. And honestly, I watched with Ben and Zach, your husband and my husband and Zach Shapiro, too. This applies to. They are obsessed with this show.


I've told you, it's my husband's favorite show on television.


I think Olivia and Shapiro put their kids down, like, early. They were like, we got to get these kids to bed so we can watch on.


Well, last night was a big night for watching, and I wanted to say, I feel like typically on love is blind, when there's a love triangle or a square, everyone chooses a person so that everybody gets engaged. And then on the honeymoon stage, these couples are, like, interfighting, almost like, even with Jessica and Amber. Amber, like, she did get with Mark. And they were all in honeymoon stage.


The other people are not involved.


Usually all four make it to the next phase, and then from there, they can switch.


So it's.


I would have loved for that to happen.


Right. And what's interesting is how they all. This isn't a spoiler. How some of the people who had lovers that they left behind, how they get in contact with a. I was surprised. One person who connected with their ex, she dm'd him on Instagram.


Well, that's not. It would be DM on Instagram. Then they also have meetups, and they.


All live in the same town, and they now have mutual friends because it's like, think about Laura, who's a part of the group of couples is best friends in real life with Jess. So I bet Jess could find Jimmy's Instagram from Laura's following.


We need to have lunch with Jess.


And Laura does.


I'm obsessed with them.


Well, they all live in Charlote. I was trying to figure out for the first couple of episodes what city they chose. I like that they always choose the same city, because then it makes it realistic for the couples who get married. And I like Charlote. I feel like Charlote's, it's one of my favorite places. And it's also like, I feel like everyone there is really normal. So I think it was a good selection. I also am just always interested to see where they end up. Like, what is like the young married apartment building for young couples. And it's like this cute. They do townhouses this year.


They did like a townhouse style kind of. Last year.


Yeah. What was last year?


No, when they were in PNW, remember?


Yeah. And also, I want to say the city is reflective of the crop of people you get and people, I'm sorry. And I know we have toasters in the Seattle Pacific Northwest, and I'm sure you're cool and normal, but the general gist of culture of people in that region is like freaks. It's very. No offense. It's Chaz. Right. It's lawlessness. It's purple. It's very. So we got freaks when we were in Seattle. Sorry. We did. And what I remarked when I went to Charlote was everyone was cool as f*ck. Like, I really liked Charlote. Very normal people. And actually, so far, everybody seems to be kind of normal. And when you go to their houses, nobody lives like a freak. Everybody had normal houses, normal jobs. I was okay. Like, it was getting normal.


I also feel like it's a religious, don't.


It's. I don't think so.


Oh, really? I feel like there's a lot of talk about God.


Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you meant Charlote is a religious.


Oh, no. I mean, there's a couple, like.


No, just Brittany and Ken.


No, but there was a couple people who have just talked about God's role.


I feel like that's with God. I feel like that's like, what? Everyday people who are not even religious, just like people who believe in God. I feel like we're always like, people are always talking about God. Loki. That doesn't make you, like, religious.


I mean, he's like the biggest thing. Capital hi f. Kind of as big as scandalval.


Totally. What about as big as OJ? Kind of. So all that to say, I think this season is so good because I think the city they choose really matters. When they did Atlanta, which I think was the first season, Lauren speed, like, we got good people. Atlanta's like a cool place. The place really matters. They've done Chicago.


They've done Dallas.


Did they? Yes, they did. And that, I feel like was a good season, too, because I feel like just chill. Normal people live in Dallas.




Was that bartice?


I don't know if I watched it, actually, because whatever, all that to say.


Charlote was a very good choice, I think. I love Charlotte.


Yeah. So it's been great.


So I think we should dive in because we still have five stories. And then my episode follow up recap my F-U-R my fur.


So without further ado, here are the fast five stories that you need to know.


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Our first story. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey are reunited in Australia. They enjoy a day out meeting koalas at the Sydney Zoo.


I like how Taylor went to the zoo, like, the day before Travis arrived, and obviously loved it so much that the minute he arrived, she was like, travis, we have to go to the zoo.


That's so crazy to me, because when I saw when she was at the zoo, I was like, really?


Oh, really? I feel like that's what Australia is known for, koalas and sh*t.


And that guy, Steve Irwin.


Yeah. Like, I feel like animals is their thing. Yeah.


Maybe I haven't been to a great zoo recently because I was like, who.


Would go to the. No, no. I think the Sydney zoo is, like, a big thing. Okay, I feel what you're saying, but I think you're. Again.


But then when I saw she went again, I was like, oh, she loves the.


Yeah, yeah. Well, she must have loved it. It's like the whole koala thing. Also, you just reminded me of something. First of all, I'm just, like, waiting know PETA to comfort Taylor for going to a zoo, because animals in cages, et cetera, for sure.


But I'm sure she found the most ethical zoo. Yeah.


Okay. You just reminded me. I saw, and I meant to bring this up on the toast, I saw PETA's TikTok. They were talking about their know stunt. They do these crazy things and they were boycotting hallmark. I actually need to find it. It was so crazy, Jackie. And I'm going to give you a million guesses as to why they were boycotting hallmark. Like, what did Hallmark do?


Okay. Could be like an animal on the set.


Okay. No, you're thinking Hallmark channel.


Hallmark greeting cards.






What could. Hallmark greeting cards.


Maybe they wrote an offensive poem.


Okay, you're almost ready.


Uh huh.


So Hallmark has stopped selling cards that demean chimpanzees. Excuse me. Yeah. According to PETA, they have put pressure for years, including calls and emails from over 50,000 supporters. Chimpanzees may face extinction due to habitat loss and the illegal trade. And clownish portrayals of them can mislead consumers into thinking that the species is thriving when they are, in fact, not. So take action for exploited Like, insanity.


So why are they exploited and not thriving?


I think, like, you put chimpanzee on a Hallmark card and I don't know. Honestly, I'm not going to. Like.


The thing is, it sounds like the issue is that the chimpanzees are actually facing extinction.


Like, there's actually, like, an issue with the chimpanzees.


So what's causing the issue?


Right? It's not.


No, no. Hallmark is, like, portraying that chimpanzees are fine when they're not. But, like, let's tackle the reasons why they're not fine.


No, it's a good point. When I saw that, I was like, oh, my, Jackie's right. Like, they're always barking up the wrong tree and, like, getting working, working on the worst causes. I was shocked. And they dumped a ton of bananas outside the Hallmark headquarters dressed up as chimpanzees. First of all, that's a waste of bananas.


No, that's seriously insane. On a list of 1 million things, it wouldn't give it to animals. It wouldn't make the list. It wouldn't make the 1,000,000th list.


So you just reminded me, thank you for the zoo.


Well, this would make the top of the list because Taylor Swift loved the visitor of the zoo so much on Wednesday that she couldn't help but take Travis with her to see the animals herself. The lovers received holding hands as they got up close and personal with australian wildlife during a private tour of the park. Okay, I guess the zoo is a little more fun. When it's a private tour.


Yeah. And you don't have to wait in line to hold a koala. And you probably have your own photographer, so you don't need to pay $100 should the zoo photographer. Ugly, pale photo of you with. But you do it. The story here is that Travis is in Australia now that they went to the zoo. And I had read that Taylor sent her jet back for him. It's such a long flight. He stopped over in Hawaii. I think he spent the night in Hawaii and then flew to Australia. I mean, he's done working. She's been supporting him this whole time, so it only makes sense that the inverse would occur. But it is just like a really long flight.


He flew commercial or non Taylor air to Hawai?


No, I think he flew Taylor air to Hawaii.


Why wouldn't Taylor air take him all the way?


I think you need to stop and refuel.


But she has like a gulf.


Yeah, I don't know. I don't know.


I read that she has like a bombardier. Bombardier, bombardier. I read that it flies faster than you think it flies and that's why people can't really track her. She's like zipping love. So I feel like he went to Hawai Delta.


Oh, wow.


Actually, if he was on Delta, people would have seen him. I think he caught a ride with a friend.


Okay. Or he chartered his own plane. He's rich as well. And to go to Kansas City, Hawaii, is probably like 50 grand.


I'm sorry, but those millions, they're dwindling. He paid for the suite. He literally has like 20 million a year.


No, but he's made so much more. We went into his finances. We know he did very well this year.


Yeah. I guess he could afford a flight from Kansas City to Hawai for sure. And then Taylor air picked him up.


Yeah, perhaps. Cute.




Why did he just go with her? I guess he had probably a lot of work commitments post super bowl, like, interviews, team stuff. And now he's officially off for the season.




So that's exciting. I'm sure he'll probably go with her for a while. The first show that he's going to be at. What's today? Is it today or tomorrow? I can't figure out. Today is over there. It's happening soon. So we'll get, like, trav footage at the concert, which is my favorite footage.


The zoo is home to more than 4000 animals, including koalas, kangaroos and wallabies.


Yeah, I saw an aerial footage of thousand hugging a kangaroo.




That's what I mean by Australia being known for their animals, they have, like, a lot of wildlife.


It's not like the Central park zoo. You've seen it once, you've seen it all.


Yeah. And it's like they're animals that I think are. What's the word?




Is it weird to use indigenous on animals?


No, because that's the meaning of the word native. That's indigenous.


Okay. They're native to.


Indigenous to the land.


Indigenous to the land. Whereas, like, why is a polar bear in the middle of Manhattan at the Central park zoo? I don't think he's there anymore, but he was for a while, and it was, like, really dumb.


Yeah. PETA.


PETA, PETA. Like, I have a cause for you. That's also something I've learned about being an aunt that's been actually really challenging for me. And I think when, God willing, one day I become a mother, I'm going to have to struggle with it as well. Even a couple weeks ago. No, a couple of days ago, I took Michaela to some sort of zoo, and it was, like, f*cking sad. She was loving it. So I'm like, I'm putting my morals aside for the children, and that's not the first time that it's happened. I did take with Liv, her kids to line country safari, which of all the zoos I've been to, that one was kind of nice. I actually think the animals there live a nice life.


They're, like, out to pasture. They're not caged.


Yeah. And this new place that we went to a few days ago, it said that this was, like, a sanctuary and these birds were rescued. But then I was reading about this bird that's, like, indigenous to South Africa. I'm like, and what is he doing in, like, it just made. No, like, I didn't like it.


I'm sorry, but I do it for the kids.


Oh, she had such a blast.


There also aren't any massive animals there.


No, it's, like, bunnies, goat. It's really not.




So I was attacked by a goat, actually, at that facility. But I don't want to talk about my trauma today.


Classic turdy. So, yeah, we'll keep up on their globetrotting ways.


It'll be an exciting weekend for content.


Yeah, there's going to be a lot of footage.




And our next story is another Kelsey bit of news.


Oh, yeah.


Because. No, it's not what you think. Kylie Kelsey has made her debut at Milan fashion week.


Now, this is a brand taking the temperature on the culture. Whatever pr company, american PR company was responsible for getting her there. This is brilliant.


But how did they get her there?


I don't know. You wouldn't think, like, Kylie Kelsey fashion Week. But the name on everybody's lips this year is the Kelsey's.


Right. But to fashion week, like, that's just shocking.


The brand was who? Alberta Freddy? Yep.


It was her first ever fashion show in general, and it was in, like, we want to start in New York. Yeah.


I mean, obviously that would have made more sense, but I'm sorry. I love. I didn't know an american. Honestly, probably like, a toaster, an american publicist was responsible for this. Love.


I love. I'm just so surprised because this is a scrupled.


Yeah. Yeah. Who can't be.


She won't even wear a chiefs shirt when her brother in law is in the Super bowl. She will only wear eagles. That's why she wore a red shirt.


Yeah, no, I know, but what does that have to do with Freddy?


Like, I don't know. I just feel like she's so scrupled is what I mean. So to be at, like, fashion week, which is just, like, a bunch of nonsense.


No, she's so scrupled. And if I found myself married to Jason Kelsey in the last year and all this stuff happened, the Kelsey Bowl Taylor, like, I would do the exact opposite. Of course, everything Kylie Kelsey has done, she is. You're right. So principled, so scrupled, so low key, so not thirsty. Like, couldn't be me. Right?


So she's so low key, so not thirsty. There's a million things that she could do, and instead, she goes to Milan fashion week, which I actually feel like.


Is not that surprising.


It's the most surprising thing to me. On a list of 1 million things I think Kylie Kelsey would do, it would not be on the 1,000,000th.


Yeah, but it's a slay.


She's a fashion queen obsession. The fashion mom needs her.


Yeah. No. And she is. The moment, like, this was a win for the brand. I feel like when it comes to fashion week, we ain't ever talking about Alberta Fortti. That's just not the name on everybody's lips now it is.


Yeah. And some more Kelsey news that I think you thought I was going to say was that Jason Kelsey did a.


Five k. Jason Kelsey ran a five k, like, a local five k to raise money for autism. And everybody's just praising him, and I'm focused on the fact that when I saw him running, his time was 43 minutes, which is what we did.


We are professional athletes.


We're not. I actually think Jason Kelsey probably doesn't run a lot. Like, he's really strong, but his job is to block, so he's big, hard to run. I don't think that he, in his training, is running miles, by the way.


I also think he was raising money for a cause. It's not great to zip through the race like, you want to milk the thing, say hi, shake hands, kiss babies. That's going to take up time. Even if he could have sprinted the whole thing, I don't think that he would have. Yeah, the longer he takes, the more awareness he's drawing.


Yeah. Love.


So that's the latest fashion news.


Love from the fascists.


Are you ready for our next story?


I am because I kind of have to pee.


I kind of need a lot of things.


I definitely need lunch. I actually have lunch plans.


Oh, my God.


Yeah, I have a friend in town, so. Sorry. Like, you're on your own for lunch.


So that's fine, because I have sakara meals, but we're not going to see if I wanted to come.


Oh, my God. You are so welcome.


Oh, am I?


Oh, beyond. I think we're also going to play pickleball. Would that be of interest, too?


I have a lot to do today. You go.


I just figured taking the afternoon off to lounge around with me and my friends was not something like, even in the car, it's like, you know, you're always, always invited.


No, no, it's not in the cards. And I know I'm always invited, but then I wasn't invited. I'm like, I wonder if I'm even.


Invited by the you. I'll show you the text. He was like, does Jax want to always, you know.


I know, I know.


If I figured if you wanted to come, you just, like, get in the car, like, I'm taking your car.


Oh, you're taking mine?


I don't know. It's like the non Tesla car available. I like the Tesla.




But I do want to cruise up, like. Yeah, just me. My Tesla. Yeah. No offense. Not like in your mom car.


Yeah, well, no, you could take the other car. Because if Zach needs a car, he could take my car.


Yeah, but maybe I will take the Tesla.


Without me, you won't know what to do, how he turned the AC on.


So true.


Okay, our next story.


What number three. Okay.


Machine Gun Kelly and Mitzi had a breakdown before getting a blackout tattoo to two in his new song, don't let me go. So the rapper has released a heartbreaking new ballad titled don't let me go. On Wednesday, one day after going viral for posting photos of his torso, arms, and chest covered in fresh blackout tattoos, fans went wild over the designs, many wondering what he meant with his instagram, saying that it was for spiritual purposes only.


So I'm not really interested in all at his song. I had requested this story because if you haven't seen, please google a photo of machine Gun Kelly's new tattoo. I don't even know if you can call it a tattoo. I've seen blackout tattoos where people have part of their wrists just, like, covered in black, like a couple inches. His hands, arms up to his shoulder, chest, boobs, and other arms are entirely.


Black, from solid chest to under his breast and then to his wrists on his arms.


And I know that blackout tattoos are a thing. I've seen them in very small doses. And getting three limbs covered in black.


Is it not offense?


Is that black chest? That's like literally changing your skin tone. Opposite. It's like Michael Jackson antithesis. Or that baseball player. Who do we say? Remember he dyed his skin white. Sammy sosa. Oh, did he? Yeah. The weirdest thing ever.


I don't know that about him.


So it's giving that. No, like, opposite.


It's giving black chest.


It's giving black arm. Like what?


Yeah. Is this not offensive? Are people saying that? You've got your finger on the pulse.


Yes. Sammy sosa. Okay. This is what Sammy sosa looks like. Like og. That's what he looks like now. We talked about it on the toast.


No, I've never seen that before.


In the Long island city studio. We did.


I remember it didn't stick with me.


Because I remember saying, like, this is weird. One of his friends and families say, you're just white.




And he's very. That's what Michael Jackson did. I don't know if it's bleach, like you dye your skin tone. It's like, one of the most socially off things to do. It's just, like, weird as f*ck. And I don't think machine gun Kelly was trying to do, but, like, an unintended consequence of this tattoo is, like, half of his skin is a different color.




And is that not tone deaf? I don't know.


And also painful question mark that I.


Think is one of the tattoos you have to take anesthesia. Anesthesia.






Do you think he did? I feel like he's so hard. He wouldn't.


Right. He, like, drinks his own blood.


If his friends knew he took anesthesia to get a tattoo. Embarrassing.


Embarrass otto.


I don't think he did it. I think he suffered.


I don't. It's insane. And it's probably something that had to be done in different stages.




Ouch. And by the way, that's all I have. Outline of the tattoo. Like, the parts where it's not colored in.


It's a right.


So there's obviously that's what he was saying in his song, the spiritual element. It's just really crazy.


Is he religious? I don't know.


And speaking of MGK, you had texted me this, and a lot of people want Megan Fox to respond. I mean, everybody right now in the world is talking about Megan Fox.


I know. And she's not even a part of it.


No, exactly. And by the way, she's not, like a deeply private. She's like a thirsty person. She's always in the news. Like, what can say? She should leave a comment and just being like, I see it. That's what she should say.




Or, like, post, like a side by side, like something. First of all, I think it would, like, alleviate a lot of the mean spirited things that are definitely being thrown at Chelsea in this moment. It would be a humanizing moment for Megan Fox. I think it would be a w for everyone.




Except Jimmy.


Why? What did Jimmy do wrong in the. Didn't seriously, like, she shot herself in the foot, Chelsea.


She did.


And she made the reveal something that it didn't need to be.


It's true.


Unless it is Megan Fox walking through the door.




If you're not Megan Fox and say Megan Fox, it's disappointment. You need to be the most beautiful.


I agree. She should get involved. I think it would be good pr for her.


Yeah, well, yeah. She should capitalize on the moment because her name is in every headline.




Are you ready for our next story?


And she definitely knows about it.


What story number is it?


Number four. I think the question is, are you ready for our next story, Jax? Because I know you have some of us.


Let her deloo. I have to let you know that today's episode is brought to you by Kaden Lane, which is my absolute favorite brand for baby clothes. The podcast is sponsored by Kaden Lane. It was started in 2005 by a single mom who wanted to create better and cuter clothes, accessories and keepsakes for her own children and for those special moments you remember. And, boy, was she successful in better and cuter and comfier and cozier. Kaden Lane is on a mission to make moms lives easier, that shows up in their color me pajamas that help make bedtime fun and enjoyable. Or hiding extra zips and snaps and outfits to make it easier for moms to get their little ones dressed. Yes. Kaden Lane, especially if you are in the Bebe stage or newborn stage, it zips from the top and from the bottom. It's the coziest material that you want your baby in. You need nothing beyond Caden Lane at that stage. You see these brands that go viral and wonder if they're worth the hype. While Caden Lane is absolutely worth the hype. They have over 70,005 star reviews. I didn't even know Caden Lane went viral.


I found it on my own.


I'm happy for you. You're such a trendsetter.


I took a chance on Caden Lane when I found it. I wanted a set of cookie pajamas. Pajamas with cookies on them.




Yeah, so that when I was giving milk, it would be like, milk and cookies.




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I literally saw it being walked up to the doorstep.


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Thank you, la.


You're welcome.


Our next story is some throwback news because Misha Barton has admitted that she and the OC co star Ben Mackenzie secretly dated during season one of the OC. And I know you're watching the OC right now.


I've actually stopped because we came here.


And then the tv in your room.


Has a roku, in your guest room has a roku. And the only app that doesn't work is Max. It's fine.


Oh, yeah. Ever since the rebrand, I don't want to watch.


I don't want to watch. Ben is really enjoying it because it's his first time watching it. For me, it's a show that actually is not good the second time around, mostly because of Misha. Her character is so annoying and pissing me off. Having said that, I think her journey with fame is actually really interesting. Has she written a book?




She should.


She should. So the last I heard from Misha was when she was on the hills and I loved her so much and I found her to be so smart and wise and level headed. She wasn't on the next season and it was like I needed more of her.


She should do like a full tour and she probably should have saved going on this podcast for. Because she should have done a big memoir and then done all this press. I think it could be like, what.


Is she doing press for?


Nothing. Just telling her story. Yeah. So I feel like she should really write a book because she obviously, for anyone who was alive during that time and was witnessing the Misha Barton extravagantza. Like, it was crazy. It was unprecedented. It was the biggest show of all time. There was obviously a lot going on behind the scenes. Then she had a really complicated relationship with fame. She actually spoke a lot about how on the hills, about how at the time where she was getting so famous, like, the biggest media outlet was Perez Hilton, and he literally bullied her into suicidal thoughts, and he was just awful to her. So there's just, like, a lot a part of her journey. And she talks about it in this podcast, too. And I think a book would probably be huge for her. Yeah, enormous.


She's also incredibly smart. I think it would be really insightful.


Yeah. So I don't know why she hasn't done a book.


I don't know. I think she's just getting her bearings. Just trying to live a happy, peaceful life.




So now knowing that Ryan and Marissa dated in real life, well, it's important.


To keep in mind. She says that they dated secretly. She lost her virginity to him.


She was 17. He was 25.


What I was going to say, that's, like, gross.


But is it gross on also, like, the casting?


That's, like, a good point.


They were having to kiss for work.


It's actually, like, facts.


They wouldn't know each other. It's not like he sought her out as a 17 year old. They were already being romantic.


That's actually such a good point. How is that not, like, against the law? It really should be to have a minor.


If it wouldn't be a legal relationship, it shouldn't be one just ethically. But also forcing majors and minors to kiss.


Majors and minors to kiss. It's like a really good.




Like, where's the accountability on the casting?


Like, and I don't know if Ben Mackenzie went on to date younger girls. That's not something that I think is.


True about Ben Mackenzie went on to impregnate another co star in Gotham. I think she's actually older than him. And they got married and settled down. I think they're still together.


Yeah. So this isn't Mackenzie, like, trend, gross thing that he did, like, the girl that he was paired up with.


No, it's by other people to make out with.


Yeah. That he fell in love with. And by the way, it's Misha.


She's so stunning. Another thing that she spoke about on the podcast that I thought was interesting. She. Spoiler alert. If you've never seen the show. So just hang on. Okay. She is killed off the show, and they talk on the podcast about the decision behind that. Was that your decision? She kind of alluded to the fact that there was a lot of tension between her team and the show. She was really hot, not physically, industry. And there were all these opportunities that she could not do. Stan Lee was writing, like, a comic book series for her. She could not do any of it because she was tied down to the show, and that is how it works. But there was a lot of tension between her team, and I think that she was very isolated from the cast, and she wasn't, like, friends with people. And so when it came time, the show needed a shakeup, it was very clear that it was going to be her. So she wasn't kicked off the show, but she was let go because of the circ*mstances in which she found herself. It wasn't like this. She had to go.


I always thought she wanted to go.


She made it seem like she didn't, but I don't think she was unhappy that they let her go.


I don't know if that's a narrative that was out there. I felt like, and clearly this isn't true, but the way that I saw it was like she didn't want to do the show anymore. But maybe if she had all those opportunities, maybe that's not untrue. Like, yes, she wanted to go do other things.


I think they probably both.




I think they wanted to be rid of her. I think she was difficult to work with her team, and I think she was probably happy to be let go from the show that gave her the fame. She was huge, a list. And then she had all these opportunities waiting for her.


And then what happened?


I think she had. And this is why we need a like, because what happened to Misha Barton after the OC? Nothing. I think she, like, had a. The way that I perceive it is like she had some sort of breakdown, the fame, like, it was too much. She was. I don't know. I don't know.


I guess that would be in this episode or the book, but is it in the episode?


I don't know. I didn't watch it. Sorry.


So maybe I will now. I want to hear more.


Me, too. She needs a. I was.


But I was in the middle. Not to be a traitor. I was in the middle of good.


Guys, are we going to come up with a name for Amisha's book? Misha's memoirs?


Mishwar's. No, memoirs of Amisha.


Memoirs of, like, actually is pretty good, but something like Misha memoir? Something maybe like OC.


Yeah, like, something iconic from the OC that she said.


What did she say? A whole lot of annoying ass sh*t. She was always just, like, running headfirst into danger, like, recklessly.




And drunk. Drunk, yeah.


Well, are you ready for our fifth and final story?




Switching gears to something that is plaguing the nation right now, which is that nationwide cell phone outages are preventing most calls, some even emergency calls. So it started with at T, but.


A lot of networks now are down.


Verizon and T Mobile are also suffering service issues.


I have not been affected. Have you?


I have not been affected yet.


Like, I only know about the story because I read about it, not because I experienced. Yeah, and, like, this is weird.




It's just like.


What do you think it's giving? Like, nefarious actors do?


I think it's giving bad faith actors? No, I think it's giving incompetence. And I just think when you're at the helm of multi billion dollar companies such as Verizon and at T, and your service is so integral to day to day life, like, do better.


Yeah, but how?


I don't know.


Why would more than one. If just one party is being dumb, then it's giving. Why is it affecting the others? It's giving, like, hacker.


Yeah. The thing is, what I've learned just by being, like, a conscious adult is like, my data is not private. Every tech device service that I use is constantly failing me, and I think this is just emblematic of that.


You think they're in it for your data? This one, this outage?


No, but I think maybe there was a hacker who stole my data, even though I haven't really been affected. So maybe I wasn't a part of the hack. Maybe they didn't steal. Maybe my information is not interesting to them, even though I'm incredibly interesting. I don't want to tempt them or anything, but if you're going to steal someone's information, let it be mine. I'm so fascinating.


You think that yours is worth stealing?


I mean, who's stealing it? If it's somebody who's really into gossip, then, yeah, there's a lot in my phone that you're going to be interested in. If you're looking for, like, nudes, I'm not your girl.


Or if you're looking for government secrets, also not your. Not your girl.


But if you're looking for interesting things to talk about with your friends, like my phone.


Are you looking for tea?


Yeah, my phone is chock full of tea. So I guess it just depends who's doing the hacking.


Yeah. What their intentions are and the fact.


That they didn't choose me. Like, they're obviously looking for government secrets and I don't have that.


It's given government secrets. You hate to see it.




They need, like, a password journal.


Literally, those password journals. Well, not even people. Sorry. Margot O'she had growing up were so insane. And Margot was so crazy, you Guys, about her password journal. I didn't have one. Like, it was just Margot.


Right, right. But I think a password journal is a nice thing. Yeah.


For a six year old. It's like, what are you hiding? She wasn't six. What was she? 1012.


So the password about hiding. But I think having at that age. Something for yourself as long as, like.


No, it had, like, a secret compartment in it, too. It was really crazy. Like, I feel like kids were hiding crack in. Like, I really do. I would love to know now. And I actually don't even think she would tell us. That's how personal it was. Like, what the hell Margot was.


I think it was her thoughts and feelings.


So it was one of those voice activated ones where you could only open it. The journal would not open unless it was Margot's voice saying the password. So I forget what her. I don't even know what her password was, but it was probably, like, know and sneaches. And then it would open, and we would always try to crack into it. Maybe that's why she needed it, because we were so goddamn annoying. But we were only annoying because she was so crazy about it.




And then in the back of the journal, there was this other secret compartment, I think, that had a key where you could put physical things in, like crack.


We'll ask her what was in the physical things. Maybe now she would tell us the contents of the journal.


No, I don't think she would.


But it was so protected. We never got in there. CIA.


The CIA couldn't have gotten in there. That's how crazy she was. And she would hide it in different parts of the house.


Yeah, she needs to join the.


But, like, that was like a crazy moment in time.


Yeah, sweet, sneaky. But you're also something about turdy. She's anti journaling.


I'm actually not.


You're not? You were at one point.


Okay, well, I think journaling is circ*mstantial. First of all, I'm not anti journaling, actually, at all. I just feel like a lot of people use journals to mask mental illnesses and rage issues, and I think they use it as, like, a weapon against, like, well, I'm not a bad person. I.


Journal weapon against self improvement. Yeah, right. No.


And it's like, I actually think there could be more conducive ways for certain people. I think journaling is circ*mstantial. I think there could be more productive ways for certain people to improve themselves that have nothing to do with journaling. And I think a lot of people use journaling as a band aid. That's what I'll say.




But not everyone, and actually, a close friend of mine who recently went through a lot was journaling and telling me about how it really helped them and then actually asked me to read the journal to strengthen our bond about what they were. And it was actually beautiful.


I didn't know that.


Yeah, I'll tell you about it later.


And I'm sure you were so excited to read someone's journal.


Well, so what happened was, let me tell you, we were on a trip together, and I went to their room to have a drink before we went, and their journal was out. I was like, oh, I didn't know you, journal. And they were like, yeah. Because they had recently went through something, and they were like, I have found it to be immensely helpful. I'm like, that's so great. And I really wasn't being judgmental because, actually, this is the type of person who I think would be really, circ*mstantially could be helped by journaling. And they were like, actually, I think you should read it. And I'm like, really? Like me. I'm dying. I'm trying not to say anything to ruin it and change our minds. I'm like, okay, sure. And just, like, a certain portion. And I actually thought it was beautiful.


And it brought you together.


Well, I felt very honored. Like, I would not let. If I actually had a journal where I put, like, my true, deep, dark thoughts about everyone, I wouldn't even let God read that.


Never. I couldn't even put it down. It's too personal for even the journal to.


Agreed. No, no. Making my crazy ass thoughts tangible is never going to happen.




Like, I would be lying to my journal.


But speaking of. And it's actually a perfect segue to your final recap, but when Jess gave Jimmy the letter to her future husband.


Yeah. I feel like he shouldn't have opened it.


Yeah. And that's when he should have been like, I'm not before I do. Well, he could even have said, like, I don't feel comfortable opening this until I've made my decision to read that. And also, at that point, he knew he had a daughter. He knew Megan was in the other room. He knew it wasn't going to be her to read that it wasn't for you.


Agreed now? Yeah. Agreed. Okay. So you can go.


Love you. Bye, miss you guys. Don't have too much fun without me. Brunello. Stay or go?


Should I stay or should I go? Bye, Brunello. Love you. Don't go far, Jax, because we.


I'm gonna go try on your jeans.


Oh, yeah. They're in the Abercrombie shopping bag, and they're not hard to find. Okay. So the three remaining episodes were so, good bye, Jax. So good. And I really want to start out talking about Johnny and Amy, who I feel like have been like a sleeper couple. They're, like, so uninteresting. But this particular episode was f*cking weird because it's, um. Hi, Johnny. Have you ever heard of a. And, like, I hate that he's making this whole big thing about her not being on birth control. It's a choice. I've never been on birth control. And he kept saying, it's not on the woman. But him making such a big deal about it's like, well, you're kind of making it seem like it's Amy's fault and that's why you don't want to have sex with her. Also, I understand being safe and not having sex until you figure out birth control. And there are these things called condoms. And I don't know why he's refusing to talk about it and who's going to get a vasectomy before he puts on a condom. But I feel like he's so afraid of having kids. Okay, you're technically engaged to this person.


Is it the worst thing in the world if you guys have a kid? He seems so afraid of it that I'm like, what is going on here? There's one thing to be safe. It's another to be petrified. And that's what I feel. So I actually thought their meeting of the families when his sisters came over was actually really cute, and I enjoyed that. And I can't get a read on whether she likes him or not. He definitely likes her. But this was the first episode where I'm like, I feel like maybe they won't get married. This is the first episode where I'm like, I feel like none of these people are going to get married because in the preview, it's clear that only three weddings are happening. Chelsea. Now, Zach Weinrib thinks that because in the preview, they only showed the bride that Chelsea actually ends up having a wedding with Trevor, which actually didn't think was a terrible idea. Wait, who's the other? Johnny and Amy. We see her in a wedding dress.




Ad and clay. So there's five couples remaining as of these last three episodes. Actually only four because Ken and Brittany broke up. And then I don't think Jeremy and Lauren have a wedding. So that's three weddings. And I actually feel like none of them are going to get married, which I don't think has ever happened, but would be interesting. Now let's talk about Kenneth and Brittany breaking up. That, to me, was shocking. But he did get home from the honeymoon, like, start acting weird. Like, the hell is he doing on his phone? A lot, like, he's a middle school principal. And that whole conversation about him waking her up at one in the morning, like, you wake me up, you're dead. And he was just kind of, like, gaslighting her into being like, well, you didn't want to be intimate with me when I woke you up at one in the morning when you had to wake up 3 hours later. So I feel like you don't want to be intimate with me now. He actually was onto something because she did admit she's struggling. There's no real craving for her to be intimate with him, and she feels like that's a problem.


And I feel like it was actually a really healthy breakup. I feel like he actually was done with her, and then she, I think, was giving more of herself to the relationship than he was. He kind of, like, gave up when they got back from the trip. He was just, like, not into it anymore. And going out late at night and being on your phone a lot, it was giving, like, shady behavior. And I think it's probably best that they put it to bed. But I did feel at one point like they were the strongest couple. So now I'm like, I don't know. I don't really have faith in any of these couples. So we're down to four. The big moment was Queen Laura doing queen like things. Her conversation with Jeremy was so gorgeous. I feel like she is a person I would never want to get into a fight with. She seems like she's really good with words, and she's, like, low key, manipulative. But in this situation, it was a good way because she let Jeremy just, like, dig his f*cking grave about his location, where he was, what time, not knowing that she actually was watching his location the entire time.


It was perfect.


It was gorgeous. I loved it. And she annihilated him. And Sarah Ann is a bad faith actor. And, you know, like she was onto something. I thought she was being a little dramatic in the beginning episodes about the DM, him just liking it and putting it to bed, acknowledging it. Could he have handled it a little bit better? Yes, but I didn't think he did anything wrong. But you know what? A woman's intuition. Because she was onto something. Because he knew that Sarah Ann was going to be at the bar and he should have went home. But he didn't. What did he do? He hung out in the parking lot with her and then went somewhere till five. Like he knew when he was going to that bar that there was like, going to be. Oh, my God. What are you doing?


Jackie said that I could help. You do love his blind recap. Oh, my God.


This is the second time I've been accosted. Oh, my God.


Be on this show anymore.


So don't. So don't. The way that you scream, oh, my God. You scared the sh*t out of me.


Where were we? Where were you?


I was talking about the conversation between Laura and Jarami. How she really handled it. Like a queen. She let him lie, lie, lie, and then said, boom. Actually, I watched your location the whole time.


Look, anybody that spells Jeremy with an a is a huge red flag.




Jeramy. What are you, nuts?


Agreed. He's a cheater.


Cheater, pumpkin eater. And I'm sorry, that's just no bueno. Especially you can't spend more than two days being monogamous.


It's so true.


Such a red flag. And this Laura Ann, she's, by the.


Way, I spoke to her this morning. She's a toaster.


She's amazing.


Laura Ann, her conversation skills were actually, like, killer.


This Laura Anne, I really want 80. That was going to say she's a homewrecker, but if she's a.


No. Sorry. You're thinking of Sarah Ann and Laura.


Sorry. Okay.


Laura, the fiance, is the toaster I haven't spoken to.






So what I was going to say is Sarah Ann's a homewrecker. Cora is a toaster, by the way. That totally makes sense. She was giving toaster energy.


Yeah, we thought. We were looking her up. We were wondering. We were like. She kind of feels jewish. That feeling. We were thinking jewish. No, we were wrong.




Toaster. Closer, closer, closer. Now, the other thing I wanted to ask you about. Did you hear Weinerb's theory?




So in the previews we see three weddings.


Can you sit.


In the previews, we see three weddings, and one of them, we see Chelsea as a bride, but we don't see who the groom is. And he thinks that it could be Trevor, not Jimmy.


By the way, that's not, like, a good call. That's obvious. Every trailer they've been showing us is her and Trevor talking and her screaming at Jimmy that he f*cked Jess. So that's not, like, a groundbreaking call.


Oh, okay. You're just jealous because he made a good call like you did.


No, it's just not groundbreaking. I totally agree. Chelsea and Jimmy are a mismatch. Jimmy's been gaslighting us non stop. Of course, we're supposed to think now that Jimmy loves her, but everything that they're showing us is. Oh, they're showing us.


No, let's talk about the preview, because let's talk about how you and I were both really confused in these last three episodes. Because for the first time ever, actually, it kind of felt like Jimmy really was into Chelsea for sure. They've been f*cking a lot, for sure. He's, like, seems to be happy, and it feels incongruous with everything we've seen thus far.


Yeah. Here's the issue. Here's the main issue. The main issue is that I totally lost my train of thought with Bruno.


No, Bruno's pissing me off. Okay.


Can you sit?


Yeah. Like, he won't sit. Okay.


Okay, that's decent. Do you already talk about Jimmy, like, bringing two girls?


No. Oh, my God. Thank you for bringing that.


Jimmy's friends are two girls that he met within the last two years.


So the red flags were, like, the people that he wanted to introduce his fiance to were both know people can be friends, but it's weird. And she was like, how long have you known them? And he said, two years. So it's like, are those your only friends? Are those possibly the only friends that wanted to be on tv? Which could have been the case, so we have to give him a little bit of grace. But if those are, like, your only. Only friends. No, it's a red flag.


You're right. Those were probably the two that were most eager to go on the show.


Yeah, it's possible. You have to keep that in mind. But it was weird.


Yeah, it was a little weird, right?




I don't know. There's just, like, a lot of weirdness. I keep going back and forth where I think that Jimmy is doing absolutely everything that he can to convince Chelsea that she is loved and she just won't take it. She was so annoying in these couples. Jimmy was so right that she was clingy.


Couldn't have been clingier when she was being insecure in Mexico, I actually thought he was giving her reasons to be insecure. She was coming off annoying, but her questions were valid. Like, he was saying one thing, but then doing another in these episodes. Actually felt like he was more invested in the relationship than ever. And she's still asking these questions, and she was starting to piss me off.


He spent the whole day with her friends, but he didn't spend enough time with her that day.


No, and it's.


It was the same day.


She kept telling her friends. And then she said to him, like, you haven't kissed me today. You haven't kissed me today. He's like, oh, my God. I'm so sorry. And then he's like, wait, yes, I have. Three times.


No, but even if he hadn't, you spent the whole day with his friends. What do you want?


Yeah, no, and he's also. These people are back at work now. A lot of them have, like, remote jobs.


Wait, also haven't kissed me today. Didn't they say that they had sex?




What the hell?


No. They're really confusing me.


No, just because a weird work schedule. The man has a nine to five. It's very clear.


I was off.


He worked. He left in the morning. He came back at night. They were there at night. They kissed at night. He met the friend somehow in the middle of the day. They had sex in the middle of the day. By the way, his employer really can't.


No. The timeline is, like, confusing. I never know what we're watching. You know, what day are these different days? Because they go from couple to couple.


It seemed like that was the same.


Day ad and clay. Ad met his mom, and they had this really weird fight in front of his mom and sister.


The mom is his age.


The sister was asking very pointed questions. Kind of felt like they were attacking her line of work because he's more busy than she is, and it's like he has his own business. She works different hours, and she's actually not back at work yet because she obviously took time off for the show. And I don't know, I felt like they were just kind of degrading her. Not degrading, like, demeaning, belittling her work compared to him. And why are they having that fight in front of his mom and sister?


Yeah. I don't know. Because it's a tv show. Yeah, but I think that was the first time that she told us that she was a bottle girl.


Yeah, I knew she was a cheerleader.


I knew that she was a cheerleader. But then we now found out what she does.


No, because it said her job, I think is realtor.


Yeah, she's a realtor.


On the side.


On the side.


And I think she hopes to do.


Real estate full time and vip bottle service at night. And it's just interesting that she would be so I remembered thinking, why is she so upset that he didn't sleep home two out of the seven nights when he was just sleeping closer to his job and they only met like a week before.


But it's not unreasonable for her to want her fiance to sleep at home. And that's what I didn't. His mom was just taking his side. But she's not wrong. We're engaged. Yes, they only just met, but they are engaged and your fiancee sleeps at home. Sorry.


Yeah, but what if his job is far away? You're allowed to travel for work.


Too bad, too bad, too bad.


I like ad. This is just weird.


I want to do a prediction of who do you think gets married? At this current point, we have four couples remaining. Who knows what's going on with Laura and Janrami? I don't think they have a wedding. But of the think, who do you think will get married? Because I'm going to say, and I said this earlier, I think it's none which has never happened.


I think that freakadique. What's his name?


Which one?


No, freakadique.


Johnny. Johnny and blonde Amy.


Johnny and Amy, I think, get married.


And that's it.


And that's it. And they're really on thin ice because Amy's been giving outs the entire time that her family just like it's so judgmental and she's already given that out. It's not my fault. Oh, my dad won't let me. I can't. Right, but they're the only ones that really stand a chance. But we could see others get married, right? Like Trevor and Chelsea. They're both hunt in for love, right? So they could maybe get married.


I don't think Jess and Jimmy will. I think Jess is like obsessed with the idea of Jimmy. She finally saw a picture of him.


She knows him personally.


She saw a picture of him. He's like a normal looking person. So she's like, you know, like she thinks there's still a chance. I think she's gonna meet him and be wholly disappointed. I don't think they're a match.


I think that they could be a Match. I think that Jimmy's actually a really nice guy.




Who really does deserve love and he's being dragged on this show.


They're not a match.


By an insecure woman.


They're not a match.


Well, I don't know if they're a match because I haven't seen them talk.


Right, but. So new episodes. We have to wait a whole week.


It's such a good show.


And by that time Jackie will be fully caught up. So you will be out of a job and I feel like you can't come on and recap love is blind without some big drama happening.


No, I mean, that was unbelievable. Your screams. People don't even know like the blood.


Curdling they know, the toasters know. Like, I'm very easily scared, but especially with podcasting. You cannot come up.


I cannot open the door slowly.


You should have knocked.


I cannot open the door slowly.


No, you can't.


Last night Claudia asked, can you help me upstairs in the bedroom? Not 1 minute later did I come up into the bedroom all of a sudden.


Oh really?


I scared you. You asked me to come there.


I don't even remember that you asked.


Me to come into the. And I scared you.


I'm going to wrap up so just sit down. Do not move your microphone because the table will fall over. No, the table will fall over.


You want me to leave?




Thank you guys so much for listening to the toast. On Monday morning show. We deliver the fastest stars evening to every Monday through Friday and YouTube. Please feel free to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. We're also available as podcasts. Wiggly town to be our hope. You guys have an amazing day and we'll see you tomorrow. Love you, bye. Peace.

Transcript of Love Is Blind Sandwich: ... | Happy Scribe (2024)


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