Vuelta a España 2024 : former winner in World Tour (2024)

Can you name the riders who have already win in World Tour races ?

By DjayKico2


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' +'

' +'

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' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


Tour Down Under
UAE Tour
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad
Strade Bianche
Milan-San Remo
Volta a Catalunya
E3 Saxo Bank Classic
Dwars door Vlaanderen
Ronde van Vlaanderen
Vuelta Ciclista al País Vasco
Amstel Gold Race
Flèche Wallonne
Tour de Romandie
Giro d’Italia
Critérium du Dauphiné
Tour de Suisse
Clásica San Sebastián
Tour of Poland
Vuelta a España
Bretagne Classic
Renewi Tour
Grand Prix cycliste de Québec
Grand Prix cycliste de Montréal
Tour of Guangxi
World Championship Road Race
Olympic Games Road Race
Olympic Games Time Trial
Vuelta a España 2024 : former winner in World Tour (2024)


Vuelta a España 2024 : former winner in World Tour? ›

Primoz Roglic proved he has fully recovered from his Tour de France

Tour de France
The Tour de France (French pronunciation: [tuʁ də fʁɑ̃s]; English: Tour of France) is an annual men's multiple-stage bicycle race held primarily in France. It is the oldest of the three Grand Tours (the Tour, the Giro d'Italia, and the Vuelta a España) and is generally considered the most prestigious. › wiki › Tour_de_France
-ending crash with Stage 4 victory in the Vuelta a España 2024 on Tuesday. Primoz Roglic proved he has fully recovered from his Tour de France-ending crash with Stage 4 victory in the Vuelta a España 2024 on Tuesday.

Has an American ever won the Vuelta a España? ›

American Chris Horner, became the oldest Grand Tour winner at the age of 41, when he won the Vuelta in 2013.

Who won la vuelta 2024? ›

Wout van Aert held off Kaden Groves to claim Vuelta a España 2024 Stage 3 victory on Monday in another bunch sprint finish. The Belgian charged to victory at the end of the 191.2-kilometer run from Lousa to Castelo Branco in Portugal, having the power to stay ahead of Australian Stage 2 winner Groves.

Who is going to la vuelta in 2024? ›

Preliminary startlist
  • Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale Team (WT) -PARET-PEINTRE Valentin* ...
  • Alpecin - Deceuninck (WT) -PLANCKAERT Edward. ...
  • Arkéa - B&B Hotels (WT) -GESBERT Élie. ...
  • Astana Qazaqstan Team (WT) -FORTUNATO Lorenzo. ...
  • Bahrain - Victorious (WT) ...
  • Red Bull - BORA - hansgrohe (WT) ...
  • Cofidis (WT) ...
  • EF Education - EasyPost (WT)

Who won the most vueltas? ›

Roberto Heras

Has anyone won the Giro Tour and Vuelta in the same year? ›

No-one has ever won all three in the same year - historically, it was impossible as the Giro and La Vuelta were in the same part of the calendar. La Vuelta is now later in the year so there's a chance to do it - but should he?

What is the prize money for the Vuelta a España? ›

General classification

The most significant single chunk of prize money on offer will go to the overall winner, who'll take home €150,000.

Where can I watch the Vuelta España 2024? ›

The Vuelta a España is live on TV on Eurosport and Discovery+.

Has Roglic won the Vuelta? ›

Roglic, a three-time winner of the Vuelta, only went in front about five meters (yards) from the line to edge Lennert van Eetvelt, who appeared to raise his right arm in a premature victory gesture.

Who is leading the Vuelta España? ›

Vuelta a España Standings 2024
1W. van AertTeam Visma-Lease a Bike5:25:27
2B. McNultyUAE Team Emirates+3
3M. VacekLidl Trek+5
4S. KüngGroupama - FDJ+9
26 more rows

Has anyone won three Grand Tours in one year? ›

No cyclist has won all three Grand Tours in the same calendar year, but Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault and Chris Froome have won all three in succession (thus holding all titles at the same time); the only other cyclists to win all three Grand Tours at some point in their career are Jacques Anquetil, Felice Gimondi, ...

What is Vuelta in English? ›

The term “la vuelta” comes from the verb “voltar”, which means “to turn”, or “to go around”. So this means “a turn” or a “single revolution around”. This is also similar to the Portuguese “volta”, which also means “turn.”

What does la vuelta mean in English cycling? ›

Noun. The final lap of a race or a loop. Example usage: Let's give it our all on the final lap - la-vuelta! Most used in: Cycling circles in Europe.

Has an American ever won the Vuelta? ›

Kuss, 29, of Durango, Colorado, is the first American to win one of cycling's top races since Chris Horner earned the Vuelta victory in 2013. MADRID — A decade later, the United States has a Grand Tour winner again.

Who has the most stage wins in a single Vuelta España? ›

If we are talking about stage wins, only one rider is the king. In the 1940's Spaniard Delio Rodríguez won 33 stages and in edition 1941, 12 out of 22 stages were his. Alessandro Petacchi comes closest with 20 stages. The 1984 Vuelta saw the smallest GC gap ever recorded in a Grand Tour.

How many times did Contador win the Vuelta? ›

With his second official Giro title, along with two official Tour de France titles and three Vuelta a España overall wins, Contador joined Bernard Hinault as the only cyclists to have achieved multiple victories at each of the Grand Tours.

Has an American ever won the Giro d Italia? ›

The rider wearing this jersey after the last stage—at the end of well over 2,000 miles in 20-plus days of racing—has the fastest cumulative time and wins the race. The only American to win the Giro d'Italia is Andy Hampsten, who won the race in 1988 while riding for the U.S.-based 7-Eleven Hoonved team.

How old was Chris Horner when he won the Vuelta? ›

Chris Horner won the 2013 Vuelta at the age of 41 on 15 September 2013, becoming the oldest ever Grand Tour winner. Horner beat his nearest challenger, Italian Vincenzo Nibali, by finishing ahead of him in each of the final three mountainous stages before the final stage into Madrid.

Has any team won all three Grand Tours in one year? ›

No cyclist has won all three Grand Tours in the same calendar year, but Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault and Chris Froome have won all three in succession (thus holding all titles at the same time); the only other cyclists to win all three Grand Tours at some point in their career are Jacques Anquetil, Felice Gimondi, ...

Did Eddy Merckx win the Vuelta? ›

Nicknamed 'The Cannibal', Merckx is the most successful rider of all time with overall victory in five editions of the Giro d'Italia (1968, 1970, 1972, 1973 and 1974), five Tours de France and one Vuelta a España.


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.